Exercise may help kick the butt

Researchers from the University of Western Ontario Canada have found that exercise can help people quit smoking. 

A combination of nicotine replacement therapy and exercise works best, according to Dr. Harry Prapavssis, director of the Exercise and Health Psychology Laboratory.

In a recent study, 70 percent of women had stopped smoking at the end of the 12-week program, but after one year, only 27 percent remained abstinent.

"Our physical fitness and weight data supported the abstinence data. This suggests that exercise needs to be maintained for individuals to continue to kick the habit," Prapavessis said.

"It is important to determine whether inexpensive home and community-based lifestyle exercise maintenance programs can maintain exercise, fitness and weight after cessation program termination, and hence prevent (reduce) smoking relapse," he added. 

Getting fit in midlife!

Exercising in your 40's, 50's and 60's is like saving for your retirement, experts say. Starting early is money in the bank, but even late bloomers can reap astonishing benefits.

"The game isn't over, even if you haven't been active," said Dr. Angela Smith , past president of theAmerican College of Sports Medicine .

"Aerobic fitness, bone health , agility, you may be able to catch up. It's remarkable to see the things people can actually do." Smith, a physician at Philadelphia Children's Hospital, said studies have shown that even octogenarians can double their strength with weight training. "There's good evidence that among people who have arthritis, the stronger have less pain, and that getting fit decreases the chance of having cancer," she said.

But if you're a former high school athlete who became sedentary as your temples grayed, don't expect your history to save you. "Some of the benefits you built up aren't going to maintain themselves if you become a couch potato," Smith said. "That wonderful bone strength you built in your 20's will melt away a lot faster if you don't stay active." Smith said logic dictates that 40-, 50- and 60-year olds need to pay attention to all components of fitness.

"Make certain to do flexibility, strength and aerobic training, even if you have to decrease the amount of impact. A jumping sport may be difficult. But many of the non-sport activities, swimming, weight training, yoga, people can do just fine in 40's, 50's, 60's."

Andrea Metcalf, a fitness expert and personal trainer for over 20 years, recommends bite-sized portions for the late beginners. "People who have never exercised don't have a good sense of body awareness or body movement, so we need to focus on simple patterns, on strengthening those stabilizing muscles," said Metcalf, whose forthcoming DVD, Keeping Fit: Strength, Cardio, Pilates, targets the midlife exerciser.

"We know that 10-minute segments will have a cardiovascular effect. So if you do a couple, in the next week you can bring that up," she said. Metcalf agrees it's never too late to start. "You'll feel the benefits within the first two weeks of doing any new program. In six weeks you'll see body changes. If you touch your arm it's going to feel stronger."

Dr. Wojtek Chodzko-Zajko, of the University of Illinois and the leader of the Active Aging Blueprint, a umbrella group which develops strategies to help people 50 and older increase physical activity. He thinks people should revisit their routines just as they do their retirement investments. "The 25-year-old kid that goes for a run without a warm-up will need to adjust that middle age, when he's more prone to injuries," Chodzko-Zajko said.

"The choice of most 40-year olds is not going to be same as most 60-year olds." He said studies in nursing homes have shown that strength-training residents increase their mobility. Some even get out of wheelchairs. "Even modest improvement is associated with huge differences in the quality of life." Chodzko-Zajko urges people to find the activity that makes sense to them. "Even walking the dog or spending time outside. Adopt active choices. Be active in your own way."

Metcalf says people who live to be 100 all have a fitness component. "Exercise is the fountain of youth. If you want to live to 100 you have to exercise ," she explained. So what's the best workout? "The one you'll do," she said. "All the rest is just marketing." 

Tai Chi improves arthritis pain

Participants who were recruited in the largest study of the Arthritis Foundation's Tai Chiprogramme, have shown improvement in pain , fatigue, stiffness and sense of well-being. 

Their ability to reach while maintaining balance also improved, said Leigh Callahan, the study's lead author, associate professor in the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Medicine and a member of UNC's Thurston Arthritis Research Center. 

"Our study shows that there are significant benefits of the Tai Chi course for individuals with all types of arthritis, including fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis," Callahan said. 

"We found this in both rural and urban settings across a southeastern state and a northeastern state." 

In the study, 354 participants were recruited from 20 sites in North Carolina and New Jersey . They were randomly assigned to two groups. The intervention group received the 8-week, twice-weekly Tai Chi course immediately while the other group was a delayed control group. All participants received baseline and 8-week follow-up evaluations, after which the control group also received the Tai Chi course. 

To be eligible for study, participants had to have any type of self-reported, doctor-diagnosed arthritis, be 18 years old or older and able to move independently without assistance. However, they did not have to be able to perform Tai Chi standing. They were eligible for the study if they could perform Tai Chi seated, Callahan said. 

Self-reports of pain, fatigue and stiffness and physical function performance measures were collected at baseline and at the eight-week evaluation. Participants were asked questions about their ability to perform activities of daily living, their overall general health and psychosocial measures such as their perceived helplessness and self-efficacy. 

At the end of eight weeks the individuals who had received the intervention showed moderate improvements in pain, fatigue and stiffness. They also had an increased sense of well being, as measured by the psychosocial variables, and they had improved reach or balance, Callahan said. 

The results have been presented at the annual scientific meeting of the American College of Rheumatology in Atlanta . 

Fruits, veggies cut obesity risk in teens

Boston University School of Medicine (BUSM) researchers have found that Dietary Approach to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet reduces obesity risk in adolescent girls. 

DASH diet emphasizes increased intake of low-fat dairy products, fish, chicken, and lean meats, and nuts, fruits, whole grains, vegetables, and legumes. They found girls who followed the DASH diet pattern had a lower incidence of excess weight gain as measured by body mass index (BMI) over the 10-year period of their adolescence. 

The researchers, led by Jonathan Berz, an assistant professor of medicine at BUSM, used data from the National Growth and Health Study to examine the effects of adherence to a DASH-style eating plan and its components on the change in (BMI) in a racially diverse sample of adolescent girls. 

The study enrolled 2,379 girls aged nine and 10 years in three cities starting in 1987 to 1988 who were followed for the next 10 years. "We created a modified DASH food-group score and focused on the seven DASH-related food groups," said Berz. 

"We found that study participants with the highest intake of DASH-like food groups had the smallest gains in BMI over time and the lowest BMIs at the end of follow-up, and those with the lowest DASH food pattern score (representing lowest adherence) had a mean BMI that was greater than the threshold for overweight as defined by the 85th percentile by age," he said. 
These findings were reported in the Archives of Pediatrics  Adolescent Medicine.

Backache - Symptoms, Causes, Treatments

A sedentary lifestyle, bad posture, stress and overdependence on technology could leave you with a constant backache. But experts say sometimes the problem can be easily sorted out with the right diagnosis and a little care.

Experts point out that the problem of lower back pain is fairly common. About 80 per cent experience pain at some point in life.

"The major culprits of back pain, especially in young adults, is stressful and long working hours stretching up to 12 hours and more, lack of properphysical activity, bad habits such as reading while lying down, slouching in front of the TV, etc, coupled with weight issues," B.K. Dhaon, head of the department of orthopaedics at Sharda Hospital, said.

What comes as a surprise is that fitness-conscious youngsters, who are regulars at gyms, also suffer from it. In such cases, bad sitting posture is often to be blamed, says Amit Kumar Mishra, an orthopaedic surgeon.

"Abnormal sitting posture is the main culprit in youngsters who are otherwise fit and fine. These people have everything, including a healthy diet and nutrition, but the back is overstressed due to a non-compliant posture for long durations," he added.

Some example of bad posture are slouching or bending forward while working on the computer or reading in a lying position.

But there are some medical reasons too for constant backaches.

"Acute back strain, sprain due to injury, lifting of heavy weights. In old age, osteoporosis and fracture due to lack of calcium in the body can also lead to backache," said Dhaon.

"Back pain also occurs during and after pregnancy. This is because of two reasons: there is extra weight and hence extra pressure on the lower back and due to the hormonal changes during this time, the ligaments of the lower spine get relaxed and become more prone to pain," he added.

Under normal circumstances, Rajesh Verma, consultant orthopaedic at Artemis Health Institute, says one can keep the problem away by taking care of his or her sitting postures.

"Sit with your back straight and your shoulders back. Your buttocks should touch the back of your chair. Bend your knees at a right angle. Do not sit with your knees crossed. Keep your knees even with or slightly higher than your hips," he said.

"Keep your feet flat on the floor. Try to avoid sitting in the same position for more than 30 minutes. At work, adjust your chair height and work station so you can sit up close to your work. Rest your elbows and arms on your chair or desk, keeping your shoulders relaxed," he added.

A healthy diet and better lifestyle can help as well.

"It is important to get up and become active if one has a sedentary lifestyle. Also, maintaining a healthy weight is required. Paying attention to how much calories you take and burn and making a habit of choosing healthier foods coupled with regular exercise help in maintaining a healthy back," said Dhaon.

Experts also suggest it is important not to ignore back pain and identify the exact reason behind it at the right time.

"Back pain should not be taken lightly when the following red flag signs are present - night pain, radiating pain down to the legs, numbness, sensory deficit or weakness," said Mishra.

"The problem of sciatica which is caused by the irritation of the sciatic nerve is very common and is often misdiagnosed. Hence getting to the root of your backache is a prerequisite for speedy recovery," he added.

Dhaon also suggests if the back pain persists for a week or more, it is time to consult a doctor who can help you in identifying whether your backache is due to an irritated nerve, muscle injury, a slip disc, some other underlying disease or bad posture.

Yoga and meditation on a daily basis also help to relieve the problem. Asanas like shawasana and naukaasana too can help, says Verma.

Reports suggest that psycho-social factors such as stress, anxiety, depression and mental stress also cause back pain.

Omega-3 reduces anxiety in healthy youths

A new study has found that consumption of more omega-3 fatty acids, a main compound present in fish oil, reduces both inflammation and anxiety in healthy young people.

The findings by a team of researchers at Ohio State University suggest that if young participants can get such improvements from specific dietary supplements, then the elderly and people at high risk for certain diseases might benefit even more.

Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, such as eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), have long been considered as positive additives to the diet.

Earlier research suggested that the compounds might play a role in reducing the level of cytokines in the body, compounds that promote inflammation, and perhaps even reduce depression.

Psychological stress has repeatedly been shown to increase cytokine production so the researchers wondered if increasing omega-3 might mitigate that process, reducing inflammation.

To test their theory, they turned to a familiar group of research subjects medical students.

Half the students received omega-3 supplements while the other half was given placebo pills.

We hypothesized that giving some students omega-3 supplements would decrease their production of pro-inflammatory cytokines, compared to other students who only received a placebo, said Janice Kiecolt-Glaser, professor of psychology and psychiatry.

Martha Belury, professor of human nutrition and co-author in the study explained, The supplement was probably about four or five times the amount of fish oil you'd get from a daily serving of salmon, for example.

Psychological test clearly showed an important change in anxiety among the students.

Those receiving the omega-3 showed a 20 per cent reduction in anxiety compared to the placebo group.

We took measurements of the cytokines in the blood serum, as well as measured the productivity of cells that produced two important cytokines, interleukin-6 (IL-6) and tumour necrosis factor alpha(TNFa), stated Ron Glaser, professor of molecular virology, immunology and medical genetics.

We saw a 14 per cent reduction in the amounts of IL-6 among the students receiving the omega-3.

Since the cytokines foster inflammation, anything we can do to reduce cytokines is a big plus in dealing with the overall health of people at risk for many diseases, he concluded.

The study was recently published in the journal Brain, Behavior and Immunity.

Carrots, broccoli combat cancer

An international team, led by an Indian-origin scientist, has suggested that vitamin A found in foods such as carrots and broccoli could help combat pancreatic cancer, which has the lowest survival rate of all cancers. 

Once diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, most patients do not survive more than 1 year.

Dr Hemant Kocher of Barts Cancer Institute inLondon and The London NHS Trust, who led the four-year joint project with Cambridge University and the Hub-recht Institute in Holland, found that raising levels of Vitamin A in healthy cells around the cancerous ones can inhibit cancer growth.

The findings should lead to better survival rates and different treatment methods for pancreatic cancer that annually kills almost 7,500 patients in the UK. The Daily Express quoted Kocher as saying.

The research was based on a theory originally proposed in 1889.

Clinical trials will now take place at Barts, Kocher added.

Salt as addictive as cigarettes, heroin

We all know that fish and chips wouldn't be the same without salt. However, scientists have now claimed that the yearning for salt stimulates the brain like addiction to hard drugs or cigarettes. 
They found that the craving triggers the same genes, brain cells and brain connections.
The finding could help explain why many find it so hard to cut back on salt, despite warnings about dangers to blood pressure and heart health.
For the study, Australian and American scientists kept some mice on low-salt diets and gave others a salt drip.
Activity in the creatures' brains was then compared with that in mice fed normally. They also studied the brains of mice that had been starved of salt for three days and then given salty water to drink freely.

When the rodents were in need of salt, brain cells made proteins more usually linked to addiction to substances such as heroin, cocaine and nicotine.
In this study we have demonstrated that one classic instinct, the hunger for salt, is providing neural organisation that subserves addiction to opiates and cocaine, the Daily Mail quoted Prof Derek Denton, of the University of Melbourne, as saying.
The study also revealed that after salt was taken, the brain believes it has received its fix well before it should be physically possible.
In other words, the changes caused by salt cravings disappeared well before the salt could have left the gut, entered the blood and got to the brain.
It was amazing to see that the genes that were set off' by the loss of sodium were already beginning to get back to the original state within ten minutes, said Prof Denton.
It is an evolutionary mechanism of high survival value because when an animal is depleted of water or salt it can drink what it needs in five to ten minutes and get out which makes it less susceptible to predators,' he added.
The researchers said that the importance of salt to overall health means that cravings for it form an ancient instinct' deeply embedded in the brain. This may explain why we find salty foods so tasty.
The study appears in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

An egg a day keeps our heart fit

Eggs may be even better for us than previously thought with twice as many antioxidant properties as an apple, a new research has found.
While eggs are well known to be an excellent source of proteins, lipids, vitamins and minerals, researchers at the University of Alberta recently discovered they also contain antioxidant properties, which helps in the prevention of cardiovascular disease and cancer.
Jianping Wu, Andreas Schieber and graduate students Chamila Nimalaratne and Daise Lopes-Lutz of the U of A Department of Agricultural Food and Nutritional Science examined egg yolks produced by hens fed typical diets of either primarily wheat or corn.
They found the yolks contained two amino acids, tryptophan and tyrosine, which have high antioxidant properties.

After analyzing the properties, the researchers determined that two egg yolks in their raw state have almost twice as many antioxidant properties as an apple and about the same as half a serving (25 grams) of cranberries.
However, when the eggs were fried or boiled, antioxidant properties were reduced by about half, and a little more than half if the eggs were cooked in a microwave.
"It's a big reduction but it still leaves eggs equal to apples in their antioxidant value," said Wu.
The discovery of these two amino acids, while important, may only signify the beginning of finding antioxidant properties in egg yolks, said Wu, an associate professor of agricultural, food and nutritional science.
The study was published in the peer-reviewed journal Food Chemistry.

Why cycling is not just an exercise?

The debate on global warming heats up, the agenda is clear: A non-polluted environment and good health. Deny as much as you do, but there's a hidden concern amongst today's generation on where we are heading and in what condition. In our own ways, we are looking for ways to healthy living. Here's a viable option that's also an enjoyable one! 

Remember the old days where we could just ride away with a bicycle to almost any part of the town? If you visit a place like Puducherry (Pondicherry) and Chennai, there are still a good number of people riding bicycles. It's not just fun, but also healthy.  This is not only the best form of exercise, but also eco-friendly. If you are dreaming of a healthy future for the next generation, then perhaps you would consider this. 

Why cycling? Well, this is one of those exercises that doesn't exhaust you but pumps more energy. It also builds your stamina. Besides, don't you think it's the most convenient cost-effective way of exercising? Visiting gym everyday demands time, energy to reach the place and a lot of money of course! Cycling on the other hand, can be done in the vicinity of your neighbourhood whenever you find time. Also, it's a one-time investment! And you could cycle with friends and also family members of all age groups. Not just that, it tones your entire body as you are utilising most parts of your body.  And for all those who are struggling to lose that stored fat in your body, here's a fun way. The best part about cycling is that it can be seen as a sport rather than a form of exercise. And mind you, cycling is still one of the popular sports in some countries. 

Cycle your way to health: Cycling is a cardio exercise which keeps the heart stronger, tones the body, helps lose weight and increases the supply of blood and oxygen in the body. There are many cardio exercises which may help improve body stamina but cycling is by far the most effective. It is often said that with cycling, the risk of heart diseases, diabetes, obesity and blood pressure can be reduced to a great extent. That apart, it's a great stress buster. Make cycling a habit not just for that toned body but also for lifting your spirits. Cycling does rejuvenate you and enhances your mood. Like any other forms of exercise, cycling releases endorphin which has positive effects on our mood. Hence after cycling for a great distance, you feel refreshed instead of feeling tired. Cycling also reduces the risk of fracture during a fall or an accident and helps maintain the strength and coordination. With regular cycling, the strength of the legs improve. 

For a better tomorrow: We all crib about bad weather, nature's fury, but do little about how we can reduce the danger levels. Automobile manufacturers are coming up with eco-friendly cars. But how about an eco-friendly, cost-effective (read fuel-efficient) and portable mode of transport? Yes, the bicycle is perhaps the best way to reduce/cut emission levels. Best thing is you can easily carry it wherever you go! Incorporate this change in your routine and you can definitely contribute to preserving our eco-system. You may love to flaunt your car, but there's no harm in dedicating a day for a better tomorrow. And why not when it can save you from respiratory diseases like asthma? 

How to select a cycle? 
There is no rule of thumb to select the cycle for you. Only remember to choose the one where your feet reach the ground when halted; this reduces the risk of falling off the bike. Prefer a cycle with gear when cycling towards higher grounds, this way you reduce the stress on the thighs and cut the risk of muscle tear. 

Do it the right way 
With the excitement of owning a new cycle, we ride long distances. This tires the entire body. It's better to start off with a 30-minute cycling for the first week and then gradually increase the time. And do wear protective gear like helmet,

Healthy Eating is not Just a Way to Lose Weight

Weight loss isn"t the only reason to lead a healthier lifestyle. By building healthy eating habits, you"ll be lowering your risk of heart disease and diabetes while making your body feel stronger and more alert. Lots of people have a naturally high metabolism and don"t need to watch their weight, but this doesn"t mean they ought to live off chips, cookies, and chocolate milk every day.
Heart Health
Narrow people can be in danger for heart disease as well. because you don"t have a spare tire around your midsection doesn"t mean you shouldn"t worry about health issues such as diabetes and high cholesterol. in the event you don"t get any exercise, healthy eating is something that ought to be kept in mind for people of all shapes, weights, and sizes.

Brain Food
Healthy eating habits aren"t nice for your body, they"re nice for your brain as well. Eating properly will help you to be more alert while giving you increased mental and physical energy. Not only will you have a clearer mind, getting the proper nutrition will help your mood as well. Healthy eating can fight depression and will prevent you from suffering from insomnia and irregular sleep patterns.
Skin, Hair, and Nails
Being properly hydrated and getting the vitamins and minerals your body needs will help to give your skin a healthy glow and will strengthen your hair and nails. Even if eating healthy is something you do for aesthetic purposes only, your weight still isn"t the only appearance orientated factor it can affect.
Digestive Technique
By eating healthy and getting the proper grains and fiber, you"re ensuring your digestive technique stays in proper working order. A neat digestive technique will let you absorb nutrients properly and will lower your risks of diseases such as colon cancer.
Healthy eating affects every aspect of your body, not your waistline. If you"re of the naturally thinner people out there, keep in mind that fuelling your body with trans fats and refined sugars will meet up with you down the road. You may not always see the effects junk food can have on your body, but four times you start practicing healthy eating habits, you"ll notice the difference and your organs will thank you later.

Teeth whitening

Teeth whitening is about over looking great, it is also about having confidence & a healthy smirk. There's lots of different at-home teeth whitening products available as well as the choice of seeing a cosmetic dentist to have your teeth professionally whitened. But, what in case you are looking for a way to naturally whiten your teeth? There's products & ways to whiten your teeth naturally without harsh chemicals or pricey professional treatments.

Useful Herbs for Whitening of Teeth

Babul (Acacia arabica)

The importance of babul in whitening of teeth cannot be expressed in words. It is a lot important in Ayurveda for this purpose that the ancient Indians used nothing but the twigs of the babul (the other tree used for this is neem) as disposable toothbrushes. The tannin present in babul is effective in increasing the whiteness of teeth.

The aerial roots of the banyan may even be used as disposable toothbrushes. The banyan roots have astringent properties, which not only make the teeth whiter, but also make the teeth & gums healthier.

Banyan (Ficus religiosa)

The vegetation of the holy basil are dried out in the sun & powdered & use for brushing teeth. The leaves help in maintaining dental hygiene & make the teeth whiter. Apart from the whitening properties, holy basil is also used for protection from issues such as pyorrhea (i.e. bleeding of gums).

Holy Basil (Ocimum sanctum)

The neem tree, or the margosa, is a traditional treatment for having white healthy teeth. Neem twigs are used by several Indians even today as toothbrushes. Neem oils contain astringent & antiseptic properties to fight bad breath, kill microorganisms accumulated on the teeth & to combat dental caries & cavities.

Margosa (Azadirachtha indica)

Onion, though it's a bad reputation because of the specific taste & change of breath that come after consuming it, it is of the tooth ache cures you can prepare & basically administer.

Tooth Ache Cures

You can regularly put a small piece of onion on the hurting tooth to relieve your pain. The juice from it will rinse inside the cavity & thus help in dealing with the pain.

Using it, you will help kill the bacteria responsible for your pain & possibly other tooth related issues. You can take a small onion & chew it for minutes every day & thus you will successfully remove bacteria between your teeth.

Compared to his brother, garlic works in the same way. Take or seeds of garlic & mix them together & then salt them. Use this mix on your tooth & the cleansing technique will be similar to that of the onion.

Lemon juice is nice when you need to drink cold lemonade but it is also nice for your toothache! Why? For it is rich in vitamin C keeping your teeth & gums healthy. It is of the simplest found cures in lots of homes & the best thing about it is that you can also prepare it fast.

Sunflower seeds are also storehouse of various elements. They contain vitamin A, fluoride, phosphorus & calcium. Sunflower seeds also prevent bleeding of gums. Foods like parsley, turnip, beet & radishes, to name a few, contain green pigment chlorophyll that helps you keep proper health of your teeth.

Drinking coffee reduces breast cancer risk

Coffee drinkers enjoy not only the taste of their coffee but also a reduced risk of cancer with their cuppa, according to a research. 

It showed that drinking coffee specifically reduces the risk of antiestrogen-resistant estrogen-receptor (ER)-negative breast cancer.

Swedish researchers compared lifestyle factors and coffee consumption between women with breast cancer and age-matched women without. They found that coffee drinkers had a lower incidence of breast cancer than women who rarely drank coffee.

The group from Karolinska Institutet explained that, "There is often conflicting information about the beneficial effects of coffee – when we compared our results to that of a German study we discovered that their data showed the same trend, but the relationship was much weaker. We suggest that this may have something to do with the way the coffee was prepared, or the type of bean preferred. It is unlikely that the protective effect is due to phytoestrogens present in coffee since there was no reduction in the incidence of ER-positive cancer in this study."

So while it is evident that coffee may have beneficial effects in protecting women from ER negative breast cancer the exact mechanism and compounds involved are not yet clear and not all types of coffee are the same.

The study has been published in the BioMed Central's open access journal Breast Cancer Research 

Black tea health benefits

It is said that coffee is harmful to health, unlike tea. But it's important to know why tea is beneficial to health. Black tea, for that matter, has many health benefits. 

Black tea (just like green tea) is plucked from a plant called camellia sinensis. The leaves of black tea, are steeped such that it can give a dark colour when used as a beverage. Also, the leaves are mature dry and processed such that it has a dark colour. Black tea has extremely low caffeine content, which is great for circulation.

Fluoride is another content of black tea and thus allows oral and bone health. Black tea, contains flavonoids which are also found in apples. Unlike green tea, black tea, once processed eliminates all antioxidants existing in it. Black tea not only helps to fight bacteria but also strengthens the immune system. As one knows, drinking tea hydrates the body, thus a cup of black tea helps moisturise the skin. Black tea also balances the hormone levels, which fends off stress. Not only does black tea have anti-inflammatory qualities, it also keeps a check on the digestive tracts functioning. It can help reduce stroke risks as it balances the cholesterol level.

DYI: To reduce puffiness of the eye, just store black tea bags in the fridge and apply it to the eye area.

Chocolate healthier than fruit juices

 Chocolate is healthier than many fruit juices and is a 'superfood' in its own right, says a new study conducted by a US-based chocolate company. 

Superfoods are high in anti-oxidants and compounds that help prevent damage to healthy cells.

Researchers from the Hershey Centre for Health & Nutrition in the US found that powdered dark chocolate had more anti-oxidants and polyphenols, believed to protect us from cancer and cardiac conditions, the Chemistry Central Journal reports.

They compared single servings of dark chocolate, cocoa, and hot chocolate mix with fruit juices including acai berries, cranberries and pomegranates, according to a Hershey statement.

The research showed that both dark chocolate and cocoa had more antioxidant activity and more flavonols than fruit. Debra Millar, who led the study, said chocolate should be labelled a "superfruit".