Showing posts with label fruit allergies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fruit allergies. Show all posts

Healthtips on allergy/allergic rhinitis/seasonal allergy symptoms

allergy symptoms, prevention
Allergy rhinitis is an inflammation in the nasal passages with watery nasal discharge and itching in the nose and eyes.  Generally 60 % of all the patients have symptoms of allergic rhinitis even before the age of 30. Many won’t take the symptoms very seriously until the onset. This is common equally in male and female population. The main reason is exposure to dust, seasonal pollens, increased pollution from vehicles, harmful gases from factories, dust from cotton mills and genetic. There are more chances of passing this disorder from parents or grandparents to the children. Generally allergic rhinitis patients will also have cough, sneezing, wheezing, and cold, running nose, head ache and the airways will become narrow causing difficulty in breathing. This generally disturbs the patients in the early morning.

Some other allergy types are sinus allergy, milk allergy , pet allergy, wheat allergy.  Actually i suffered for almost 15 years with sinus. Even surgery gives short term relief.  From my experience, homeopathy gives better relief for allergy.
Avoid foods like

Tomato, vinegar and pickles

Cold aerated drinks, ice creams and anything cold

Mango, watermelon, lemon grapes etc

Oily, starchy foods and chocolates.