Showing posts with label good summer health tips. Show all posts
Showing posts with label good summer health tips. Show all posts

summer health tips/Daily Health Tips |

Weather is turning hot and sultry, it is good to increase your intake of fluids and take precautions if you are spending long hour’s outdoors. Carry water bottle wherever you go. Instead of taking energy drinks, take nimbu paani, coconut water or fresh juices. That is good for health.Don”t wait till you feel thirsty. Keep sipping water in between. Body gives some signs if it is dehydrated. If your urine is yellow or if you feel very tired or if the heart rate is increasing, immediately stop going out in summer and take rest and take a well balanced diet.

Daily Health Tips 
Avoid extreme hot or cold drinks and avoid red meat.
Wear a light cotton dress. Allow your skin to breathe.
Use a sunscreen lotion when you go out to avoid sunburn.
Ask children to take plenty of water, buttermilk, sherbet, nimbu paani when they are playing out for a long time.
Allow children to go to the swimming classes.
Encourage children to play inside during peak summer.
Eat smart, small, light meals with plenty of water, soups and juices.