Cardio and diet


To blast calories you need to break a sweat. Zero size cannot be achieved without sweating out the excess flab. And cardio exercises help you to boost the stamina, make you energetic and strong to take up an even rigorous fitness regime. Jogging on the treadmill, cross-trainer, jogging, swimming and skipping are the best forms of cardio exercises. Treadmill gives a good exercise for the whole body and cross-trainers helps to reduce hips and thighs. You may even go for the jogging option at a gym; there are kinds of cycles, for thighs and the other for thighs and stomach.

Gradually cut down on red meat, fries, butter, cheese, ghee and junk food of every kind. Take a nice dose of water depending on your body requirement.  Coconut water and fresh  juices can also be taken post meals. Food intake should be half of your normal diet and even then if you feel hungry take fruits. You can take small portions of all kinds of food you generally eat, but avoid fries, butter and cheese. 

Home remedies for Glowing skin

Who doesn't want a clear complexion? Skin issues are nightmares for people of all ages. Everybody loves flawless skin.

But with the cosmetic industry growing , with it producing numerous beauty products, it is natural to get confused on what is the best. Some products might not suit your skin type. The best solution is to play safe , go for  home cures.

All it needs is a couple of minutes from your busy schedule to keep your skin healthy, glowing.

Here are a few tips to aid your skin health 
- It is clichéd, the most popular, common advice that you get from people. Yet, drinking plenty of water is  the best way to keep skin healthy and glowing.
- Squeeze half a lemon, add warm water and honey. Drink this on an empty stomach. This also purifies the blood.
- In you have oily skin, apply multani mitti mixed with rose water. This not only cleanses the skin but also absorbs excess oil and keeps your skin tidy.
- To remove scars on your skin apply a pack of tomato pulp, haldi, curd, besan. This acts as a natural scrub.
- Rub lemon peel with honey on the skin for natural bleach, wash off after few minutes.
- Grind dry orange peel with water and apply this on the face for a glowing skin.
- Mix corn flour and curd and apply every day. This helps to keep the skin neat.
- If you are going out in the sun, make sure you use an umbrella to shield yourself from the harmful effects of the sun rays.
- If you have a dry skin, massage with almond oil or vitamin e oil to keep your skin nourished.

Importance of nuts in your diet

Researchers have proved that nuts are good for your heart. Taking 3 walnuts everyday can reduce the cardiovascular risk. Research says that almonds have antioxidants leading to decreases in circulating oxidized LDL which helps to keep the arteries clear of plaque.
When you are having a meal that is high in saturated fats, taking a handful of walnuts can reduce the harmful effects. Research has shown that having walnuts every day can reduce the risk of heart illness and can help in lowering bad cholesterol (LDL) and the C - reactive protein.
Walnuts are rich in antioxidants, omega-3 fats and alpha linoleic acid.
 Nuts and seeds also help to reduce weight
Animal studies have proved that walnuts protect against breast cancer and prostate cancer.
Walnuts contain less saturated fat. However, all nuts are high in calories, so, eat them in moderation.
Look for the fresh nut
- Shelled walnuts ought to be brittle. Avoid the rubbery ones. Go in for the ones with a darker skin.
Add it to your everyday diet
- Start the day in a healthy way . Take  chopped walnuts in your breakfast cereal.
- Avoid meat  and , sprinkle a handful of fresh walnuts in your salad.
- Avoid taking sausages, eggs and processed meat. Get your protein from roasted walnuts!

How to lose weight at home

Losing weight is hard work,  what is going on at home can help or delay weight loss. So pick up the cues!
Stock your refrigerator with low cal food
Do not stock  crunchy chocolates or frozen fries in your fridge. Stock  your refrigerator with healthy, low calorie food . In the event you require to lose weight, it is vital to have fruits, low calorie food options in sight.

Downsize your wardrobe
Open your wardrobe , in the event you see stocks of dresses that comfort your excess paunch , get rid of them.

Exercise in your home

Always keep your exercise equipment in a place where it always crosses your line of sight. "With exercise equipment around, you will be more active, thus enabling you to spend some time on it," . So do not store it  inside your cupboard .

Do your household work
A recent study proved that housework ,pet walks help you burn far more calories than any gym process. Hence, take your pooch out for walks , mop your floor time some time. The process will effectively help you burn calories.

Kick TV out of the bedroom
The more time you spend watching tv, the more you lose focus of your fitness goals. Television viewing is a cause for obesity in babies. So, get that fool box out of your room. It is feasible for you to to catch up on sleep & hence feel more active the next morning; perhaps, active to hit the treadmill.


1. Pay attention to what you eat. Cut all sweets and fats from your diet. Take more vegetables. Increase your exercise slowly. Choose any type of exercise like walking, skipping, jogging.
2. Do exercise with a friend who is also interested in losing weight. Exchange ideas.
3. Start working out with weights. Weights exercise burn more calories and increase metabolism.
4. Take less carbohydrate.
5. Set a goal for losing weight and work accordingly.
6. Cut soda and softdrinks.They are empty calories.
7. Take grilled or boiled vegetables and avoid fried items.
8. Avoid junk foods.
9. Take breakfast early and avoid dinner after 8P.M.
10 .Once in a while if you feel like having your favourite food take a small quantity.

11. Use a small plate.
12. Drink lot of water.
13. If you feel full stop eating. Many times we eat just because it is in the plate.
14. Take five to six meals a day. So you won’t feel hungry.
15. Plan your workout.
16. Avoid fad diets.
17. If you missed your work out on any day do exercise in between your work like climbing the stairs.
18. Take fresh fruits and fruit juices.
19. If you feel hungry in between meals take salads instead of samosas.
20. Follow these rules.

Top 5 weight loss food

Weight loss can be achieved with diet and exercise; there are some foods that will help us in losing weight. Here we are going to see the top 5 effective weight loss foods.
Lean proteins help in building muscle. High-fat proteins are bad for your health, weight, size. It is also widely known that highly processed meats are linked to sure health risks, diseases. Make it a habit of eating wholesome, lean proteins like fish, chicken breast, turkey breast, flank steak or vegetables.
A vegetable
 that is high in fibre is low in calories. They also may contain high amounts of water that can be rich in minerals. The natural fibre can help you feel full, helping you to keep away from over eating. It can also act as a natural cleanser of your digestive tract, clearing waste, debris that can add pounds, make you feel sluggish. Look for vegetables like cabbage, celery, lettuce.

Spices are metabolism boosters, we can use spices in our diet for a healthy weight loss. Try to avoid food from outside. Homemade dishes are healthy, low in calories, high in nutrition. Shallow fried dishes are good for health, simple, delicious when we use plenty of fresh vegetables, lean proteins, spices like ginger, garlic, cayenne pepper. This combination will even help you burn body fat.
 is an important part of your weight loss diet. Water helps to clean your body’s blood, lymph, even liver, kidneys. You can start your day with two glasses of water and make sure you drink 8 glasses of water during the day. Many people don’t drink water while in the office Water fills the stomach and lessons the appetite... Lime juice is natural body cleanser. Try to take lime juice at least once in a day. 

Green tea is a dieter’s choice for those looking to lose stomach fat. Research has consistently shown for years that those who added green tea to their everyday weight loss diet lost more stomach fat than those who didn’t. This may be why green tea is also related to healthy heart, reducing the risk of heart issues. Healthy lifestyle creates a healthy body and healthy mind. The foods you eat can help your body work more effectively so it can drop the pounds.  So select a weight loss plan wisely and don’t forget to see your doctor in case you take medications or if you have any other health issues before starting a weight loss regime.

Nutritional value of banana

Many of us think banana as a non-diet friendly fruit. But bananas are low in the glycaemic index, excellent for digestion, initiate fat burning and have insoluble resistance starch. We can take bananas in our breakfast or as a pre- gym fruit. Bananas are a storehouse of goodness.

One medium banana has 1.29 grams of protein, 3.1 grams of dietary fibre, and 105 calories.Banana also contains
Potassium - 422 mg
Phosphorus - 26 mg
Magnesium - 32 mg
Calcium - 6 mg
Sodium - 1 mg
Iron - 0.31 mg
Selenium 1.2 mcg
Manganese - 0.319 mg
Copper - 0.092 mg
Zinc - 0.18 mg
Also contains small amounts of other minerals.

Bananas are rich in carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals, fibre and are a good source of energy. It has high potassium levels which help to lower blood pressure. Studies have proved that bananas help to reduce depression due to its content Tryptophan. Its fibre content helps to reduce constipation. Iron helps those with anaemia.

Anyone who works out in the gym can take banana before working out because the natural sugar in the banana gives instant energy. For a complete breakfast try taking a banana with cornflakes or oats, almonds, milk and egg. So it is a great way to kick-start your day and keep you going.

How to lose weight?/How to lose weight without dieting

How to lose weight? This is the question in everyone’s mind. Weight loss is not easy. Some try dieting and some go to the gym and do high-intensity workouts. If you are healthy try high intensity workout after consulting your doctor, Generally most cardio workouts can be brought to high-intensity levels - walking,biking, jogging,running, swimming, dancing and kickboxing, among others, can all work, and remember that because we are all different, what is high intensity for you might not be the same for someone else. If the workout is making you sweat and making it hard for you to have much of a conversation beyond a few words, it is the high-intensity workout.

  You don’t have to have special equipment to have a high-intensity workout. If you want to pick up a fun dance or aerobic DVD, you can  do that also. When walking, don’t just stroll – pick up the pace and get those arms pumping, or take it up to a jog. Keep up the high level of intensity for 30 minutes. If you can’t do 30 minutes then start with 15 minutes workout   and work up to that 30-minute goal. Do the best you can and do it daily.

Health tips on vitamins help boost memory|vitamins and mineral supplements

Vitamins and minerals are essential for our normal healthy living. Most of our requirements of Vitamins can be met from our daily balanced diet. In the absence of a balanced diet, we may need to supplement vitamins thru supplements. Clinical studies have shown that 1 in 3 of the population tends to have a vitamin deficiency.

While most vitamin requirements are met by our balanced diet, Vitamin D needs to be an area of focus. Intake of Vitamin can only be had thru direct exposure to sunlight. The absence of Vitamin D can lead to the weakening of the density of our bones. It’s important that we get as much sunshine on to our body as possible.

With growing awareness of the importance and the knowledge of vitamins, the usage of vitamin supplement has grown. Most of us tend to buy these as OTCs (Over the Counter).The Vitamin Supplement industry is not fully accredited and there is a large range of supplements that are not accredited by the Drug approval authorities. It is important that we take the advice of a Medical practitioner (Doctor) before we start on a course of vitamin supplements.
Use of Vitamins supplements helps across age group and gender. Supplements are used by students and professional to enhance their memory and performance in academics and professional life. Expecting mothers during their pregnancy use Folic acid supplements to avoid birth defects and have a safe and comfortable childbirth.

While the use of supplements helps in bringing a healthy life, the importance of a balanced and nourishing diet with an active life is the key to living life to it fullest. A balanced diet and active life enable us to have a healthy life and sharp brain power…

Lead life to the full!!!!!!!

Health tips on Stretching exercises to grow taller/Grow taller/grow taller tips

Grow taller with these simple exercises

The children lead a busy life in the school. Boys do not get enough time to get out and exercise. They need simple exercises that will help them to develop better."

Here are some exercises:

Hopping on one leg: This is one of the simplest of physical exercises that can be done - while watching TV at home while playing in the park! Only a step left foot eight times with his hands raised toward heaven and then jump in the same way on the right foot.

Advantages: This activity is vigorous and is a great development for the brain. It strengthens the legs and helps in the production of growth hormones.

Cat Stretch:  Place the palms and the toes on the floor and become a form of a mountain. Then, slowly slide down the chest towards the ground and enter into a coil like Bhujangasana. The spine is curved, this position, the head is low, the high shoulders and elbows, the hip bone to the floor. Then simply turn the position and slip away. Now, push yourself off the mountain and come again.

Benefits: This exercise helps to stretch your spine, shoulder, palms, chest, back.

Hang on:  Hang from a rod and stretch your body completely.

Keep your toes pointed to the ground. Hold your stomach and back tight and chin should be up.

Benefits: This exercise helps to increase the height and also helps in strengthening your hands arms and shoulders and leads to a strong stomach.

Health tips | health and fitness tips

Health  and Fitness are now one of the biggest concerns across the globe. This  site offers free Health tips and Natural Home Remedies. Every one of us wants an easy life. In those days, people used to do a lot of physical work as there were no transport, machines 
etc. Now we get everything readymade. All works are simplified; the effect is people are not as healthy as our forefathers.

Even we see obesity in children. Food products are full of chemicals. So how do we ensure a good and healthy living? Here are your health tips to live a healthy life. Here in this blog we update daily health tips ,fitness tips, easy to do Yoga techniques, Health and nutritious food, diet, body and skincare , weightless tips, beauty tips , stress management, Guide to lose body fat, women health, Tips for good health, Cookery Tips ,meditation, pranayama, Surya namaskar,and thyroid.
Physical Activity and Health
 Regular physical exercise is the most important thing in today’s world. Regular exercise supports physical and mental well-being. Everyone should at least walk for 30 minutes. This will help to:
Control your weight
Reduce the risk of diabetes and heart ailments, blood pressure and cholesterol levels.
Healthy and nutritious food
 A nutritious balanced diet is a key to good health. It must contain carbohydrate, protein, fat, vitamins, mineral salts and fiber in correct proportions. Follow  these health tips to become a healthy citizen.

Natural Home Remedies for Wrinkles

As we age most of us experience wrinkles and blemishes on our face. There are some home remedies which you can try sitting at home easily.
Take a few drops of coconut oil and few drops of vitamin E oil, mix it and apply before going to bed.
Pineapple has powerful enzymes that can moisturize the skin and kill dead cells. Take a piece of pineapple and mash it and apply it on your face and wait for 30 minutes and wash it.
Acidic fruit juices help to fade away the wrinkles. Apply lemon juice or tomato juice and wash after 30 minutes.
Beat an egg white and apply under the eyelid wait for 30 minutes and wash.
Pumpkin seeds have vitamin E and help to restore the healthy skin cells. Grind handful of pumpkin seeds and apply it on your face.
Turmeric has great medicinal properties. It has the powerful antioxidants which are also a wrinkle reducer.
Take a spoon of turmeric powder, mix with little curd or honey and apply as a paste on your face. Let it dry, wash and apply moisturizer.
Also, try papaya and avocado with honey. You will see the difference immediately.

Home Remedies For Hair Loss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hair is the main part of our body.  Hair plays an important role in the appearance of men and woman. Diet and lifestyle are two important factors that influence the health of hair. Poor diet, illness and deficiencies of vitamins and minerals, proteins in particular, affects the quality of hair .Hair is a reflection of individual’s internal health. In most cases, hair loss or changes in hair texture may reflect some underlying conditions as hypothyroidism, anaemia, diabetes, and nutritional deficiencies. The hair loss, grey hair, dandruff are common problems.

 Just simple home care will help you to get back your beautiful hair. Using natural products have no side effects. So try these at home.
Take a hot oil massage at least once a week and wash with shikakai or mild shampoo or amla.

Wash your hair with apple cider vinegar mixed with water for shiny hair.
Be careful if you have dandruff. Dandruff is the biggest problem with hair loss.
Drink plenty of water to eliminate toxins in your body.
Eat plenty of vegetables and fruits for healthy hair.
Make a paste of greek hay seed and water. Apply on the scalp and leave for half an hour before washing off. 
Apply fresh coriander juice into the scalp, to reduce hair loss.
Juice of fresh Amaranth leaves should be applied to the hair. It will help hair growth and gives good texture.
Do not comb when hair is wet as this can cause hair loss.
Do not take bath in very hot water because they spoil the hair roots.
After consulting with your doctor take vitamins and folic acid supplements. This will help hair growth.
If you have oily hair ,wash your hair regularly with a mild shampoo.
Do not apply shampoo directly on the hair, always mix with water and apply.
Never apply conditioner to the roots, which will worsen hair loss.
Avoid excessive tea, coffee, alcohol.

Benefits of mustard seeds

 People are using mustard seeds since almost 5,000 years. They're low in calories and high in biological process price and have a lot of medicinal and antiseptic qualities.

- Mustard oil is great for the skin as a result of it generates heat.

- Mustard seeds square measure made during a nutrient known as antioxidant, notable for its high anti-inflammatory effects.  The high supply of metallic element helps reducing the severity of asthma attack and certain symptoms of rheumatism and lowering blood pressure.

- Suffer from headaches? Mustard seeds provide relief from the number of migraine attacks you get.

- Mustard seeds are rich in calcium, manganese, omega 3 fatty acids, iron, zinc, super molecule and dietary fiber.
- For those who suffer from a bad appetite, combine some mustard seeds with milk and have it 20 minutes before your meal.

- Mustard seeds are good for digestion as it increase the metabolism rate of your body.

Take note...don't always sleep late!!!!!!!

Good rest and sound sleep is very important... if u don't sleep well,
The toxins in your body will accumulate... Affecting your health and your mood...

The main causes of liver damage are:
1. Sleeping too late and waking up too late are the main cause..
2. Not urinating in the morning.
3. Too much eating.
4. Skipping breakfast.
5. Consuming too much medication.
6. Consuming too much preservatives, additives, food coloring, and artificial sweetener. 

7. Consuming unhealthy cooking oil. As much as possible reduce cooking oil use when frying, which includes even the best
Cooking oils like olive oil. Do not consume fried foods when you are tired, except if the body is very fit.
8. Consuming overly done foods also add to the burden of liver. Veggies should be eaten raw or cooked 3-5 parts. Fried
Veggies should be finished in one sitting, do not store.

We have to adopt a good daily lifestyle and eating habits. Maintaining good eating habits is very important for our body to absorb and get rid of unnecessary chemicals.


Evening 9 - 11pm:
is the time for eliminating unnecessary/ toxic chemicals (de- toxification) from the antibody system (lymph nodes). This time duration should be spent by relaxing or listening to music. If during this time a housewife is still in a un relaxed state such as washing the dishes or monitoring children doing their homework, this will have a negative impact on her health.

Night at 11pm - 1am:
The de-toxification process in the liver, and ideally should be done in a deep sleep state.
Early morning 1 - 3am
: de-toxification process in the gall, also ideally done in a deep sleep state.

Early morning 3 - 5am:
de-toxification in the lungs. Therefore there will sometimes be a severe cough for cough sufferers during this time. Since the de-toxification process had reached the respiratory tract, there is no need to take cough medicine so as not to interfere with toxin removal process.

Morning 5 - 7am:
de-toxification in the colon, you should empty your bowel.

Morning 7 - 9am:
Absorption of nutrients in the small intestine, you should be having breakfast at this time. Breakfast should be earlier, before 6:30am, for those who are sick. Breakfast before 7:30am is very beneficial to those wanting to stay fit. Those who always skip breakfast, they should change their habits, and it is still better to eat breakfast late until 9 -10am rather than no meal at all. Sleeping so late and waking up too late will disrupt the process of removing unnecessary chemicals.
Midnight to 4am
is the time when the bone marrow produces blood.

Therefore, have a good sleep and don't sleep late.

Sharing Is Caring!

Dark circles

Dark circles under the eyes are an extremely common and distressing issue. Did you know that:
 Dark circles are the second most common dermatological complaint? (Acne is #1).
Causes: Though many believe they can be hereditary, there's no conclusive evidence as such. Lack of sleep, mental stress,allergy,  lifestyle habits, nasal congestion , Rubbing or scratching your eyes ,bad diet can contribute to dark circles. Whatever be the reason, it's best to work on the problem before it aggravates.
Here are a few tips to deal with dark circles: 
- Massage Vitamin E or almond oil around the eyes without touching the eyes (massage must strictly be external). This improves blood circulation.
- As a quick fix during parties, use a makeup concealer to hide the dark circle. But remember this is only a temporary solution.
- Get a lot of sleep. Sleeplessness is a culprit for most health problems. Have a set routine and have regular sleep timing. Make sure you get at least 8 hours of sleep.
  • - Drink lots of water. For anything related to health, water is still the best beverage.
    - Grate raw potato, squeeze the juice and apply the juice under your eyes for 10 minutes. Alternatively, you can also place thin slices of potato on your eyes (with them closed) every night before you retire. This is one of the most popular and time-tested home remedies for dark circles.
    - Include a lot of green leafy veggies in your diet. Also include food rich in Vitamin A and E.
    - Indulge in some kind of exercise like walking, jogging. Yoga, especially pranayama is known to improve skin health.
    - Take two thin slices of cucumber and place them on your eyes. This removes the puffiness and cools the eyes
    - Dip cotton in rose water and place them on your eyes.
    - Reduce salt intake in your food. Excess salt encourages fluid retention and leads to puffy eyes.
    - The area under your eyes has very sensitive skin, so never use chemical bleach.
    - You can also place used tea bag (cold) on your eyes which helps lessen the darkness
    - Avoid exposing your skin to harsh rays of the sun. Especially for the eyes, wear sunglasses whenever you step out in the sun 

Smoking ups heart disease risk in women

Women who smoke have a 25 per cent higher risk of developing heart disease than men smokers, scientists have warned.
Toxins in cigarette smoke appear to affect women more badly, and the risk takes into account that women tend to get through fewer cigarettes than men.
The findings by Dr Rachel Huxley, of theUniversity of Minnesota, and Dr Mark Woodward,Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore from a massive meta-analysis of 86 international studies involving 2.4million people add to evidence that women's health is worse affected by smoking, reports the Daily Mail.
Women smokers have double the risk of lung cancer compared with their male counterparts, and often suffer more aggressive forms of the disease.
The latest review looked at 75 sets of data, which included 67,000 coronary heart disease events such as heart attacks.
The risk ratio of smoking compared with not smoking for coronary heart disease was found to be 25 per cent higher in women than men.
This increased by 2 per cent for each additional year of follow-up, meaning that the longer a woman smokes, the higher her risk of developing heart disease becomes compared with a man who has smoked the same length of time.
The study has been published on Online First by the Lancet medical journal.

Easy ways to cure acidity

We've all suffered from it at some point or the other. We share tips to cure acidity ... 

Acidity occurs when there is excess secretion of acids in the gastric glands of the stomach. When the secretion is more than usual, we feel, what is commonly known as heartburn, which is normally triggered off by consumption of spicy foods.

Here are some home remedies to cure acidity...

- Skip the aerated drinks as well as the caffeine. Opt for herbal tea instead.
- Have a glass of lukewarm water everyday.
- Include banana, watermelon and cucumber in your daily diet. Watermelon juice is great for curing acidity. 

- Nariyal paani is known to soothe the system if you suffer from acidity.
- Drink a glass of milk - everyday.
- Have your last meal at least two to three hours before you hit the sack.
- Keeping long intervals between meals is another cause for acidity. Have small but regular meals.
- Try to avoid pickles, spicy chutneys, vinegar, etc.
- Boil some mint leaves in water and have a glass of this after meals.
- Sucking on a piece of clove is another effective remedy.
- Jaggery, lemon, banana, almonds and yogurt are all known to give you instant relief from acidity.
- Excessive smoking and drinking will increase acidity, so cut down.
- Try chewing gum. The saliva generated helps move food through the esophagus, easing symptoms of heartburn.
- Ginger aids in digestion. Either buy powdered ginger in capsule forms or add the herb to your recipes.
- A simple preparation of lemon water with sugar can be sipped on an hour before lunch to reduce uneasiness.
- Have vegetables like drumsticks, beans, pumpkin, cabbage, carrot and spring onions. 

Wheezy toddlers likelier to develop asthma

A University of Melbourne led study has revealed that wheezy toddlers who have a sensitivity to house dust mites are more at risk of developing asthma by the age of 12. 

Children aged one - two years with a family history of allergy, who had a positive skin prick test to house dust mites, had a higher risk of developing asthma later in life.

Results showed 75 per cent of these children had asthma at aged 12 compared to 36 per cent of children without a positive skin prick test.

Lead author Dr Caroline Lodge from the University of Melbourne's School of Population Health said the identification of house dust mites as a predictor for asthma in high risk children, is a significant step forward in identifying high risk groups on whom we can trial interventions.

"Our findings provide researchers with a more targeted group of at risk children, for investigating strategies to prevent asthma later in life," she said.

"House dust mite sensitivity amongst wheezy toddlers could be used as a clinical tool to assist parents in understanding the risk of asthma in their children.

"Although currently there is no known intervention to stop asthma developing, identifying children at higher risk may lead to more tailored treatments of wheeze in this high risk group," Dr Lodge added. ANI

Anxiety can weaken bones

Beware- anxiety now comes with a new risk: it weakens your bones! 

Researchers from Deakin in Australia and Norwegian universities analysed data of over 8,000 men and women from central Norway and found a link between depressive symptoms and reduction in bone mineral density.

Participants underwent forearm bone mineral density scans, reports the Journal of Affective Disorders. 

Deakin researcher Lana Williams said, "It was found that depressive symptoms and anxiety symptoms in men were associated with lower bone mineral density."

"There are several known risk factors for low bone mineral density, such as advance age, gender (women are at greater risk than men), familial predisposition, low levels of sex hormones, inadequate calcium intake and vitamin D deficiency," Williams said.

"It is possible that poor mental health could be another one of these risk factors."

Recently, the possible association between psychiatric illness - particularly depression - and osteoporosis has been the subject of a growing body of research.IANS

You are not soaking up enough sun

You'd think the sunlight you get is enough to prevent a Vitamin D deficiency. But experts say that it's not 

Living in the sunny city isn't enough for your daily quota of Vitamin D, a vitamin most easily attained by the body through the absorption of sunlight. Dr Shonali Sabherwal, a certified macrobiotic food consultant explains why a large number of people are now Vitamin D deficient. It's not just about the sun.

Adequate fill 
Normally speaking, Vitamin D aids a large number of critical functions in the body without which systems begin to fail. It helps absorb calcium in the body and maintains phosphorus levels which are critical for bone development. It also helps with weight loss and reduces muscle fatigue and skin disorders. It improves your immunity and is also known to reduce the incidence of cancer and heart diseases. According to studies, adequate quantities of the vitamin also help combat depression and type II diabetes. In spite of your sun tan, you might still be deficient for the vitamin owing to the following reasons: 

Junk yard woes 
The kidneys play an essential role in converting Vitamin D into a usable substance for the body. Most people in cities suffer from what might be known as 'adrenal fatigue'. Lifestyle ills such as drinking excessive tea/coffee, not sleeping enough, consuming processed foods and too much salt end up having a snowball effect on your system. The adrenal glands located above the kidney regulates your stress response and immunity, which are affected adversely by these excesses. Better immunity, in turn, ensures better absorption of Vitamin D. Help your adrenals by resting adequately, cutting back on sugar and processed foods and eating more vegetables, grains legumes, etc.

Gut instinct 
In order to adequately absorb Vitamin D, the body needs to break down fat which doesn't happen if the digestive system is ailing. When someone suffers from diarrhea or colitis, there is no absorption of the vitamin as the food consumed passes through and is digested in the intestines instead of the stomach. In such cases, liver pumps in reserve Vitamin D that it stores in its system and if the liver is weak as well, the body is denied these stores. People advised to consume oil-based laxatives also suffer from low Vitamin D absorption.

Magnesium connect 
We need Vitamin D for efficient calcium utilization. Magnesium plays a huge role in the effective utilization of calcium and Vitamin D. It is responsible for stimulation of 'calcitonin' a hormone which increases calcium in our bones. Good sources of magnesium are soybeans, mung, black beans (kaala rajma), whole grains particularly buckwheat (kuttu), all millets (ragi, jovar, nachni, bajra), nuts and seeds especially sesame seeds etc and all green and leafy vegetales.

Most chocoholics have a magnesium deficient diet and crave magnesium and, therefore, crave chocolate. Chocolates also contain theobromine, a caffeine-like substance high on oxalic acid (chemical substance that leads to kidney stones and binds with calcium, preventing absorption). If used habitually, it inhibits overall mineralization in the body. If you must have chocolate, look for a good dark variety.

Grainy business 
Phytic acid, found in grains and legumes, binds with calcium and Vitamin D making it unusable. Soaking them in water for a while before cooking will neutralize the phytic acid content. 

Home remedies for diabetes

There is an alarming rise in the prevalence of diabetes in India. Thanks to our eating habits and sedentary lifestyle, even gestational diabetes is not uncommon. 

The sad fact is that it could affect the baby too. According to recent statistics, India has more people with Type 2 diabetes than any other nation. Who likes to take medicines everyday? Insulin and dialysis is even worse experience. And mind you, as opposed to the misconception, eating sweets is not the only cause for this disease. Stress and genes too play a major role in this. Although one cannot do much about it if it's genetic, it definitely doesn't harm to prevent it.

No, you don't have to pop pills everyday. Just a few changes in your foot habits and you can cut the risks to a great extent. Here are some things that you can do at home to prevent diabetes or reduce it if you already are affected by it.

Nobody likes bitter things. But isn't it better to take a fruit or a vegetable instead of medicines? Having bitter gourd juice on an empty stomach has proved to prevent diabetes. If you are too stubborn or enjoy eating bitter gourd, then you could make stuffed karela (bitter bourd) or fry them like chips and have them as a snack. This will not just bring a change in your menu and give a respite to your taste buds, but also be beneficial to your health. 

Soak a few seeds (1/4 tsps) of methi in water overnight. First thing after you brush your teeth in the morning, gulp down the methi along with the water.

Jambul fruit is considered as an effective medicine for diabetes considering its effect on pancreas. The seeds too can be dried, powdered and had with water twice a day.

The guava is among those fruits that are available in most times of the year. With its vitamin C property and high fibre content, this is perhaps one fruit that diabetics can fearlessly have. However, a recent study has shown that having guava with its skin can heighten the blood sugar levels, so make sure you peel off the skin before consumption.

Gooseberry/amla juice too cuts the blood sugar levels.

If you can't do without sugar in your coffee or tea, try and substitute honey.

Studies have shown that black coffee without sugar cuts the risk of Type 2 diabetes

Among other benefits, green tea is also helpful in reducing the blood sugar and insulin levels in the body

Talk to the eldest member in your family and am sure they will come up with a number of home remedies to prevent diabetes. Besides, make regular walk and exercise part of your routine. Reshmi AR

Olive can do wonders to your diet!

Whether you prefer them green or black, olives are a healthy fruit to add to your meals. For the Greeks, they represent nobility and peace but more than that they know the wonders it does for your health. 

Olive oil helps keep cholesterol levels in check and controls the blood sugar. It is one of the easiest to digest as it is monounsaturated. Drizzle some on top of a vegetable salad or dip a slice of whole-grain bread in some and eat as a snack.

Olive oil can also be added to spicy dishes and acidic food items. Try adding them when making sauces and dressings. Make a mix of olive oil with onions, herbs (oregano, thyme etc) and garlic for pasta sauces. Use olive oil to marinate your meat dishes as this allows better penetration ofthe flavour into the food.
For sauteing or frying, it's best to use a combination of extra virgin and regular olive oil. Add flavour to olive oil by infusing the oil with sprigs of dried herbs. It's best stored in a dark cool spot and in a tightly covered container. Keeping olive oil in the refrigerator, can make it turn thick.

Table olives can eaten in the pickled form or stuffed with pimentos or even just plain. While they can be used in anything from baked dishes to martinis, they also make a healthy snack eaten on their own.

Exercises to treat lower back ache

We give you simple exercises to treat lower back ache 

Almost everyone suffers from lower back pain at some point or the other. It could be for a variety of reasons and is especially common among adults. It is often caused by overuse and muscle strain or injury.

Here are some simple tips that will help you overcome it better...

- Avoid positions or activities that increase or cause back pain, use an ice pack when needed and take a painkiller only if you really require it. Most lower back pain gets better when you remain active.

- When your pain is getting relatively lesser, you can opt for simple strengthening exercises for your stomach, back, and legs along with some stretching exercises. Exercise not only helps you recover quicker, it also prevents re-injury to your back. 

- Remember that you should get active gradually once you're recovering from pain and slowly increase your activity level. Very little activity will lead to loss of flexibility, strength, endurance levels and eventually pain again.

- Avoid sleeping on your stomach because when your stomach sags downward, it arches your back, increases the lumbar curve and gives you pain. Sleeping on your back will be as uncomfortable. Experts, therefore, suggest sleeping on the side with your legs bent at the knees. This minimises spinal stress by straightening the lumber curve. Try and place a pillow under your knee - this pulls your hips upwards, flattening the lumbar curve and reducing the tension in the area.

- Pay attention to how you sit and stand - bad posture is often the main culprit. Don't slouch when you sit and don't hunch when you stand. TNN

Teen girls prone to binge drinking

A new study, which examined gender-specific influences of binge drinking on spatial working memory (SWM), has found that female teens may be particularly vulnerable to the negative effects of the habit. 

Binge or "heavy episodic" drinking is prevalent during adolescence, raising concerns about alcohol's effects on crucial neuromaturational processes during this developmental period. Heavy alcohol use has been associated with decrements in cognitive functioning in both adult and adolescent populations, particularly on tasks of SWM.

"Even though adolescents might physically appear grown up, their brains are continuing to significantly develop and mature, particularly in frontal brain regions that are associated with higher-level thoughts, like planning and organization," said Susan F. Tapert, acting chief of psychology at the VA San Diego Healthcare System as well as professor of psychiatry at theUniversity of California, San Diego.

"Heavy alcohol use could interrupt normal brain cell growth during adolescence, particularly in these frontal brain regions, which could interfere with teens'' ability to perform in school and sports, and could have long-lasting effects, even months after the teen uses," added Tapert.

Tapert and her colleagues recruited 95 participants from San Diego-area public schools as part of ongoing longitudinal studies.

"Our study found that female teenage heavy drinkers had less brain activation in several brain regions than female non-drinking teens when doing the same spatial task," said Tapert.

"These differences in brain activity were linked to worse performance on other measures of attention and working memory ability. Male binge drinkers showed some but less abnormality as compared to male non-drinkers. This suggests that female teens may be particularly vulnerable to the negative effects of heavy alcohol use," added Tapert.

The study will be detailed in the October 2011 issue of Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research and are currently available at Early View.

Sleep deprivation leads to weight gain

Scientists have indicated that just one night of sleep deprivation can lead to weight gain. 

It slows down the body's metabolism the next morning - meaning less energy, in the form of calories, is burnt off.

Previous studies have linked sleep deprivation with an increase in hunger-related hormones during waking hours.

"Our findings show that one night of sleep deprivation acutely reduces energy expenditure in healthy men, which suggests sleep contributes to the acute regulation of daytime energy expenditure in humans," the Daily Mail quoted Christian Benedict, who led the research at Uppsala University in Sweden, as saying. 

He and his colleagues put 14 male students through a series of sleep 'conditions' - curtailed sleep, no sleep, and normal sleep - over several days, then measured changes in how much they ate, their blood sugar, hormone levels and metabolic rate.

Even a single night of missed sleep slowed metabolism the next morning, reducing energy expenditure for tasks such as breathing and digestion by between 5 and 20 per cent.

Sanford Auerbach, head of the Sleep Disorders Center at Boston Medical Centre, pointed out that sleep deprivation is a complex issue, with medication and other issues influencing sleep as well, and urged that the new findings be kept in context.

"They showed that we adapt to sleep deprivation and that some of these adaptations could theoretically contribute to obesity," he added, adding that it's not clear how chronic sleep loss influences hormone levels.ANI

Breakfast key to good health

Good breakfast is the key to a healthy lifestyle determining the quality of your whole day's nutrition, according to research. 

And the best way to start the morning is with a simple bowl of a healthy cereal, as it makes people less likely to turn to fatty, sugary food through the rest of the day, reports express .

The study, by nutritionist Sigrid Gibson revealed the healthiest breakfast choice is cereal with milk because it is a good source of calcium and numerous other key nutrients, such as fibre, protein and carbohydrate.

The research team analysed 12,068 food records from the National Diet and Nutrition Survey, which interviewed Britons aged from 19 to 64. 

The results showed that one in five adults ate no solid food for breakfast, one third chose cereal and 45 per cent enjoyed a non-cereal breakfast. The most popular item was tea or coffee, taken on 84 per cent of breakfast occasions.

Milk was consumed with 82 per cent of breakfasts, followed by cereal (39 per cent), bread (33 per cent) and fruit (14 per cent).

The healthiest breakfast choice is cereal with milk.

Women were less likely than men to choose bread, sausage, bacon or eggs and more likely to have fruit instead.

The study found that eating breakfast was associated with a lower fat and higher carbohydrate intake over 24 hours compared with skipping breakfast.

But this was mainly attributable to cereal-based breakfasts as non-cereal meals were associated with a higher intake of saturated fatty acid and lower protein intakes. IANS

Why you should do breathing exercises

Breathing exercises are among the most popular stress relievers. Not only do they work swiftly, they require very little practise and you can do them anywhere. 

Here's why you should opt for them...

- Stress is known to wreak havoc on you both physically and mentally. Breathing exercises are a great way to relieve stress as well as give you relief from hyperventillation, bad headaches, burnout, fatigue, help you sleep better, reduce anxiety and depression.

- You can go in for breathing exercises when you're overcome by stress and want to feel better, when you feel overwhelmed in a situation and don't know what to do, you want to clear your thoughts, your body wants a release, you feel irritated when things don't go your way or when you're in the middle of an argument and want to calm down.

- When practiced regularly, you will notice that you're able to handle stressful situations way better than what you used to.

Having bacon and sausages daily dramatically ups type 2 diabetes risk

Eating red meat, particularly processed meat such as hot dogs, sausages or bacon significantly increases your risk of developing type 2 diabetes, a new research has found.
The study also shows that replacing red meat with healthier proteins, such as low-fat dairy, nuts, or whole grains, can significantly lower the risk.
Study leader An Pan, research fellow in the HSPH Department of Nutrition, senior author Frank Hu, professor of nutrition and epidemiology at HSPH, and colleagues analysed questionnaire responses from 37,083 men followed for 20 years in the Health Professionals Follow-Up Study; 79,570 women followed for 28 years in the Nurses' Health Study I; and 87,504 women followed for 14 years in the Nurses' Health Study II.
They also conducted an updated meta-analysis, combining data from their new study with data from existing studies that included a total of 442,101 participants, 28,228 of whom developed type 2 diabetes during the study.

After adjusting for age, body mass index (BMI), and other lifestyle and dietary risk factors, the researchers found that a daily 100-gram serving of unprocessed red meat (about the size of a deck of cards) was associated with a 19 percent increased risk of type 2 diabetes.
They also found that one daily serving of half that quantity of processed meat-50 grams (for example, one hot dog or sausage or two slices of bacon)-was associated with a 51 percent increased risk.
"Clearly, the results from this study have huge public health implications given the rising type 2 diabetes epidemic and increasing consumption of red meats worldwide," said Hu.
The study will be published online in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. (ANI)