Drastic Weight Loss Can Save Your Life

Drastic Weight Loss Can Save Your Life

Obesity is an epidemic and at the root cause of many chronic illnesses. Even being overweight can set you on a path of disease that can kill you. Fat causes inflammation, which leads to everything from Alzheimer's, cancer, diabetes, heart attacks, joint degeneration and pain, stroke, and so much more. Developing any or all of these can be a costly, time consuming and painful endeavor. These illnesses can kill you or permanently change the quality of your life forever.

People looking for a quick fix have chosen everything from fad diets, to fasting, to liposuction and even bariatric surgery. Fad diets can leave you metabolically worse, fat can return even after liposuction and bariatric surgery. Both of these are irreversible and can have serious complications that cannot be reversed or treated easily.

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Human Chorionic Gonadotropin:€“ HCG

Although controversial, the HCG diet can give you drastic weight loss with fewer complications. HCG is human chorionic gonadotropin, a hormone used for infertility in men and women. This hormone is made in high quantities during pregnancy and an observation was made that pregnant women burned storage fat, not structural fat perhaps as an effect of HCG. It is based on the premise that we store fat for times of famine. Bears eat a lot and get fat so they don’t starve during the winter months when food is not available. They live off of the fat they accumulated. HCG can enable the body to comfortably mobilize this storage fat if calories are restricted.

Low calories and longevity

Let's face it. We don'€™t face any famine in this country. Even the obese that eat very little may be eating nutrient poor, calorie dense foods that pack on pounds. One fast food meal or sugary drink can exceed half of your calorie requirements for a day. The HCG diet is a very low calorie diet. Very low calorie diets have been shown to turn on the longevity gene called the Sirtuin gene. Unpublished data had shown that it decreases Hemoglobin A1C, fasting insulin, and fasting blood sugar. All of these are markers for diabetes and insulin resistance.

Live Off Your Fat and Preserve Muscle Mass

The HCG diet can cause drastic weight loss without experiencing hunger. Once your body recognizes it is not getting high calorie meals anymore, it will burn storage fat just like a bear does when hibernating. You can live off of your fat while eating nutritious food that is low in calories. People report not being hungry, which may be an effect of HCG. The other benefit is that it has been shown to preserve muscle mass, something that most other diets may not do. Muscle burns calories and preserving it can prevent regaining the lost weight.

Under a medical professional's guidance, HCG is an option to consider before resorting to drastic measures. A physician can assure you are getting pharmaceutical grade, full strength HCG and can screen and monitor for side effects. Contact a physician experienced in using HCG to determine if this is right for you.

Discover The 3 Foot Types to Pick the Perfect Fitting Zumba Shoes Possible

Discover The 3 Foot Types to Pick the Perfect Fitting Zumba Shoes Possible

Since the popularity of zumba, most people just don't want to look good but would prefer to prevent injuries too. Although zumba is a fun way to burn belly fat, keep tone and drop a few extra pounds or more, you don't want to run a risk by wearing the wrong kind of shoe.

However, since zumba is a high-stepping, high intensity cardio workout with sleek multi-directional moves, a newly designed type of sneaker was desperately needed. Zumba shoes or dance-fitness sneakers as others may call them is the new sheriff in town. These shoes were designed to give you the comfort and support that's needed to thoroughly enjoy your zumba class.

I would dare to say that the most vital part of your Zumba outfit is your shoes. If you've ever taken a Zumba class then you know that it requires an intensive leg-workout, so your shoe option is critical. The last thing you want are arching feet, while you're trying to salsa. This is the one place that you don't want to focus on hurting feet but instead on chiseling your body back to the way it used to be... whether it's to lose 5, 55 or 105 pounds.

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 Now before we go any further and give you an incomplete impression about zumba; let's go over some important factors.There are a few serious issues that need to be discussed so that your zumba experience will be a long-lasting positive one.
For the moment, we will put aside the fun and games of zumba and talk specifically about your feet to help you better understand your foot type to know which sneaker is best for your foot type.

 Listed below are 3 foot types and your foot type should fit in one of the three categories:

(1) Pronators, you've probably never heard the term but if you have pronators, 'You'll know it'. Pronators are those that have flat feet. This usually means that you have a hard time finding comfortable shoes that fit your feet well. If you have flat feet you should look for a sneaker that has a reinforced heel, lots of control and sturdy straps to prevent your feet from inward rolling.

(2) Supinators, this is the foot type that is opposite from the pronators. These people also know that they have special needs feet. Supinators are those with a higher arch then what we consider normal. People that fit into this category should look for athletic shoes that offer extra cushion under the ball of the feet and added ankle and heel support.

(3) Lastly, are those with normal feet. Some of you may have a few bunions or corns, but you don't have the added issues that are associated with flat feet or high arches. Those with neutral feet can wear any style of shoe that's comfortable to their feet; however, it's still a good idea to have some degree of arch or curve in your shoes.

Now since we've explored the different kind of foot types and gave a little advice on what type of shoes would be the best fit for your feet, you can rest assure that choosing the best shoes for zumba will be a little easier.

Women Over 40: How Much Workout Leads to Weight Loss?

Women Over 40: How Much Workout Leads to Weight Loss?
After menopause losing weight is becoming harder and harder. Especially if a sedentary life style contributes to a lack of exercise and physical activity.

Regular exercise is an crucial element to lose weight permanently- however, do you know how much exercise is actually essential to lose weight?
You might say, the more the better,€ and you are right- theoretically.

After all, the common thinking is: The more calories you burn, the more weight you lose.
But in reality things tend to work out otherwise. And this is because of the compensation mechanism. The meaning of the term "compensation" is: If you predict the weight lost according to the calories burned, and measure the actual weight loss accomplished, you'll often find a gap. It's easy to understand what causes the compensation effect: People start to eat more when they go on an exercise plan. It'€™s often justified by thinking, €œAs long as I am burning off the extra calories, I can allow myself to consume more

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But, most dieters assess the amount of calories burnt during exercising and the amount of calories consumed inaccurately: Calories burnt are overrated and calories eaten underrated. So the attitude of “when I am exercising I can eat more” lresults not in permanent weight loss.
In scientific research, the amount of exercise was measured and related to the compensation mechanism. The results are very fascinating. Postmenopausal, overweight or obese  women went to 3 different exercise programs, consisting of 72, 136 or 194 minutes of exercise weekly. All women had a inactive lifestyle before.

The first two groups (exercising 1 hour and 2 hours per week) did not compensate. They lost as much weight as expected. They did not eat more after starting the exercise program.
However, the women on the intensive exercise program (more than 3 hours weekly) lost only half of the expected weight. It could be the case that they were thinking "I am allowed to eat more, because I work so hard on this program".

What do we learn from this?

It naturally doesn't mean that a light intensity program is best. It means if you are exercising hard, there are chances you might feel compelled to compensate and start eating more. So: If you are doing an physical exercise program, control your food intake as well- or you might not be capable to lose weight permanently after 40.

By the way: All exercise groups had a fundamental reduction in waistline circumference indicating healthy weight loss. Losing belly fat lowers the risk of diabetes and cardiovascular problems.
Everybody is different- and you will need an exercise plan taking your specific situation into account. A good weight loss program should be adjusted to your particular situation.

Yoga for Weight Loss and Body Balance

Yoga for Weight Loss and Body Balance

I was recently asked by a friend whether yoga is a good way to lose weight, €“my answer was a resounding yes! While you will definitely want to incorporate cardiovascular exercise (such as dancing, jogging, cycling, or aerobics) to rev up your metabolism, a yoga practice can be a welcome addition to a weight loss routine, providing both physical and emotional balancing, strength, and joy.

The physical benefits of yoga are numerous:

  •     * Many types of yoga, such as the vinyasa, power, and kundalini styles, are dynamic and flowing, bringing some cardiovascular exercise into the mix.
  •     * All types of yoga help to build lean and long muscles, especially in places you might not have thought to work out, building a more balanced body as you lose weight and helping to burn calories, even when at rest
  •     * The  flexibility yoga brings to the body is amazing-an added benefit  when engaged in strength training or aerobic exercise that can tighten the muscles, leading to injury.
  •     * Many yoga poses-such as twists, back bends, and shoulder stands can balance the endocrine system, especially the thyroid, which can definitely aid in weight loss. Certain kundalini kriyas, or exercises are intended solely for weight loss
  •     * A steady yoga practice can also stimulate and balance the digestive and elimination systems, allowing for optimum assimilation of nutrients, elimination of wastes, and reduction of water weight and bloating.
  •     * Yoga puts a lot of focus on breathing correctly, which can release many toxins from the body, allowing all of our systems to function optimally.
Mentally and emotionally, yoga is a great match for someone trying to change patterns and habits.  When losing weight it is just as important to pay attention to the emotional body as to the physical. Much obesity and weight gain comes from being out of touch with the body and overwhelmed with emotions and stress, which allows us to make bad choices in what we eat, how much we exercise, the amount of sleep we get, €“how we take care of ourselves in general.

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Devoting yourself to a practice like yoga, which is all about awareness of the body and the breathe lets us get in touch with ourselves, what we want, how we feel, and ultimately why and how we eat. And as with all exercise, yoga can help balance the bodies neurotransmitters-such as serotonin, dopamine, and nor epinephrine low levels of which have been proven to increase hunger and cravings for sugars and simple carbohydrates as well as cause depression.

Yoga can also bring much spiritual joy to your life, letting you feed and take care of yourself in a way that has nothing to do with a dependence on food. It allows us to feel lighter, freer and in touch with the world in a way that is less complicated than most things in this world.
When starting a yoga practice, I recommend taking classes, as a teacher can correct your postures in a way that can'€™t be done while watching videos. Like having a personal trainer when exercising, having a yoga teacher can make your learning curve that much less steep.

Having Support While Dieting, Will Help You Lose Weight

Having Support While Dieting, Will Help You Lose Weight

Dieting and trying to lose weight is hard enough, for most of us. It can be overwhelming at times and can cause one to lose focus. It makes it even easier to fail if you are going at it alone.

 Having a support team or even just one person can make a world of difference in your weight loss. Someone there that is willing to push you when you need it, really helps one stay focused on losing weight, getting healthy and living better.

 When dieting and trying to lose weight, we want the world to know when we've lost a pound or two. Yet, if you are going at it alone, who do you tell? There is no one there for you to tell and to help you along. Which can become frustrating and make one give up too easily.

  To where as if you have someone there supporting you, they celebrate in those little (yet big) triumphs with you. They are there to encourage you and cheer you along as you reach every weight loss goal you set.

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 I've tried in the past to go about it alone and not tell anyone that I was even trying to lose weight. That never worked. I bailed way too easily and never thought twice about it. This was an on going style for me for many years.

 Now, this time around, I have my husband and he's my biggest supporter. He encourages me and cheers me on as I set small weight loss goals and reach them one by one. He gets involved and encourages me to do more. He's also my walking partner, which is why I do not mind walking now.

 If you do not happen to have someone like this in your life that can support you completely while you are losing weight, do not fret. There are plenty of other ways to get the support you need.

 There are weight loss programs that you can join. Most do charge fees for this, but sometimes those fees are worth it if it gives you the support and motivation that you need. You could even try a gym or community center to find a group to join.

 All in all, going at losing weight alone is not an ideal thing to do. Having at least one person to support you and make you accountable for goals that you set, will in the long run help you loss more weight overall.

 Today starts the rest of your life to becoming a healthier, thinner, better person. Trust me, if I can finally lose weight, you can too!! So get out there and find that person or persons that will give you the support that you need to reach your weight loss goals!!

Health Benefits and Weight Loss Benefits Of Eating Miso Soup

Health Benefits and Weight Loss Benefits Of Eating Miso Soup

When trying to drop extra pounds over the Beer Belly, one of the main principles of losing weight is a change in your daily diet.Miso soup is becoming a higher regarded source for healthy eating and ultimately losing weight.

Miso soup is popular dietary staple in Japan, contains miso paste, onions, carrots, seaweed and water. The paste is typically made from soybeans, yeast and a starch, for instance rice or barley, and is aged for approximately a year. Fortunately, you should purchase aged and fermented miso, which provides several health benefits, in many specialty stores and some supermarkets.

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Below are the leading benefits which often be attributed to Miso soup. It is essential to explain that weightloss through Miso soup is when this is substituted for an original meal with a higher calorie level. Miso soup cannot be added as an ‘extra'. Why not try it for your lunch?
  • Miso contains many trace minerals, including zinc, manganese, and copper, that may all contribute to the strengthening of the bodies immune system.
  •   The high quantity of nutrients present in miso helps boost energy and perhaps protects bones and blood vessels.
  •   Miso soup has increased degree of zinc present which is efficacious to immune function and wound healing.
  •   A bunch of organic compounds are found in miso, which can help reduce the danger of breast cancer.
  •  Miso is usually recommended to vegans, since it is naturally high in protein, vitamin K, and vitamin B12.
  •  Miso is great for the digestive tract, since it is high in fibre and probiotics.
  •  Miso is a weightloss dream food as it only contains around 56 calories per one ounce serving and only two grams of fat. A cup of miso soup is both satisfying and filling, since it has a high moisture content that curbs appetite and overeating. Adding Miso soup to your everyday diet as a replacement for one of your high in fat/calorie food can significantly decrease the amount of calories you intake into your body.
  •  * The combination of wakame seaweed and miso is said to be an effective fighter against nicotine-related disorders.
  • Many believe that consuming miso soup several times a week will help you avoid illness during cold and flu season. The remedy soothes those who are already sick much like chicken soup. Antioxidants in the soup strengthen the immune system and, because miso soothes acid inside system, it helps combat viral infections.

The advantages of adding Miso soup to your everyday diet astounding. Not just is your body presented with numerous health benefits but it's also an excellent food to have when trying to lose those excess pounds. Those doing lose the Beer Belly need to make drastic changes to their diet. This is not just cutting down on the Beer but also the food which accompanies it.

Typically a healthy body is a body which is consuming all the right foods at a recommended level. The Miso soup can further aid your weight loss significantly. Having Miso soup as a snack before the gym or as your lunch can reduce the calorie intake significantly as the calorie attributed to the soup is typically around 50-60 calories. This aligned with a 30 minute workout approximately 3 times a week should set you up nicely for losing weight around the Beer Belly. Recollect it's not almost the alcohol.

A balanced lifestyle of exercise, work, diet and sleep can take you a long way on your quest to lose weight.

Home Remedies for weight loss

Home Remedies for weight loss

Home remedies for weight lossObesity is a very serious problem in itself and causes various other health ailments.Overweight is a disease in itself and therefore this health condition must not be ignored at any cost. If obesity does not take care of at the right time then it can cause serious consequences. Here are some home remedies for weight loss that will show good results if followed properly.

Effective home remedies for weight loss

Papaya soup

Papaya is excellent for the stomach and reduces weight. If you want to reduce weight fast then have papaya soup every day for at least three months. If you get bored of the taste then you can add some salt and pepper or any other herbs like oregano to taste. One can also have ripe papaya in breakfast.


Apart from papaya, raw tomatoes also help reduce weight. Early in the morning, have two raw tomatoes with some salt. This remedy if followed for two months will give you the desired result.

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Effective Herbal Cure for Obesity, Weight Loss Natural Remedies
Ayurvedic Home Remedies For Weight Loss
4 Ayurvedic Tips for Weight Loss

Green Tea

Green tea has a number of health benefits and helps in weight loss. Having green tea twice a day will provide as much health benefit as no other herbs can provide. Home remedies for weight loss must include green tea. Green tea is known to improve blood circulation and increase bone density. Green tea will strengthen the immune system and provide stamina to exercise.

Berries and curd

Berries and curd both these contribute to weight loss irrespective of taken individually or together. Both of these combined will make up for a good breakfast. You can include all types of berries like raspberries, grapes, blackberries, strawberries, and even blueberries. Have a bowl full of different types of berries and curd every day for at least four months. If you want, you can add some cornflakes or oat for some variety and taste.


Exercise is very important for weight loss. One does not have to go to any gym; just doing some, basic exercise at home will also work. Yoga is another excellent remedy for weight loss; there are some specific yoga asana, which are meant just for weight loss. Along with doing yoga, you must also follow strict diet, which will not include any calorie-enriched food.

Citrus fruit

One of the best home remedies for weight loss is to include citrus food in diet. Citrus food like orange, lemon and citrus limetta are very good for health and they will keep obesity as a bay. One can have these fruits at breakfast or in between meals.

Avoid red meat

People who are non-vegetarians must avoid red meat at any cost. Fish is a very good substitute for red meat and is rich in protein. It will provide the body with essential omega fatty acid, which will help form good cholesterol and kill bad cholesterol.
These were some of the best weight loss remedies and one must follow them religiously to get the best result.

Exercise Equipment For Home Or Gym Use

Starting an exercise routine is one of the best choices you can make – getting fit and losing weight will have both physical and emotional benefits for you.

If you're new to exercise, you may be wondering what is the best type of cardio and weights equipment to use at the gym to aid your weight loss?

You may also wonder whether or not the exercise machines you see at your local gym are something you should buy for use at home.
At the gym, you will have access to a wide range of cardio equipment and weights machines.
Elliptical trainers, treadmills, stepping machines, stationary bikes and rowing machines are just some of the types of machines you can use to build your cardiovascular fitness, build muscle and burn calories.

These machines will provide a great cardio workout for both men and women, because they are relatively simple to use and also because they are usually computer-operated with built-in programs that can be modified according to your sex, age, weight and fitness level.
Using these machines means that everyone gets a workout tailored to their needs.
Gyms also provide weights machines and free weights areas.

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Weights machines are great, especially if you are just starting out. They offer good support while performing your exercises, they're easy to use and they save you time.
Machines are often a good option for women at the gym, because it can be less intimidating to use a machine than to set up in the free-weights area.
For more experienced gym-goers, free weights are great because they allow you more exercise flexibility than machines do.

Men tend to prefer to use free weights to build muscle mass, for their versatility and because they help you to build whole body strength.
Taking your workouts home is an important part of a weight loss or fitness program.
Ultimately, the equipment you buy for use at home will be limited by one factor: money.
Good quality cardio and weights equipment can be very expensive. Often, cheaper equipment doesn't offer the range of functions or, in the case of weights machines, necessary support, that gym-quality equipment provides.

If money is no object, a treadmill or elliptical trainer offers a great cardio workout for men and women, and a multi-station weights machine can help you build all-over strength.
A limited budget doesn't mean you can't train at home.
Taking to the street for a run, walking up stairs or jumping rope are all effective cardio exercises for both sexes that don't require expensive equipment.
Buying a few free weights, a medicine ball and a Swiss ball will offer you a range of weight-training possibilities.

Combine home training with gym membership and you are well on your way to weight loss and better health.

Printable Weight Loss Chart

Printable Weight Loss Chart

A printable weight loss chart in many cases is simply a means of printing off a chart so you can record you weight. This allows you to track how much weight you are losing and see your progress. A good printable weight loss tracker however will give you a bit more. After all, losing weight is only one way to measure your progress.

When trying to lose weight a person goes through many ups and downs. During these times you may see no progress (or very little progress) in terms of pounds lost. However, what you may not know is that you may be losing inches or body fat. Often times when this happens a person does not know that even though the scale is not budging, they are in fact making progress towards their goal.

Therefore, to stay motivated and to see the full progress you are making, you want a printable weight loss chart that tracks it all – weight loss, inches lost and body fat lost. Although tracking every measurement is not needed, you will want to track more than just how much you lose in terms of weight. You should also track inches in a few areas of the body like the waist, arms and thighs. You can also track the hips and chest areas.

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Additionally, using a weight loss chart to track your body fat percent is a great way to see the progress you are making. Losing excess body fat is important not only for weight loss but for your overall health. Excess body fat, especially belly fat, can lead to several medical risks such as heart disease, high blood pressure and type 2 diabetes just to name a few. So your goal should not only be in terms of weight loss but also in a reduction of body fat percent.

When tracking your progress, you should weigh and measure at least once a week. More than this is not necessary as you can fluctuate by 2 to 4 pounds in a given day due to water weight. You will get a more accurate reading if you weight and measure yourself on the same day of each week at the same time of day. So pick a time when you can easily measure and record your progress.

Measuring body fat percentage is a bit more difficult than simply weighing yourself. You can purchase specialized equipment to measure skin folds in order to calculate your body fat percent. If you belong to a gym, have an instructor help you measure for body fat or ask your doctor. Another method is to use an online body fat calculator. Although these are not as exact as a skin fold measurement, it will give you a good basis to help measure your progress.

Of course tracking your progress is only one step towards reaching your goals. A printable weight loss chart is simply a tool to measure progress – it is up to you to do the work to reach your goal. Eating healthy and exercising are the two best methods to losing weight, reducing body fat and losing inches. So set up a meal plan and workout routine so that you can start to track and measure your progress and reach your goal.

Pregnancy Diet: Are You Getting Enough Calories?

The first thing you must understand is that pregnancy is not the time to be counting calories. If you are on a diet that involves severely restricting your caloric intake get off it. Right now. For the next nine months you have permission to not suffer for beauty. Not only is restricting calories not going to result in weight loss (you're going to gain some as the baby grows whether you like it or not) it could potentially harm your baby.

Not getting enough calories during pregnancy can lead to the baby not having what it needs to develop properly. Low birth weight is a common complication, as is poor fetal development. The baby may have any number of deficiency-associated birth defects. In short, it is vitally important that when you are pregnant you get enough to eat. You can burn it all off after the baby is born, although to be honest if you have time to worry about your weight you will be handling new motherhood much better than most!

The first thing you want to do is calculate your pre-pregnancy Recommended Daily Caloric Intake. If you are a health buff or have been living on a terminal diet you may already know this number. If you do not you can visit one of the following sites to figure it out, or consult with your physician.


(this site will also provide practical advice about estimating caloric intake for the rest of your pregnancy, although it doesn't take into account weight gain or loss.)

For the first three months of your pregnancy you actually do not need to consume any extra calories. Your pre-pregnancy calorie consumption will be perfectly adequate for your baby's growth and development as long as you are not dieting. If you are dieting, stop! This is the number of calories (roughly) that you want to eat in a day.

As you go into your second and third trimester you should increase your daily caloric intake by 300 calories. This will help to compensate for the increasing rate of your baby's growth. If your pre-pregnancy caloric intake was 1800 calories you should consume 2100 calories a day. If it was 1400 calories you should consume 1700 calories, and so on and so forth. Again, this is not the time to try and lose weight. Do not omit these extra calories in favor of allowing your body to burn them instead. This is not healthy for you or your baby, and if you are breastfeeding you will quickly work these calories back off.

1600 Calorie Meal Plan - The Best For Fat Loss

The number of calories you need during pregnancy is going to vary if you were not a healthy weight when you became pregnant. Women who were obese may be told to consume fewer calories to prevent excessive weight gain, which would place extra strain on the heart and lungs and increase the likelihood of blood pressure related problems during pregnancy. In this case this is a fine time to diet, as long as you are following your doctor's advice. The healthier you are, the healthier your baby is going to be.

On the flip side of that coin, if you were underweight at the beginning of your pregnancy or have not gained what the doctor considers to be an adequate amount of weight since becoming pregnant you may be told to increase your caloric intake by more than 300. The baby needs to be able to take enough calories away from your body to grow, and if you don't have any to spare either because you aren't eating enough or your body is burning everything that you eat they are going to suffer.

Badminton- a wellness sport

Badminton- a wellness sport

Badminton is a popular indoor sport played by two or four people who are divided into two sides with a net inside. According to the number of people involved, it can be divided into singles and doubles. Compared with tennis, badminton focus on players stamina and endurance than players' physique.

Name origin

Modern badminton movement was born in England. In 1873, a duke of Badminton county Glasgow, hosted a garden party in his territory where several retired officers returnning from India introduced a game of isolation nets beat back and forth with struck shuttlecocks. It aroused much interest. Because this activity is very interesting, it took the upper class by storm. "badminton"  become the English name of sport name.

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1600 Calorie diet plan that works
Eating Strawberries will help you Lose Weight

Whole body fitness

Badminton players, for a competitive sport or for a fitness activity, are required to use various movement techniques, like footstep moving, leaps swivel and swings, which strengthen the exercisers the cardiovascular system and respiratory functions. According to statistics, heart rate of high intensity badminton players can reach 160-180 times per minute, medium intensity players can reach every minute 140-150 times; low intensity players, 100-130 times every minute. Long-term badminton exercises can make the heartbeat powerful, which is vital to capacity increase and endurance improvement. In addition, badminton requires players to make quick judgement on rapidly changing pitches and fight back in no time. Thus, it can improve the sensitivity of nervous systems and body coordinations.

Adjustable exercise

Badminton is suitable for men, women and children. The exercise intensity may vary according to  age, physical conditions and grounds. Teenagers, in physical development, are advised to spend 40-50 minutes for sport while the seniors are advised to take 20-30 min limit. It can be taken as a funny game for little kids.

In a word, badminton is good sport for overall-health development.

1600 Calorie diet plan that works

The zero size is in and has become a rage in the younger generation. Most celebrities and models look so thin as if they have been starving themselves for months. Despite their anorexic looks, youngsters look up to them as their role models. They believe that they are too fat and go for fad diets to get rid of body flab. Many youngsters these days even go for surgical procedures to become thin. Diet pills have also become very common lately as people continue to consume them to reduce weight without exercising. However all these methods are wrong and can harm your body in some way or the other. The only safe way of becoming thin is to eat the right foods in the right proportions. You can follow a healthy 1600-calorie diet plan to lose weight slowly but permanently.
Any weight loss program that guarantees you five to ten pounds weight loss in a couple of weeks could be just a scam. Even if you do lose weight with such a program, you are bound to regain it in no time. So, why go for shortcuts when you can permanently get rid of excess weight with a 1600 calorie diet plan?

An Indian Vegetarian Diet For Weight Loss and Good Health!

The 1600 calorie diet plan comprises of foods that provide adequate diet nutrition required for your daily needs. Your diet plan should typically include whole grains instead of processed grains. On the other hand, refined white flour foods should be avoided at all costs, as they affect the glucose metabolism in the body putting you at a higher risk of developing insulin disorders. Similarly, trans fatty acids in cakes, candy, and margarine should be avoided along with cheese and red meat that are high in saturated fats. This group of fats is responsible for health problems like heart attacks, atherosclerosis, and stroke.

1600 Calorie Meal Plan - The Best For Fat Loss

The 1600 calorie diet plan is apt for a medium-sized woman who wishes to maintain weight and does not do much of exercise. On the other hand, a medium-sized woman who exercises three to five times in a week can use this diet plan to lose weight fast. The 1600 calorie diet plan can be broken down into various food groups. No matter what food groups you choose, ensure that you do not exceed the recommended number of servings for that particular food group. Your diet should include 4 servings of vegetables, 3 servings of fruits, 5oz grains, 3 cups dairy foods, 5oz meats/meat substitute, 22g fats/oils, and a discretionary calorie allowance of 132 calories. This allowance can be used to balance any extra calories you ate by choosing foods with higher fat or sugar content than the recommended amount. You can consume vegetables in the form of juices, soups and salads or cook them using your favorite seasoning.

Weight loss does not happen overnight and you must therefore choose a realistic diet plan that you can follow consistently for a long time. After a while, you will get used to this style of eating and may never crave for chocolates, ice creams and other foods that are loaded with calories. Always make it a point to drink plenty of water during the day when you are on the 1600 calorie diet plan.

Fat Burning Foods - The Main Features Of the Foods That Burn Fat

Fat Burning Foods - The Main Features Of the Foods That Burn Fat

Fat burning foods are perhaps famous as catabolic. As you may not yet see, they are commonly featured and they will most certainly match your budget too. Fat burning foods are just various categories of foods that will commonly give a hand to the body in eliminating all of its fat cells. And that is your main goal, isn't it?

That's why they have to be boxed in a well-defined diet outline of any weight loss course. Read on to get more details about fat burning foods.

Features Of Foods That Burn Fat

Foods said to burn fat are as well on the top of lists of counseled foods for a healthy diet. Nutrients that are loaded with protein and fiber are the best categories of food to eat if you want to burn fat in your body.

Here are the main features of the foods for burning fat:
- Food that burn more calories than the food itself provides (like celery)
- Food that hold elements that burn body fat (like calcium)
- foods that restrain the appetency and thus enable you remove unnecessary stored fat (like grapefruit)
- foods that enable you stay full and hence empower you to use up undesired body fat (like good fats and fiber rich food)
- And not only that foods that improve the metabolism (like chilies).

In general, these fat burning foods are natural herbs nutrients. Long story short, dairy products may be deemed as fat burners too.

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Fat Burning Foods for Weight Loss
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in point of fact, negative calorie foods are foods that call for more calories to assimilate than the nutritional value they enclose. By eating these fat burning foods you genuinely lose more calories then you gain thus burning fat.

What About Calories?

A number of sources of protein are too high in calories and fat to be on the list of nutrients that can be ingested in almost any quantity. For the reason that protein is more rough to digest, the body burns more calories arranging just that.

As far as snacks are interested, it's too easy now to collect snacks that are high in calories, fats and sugar without giving it a second thought. They have almost no calories and they fill you up.

On the other hand, coffee and the new, common energy drinks will help disolve the fat by burning more calories. The fat burning secret to losing weight is to eat and drink until you are filled and satisfied, opting for foods that burn more calories than you take in. As an advice, steer clear of fast food restaurants, and avoid eating junk nutrients that render you fat calories.

Fat burners are one of the latest trendy and excellent tools used by both bodybuilders and dieters who wish to supercharge their metabolism and eliminate excess calories throughout the day. You should make use of them likewise.

Metabolism And Foods That Burn Fat

In line with the New York Daily News, certain foods can raise your metabolism, which monitors the body's capability to burn fat.

In this section I'll tell you about how numerous nutrients can impact the speed of your metabolism and how fat burning foods play into this scheme of things.

Practically all lean meats facilitate to accelerate the metabolism and burn more fat just because they demand so much energy for full digestion. What is more, protein piles lean muscle which amplifies your metabolism as well.

Fat burners do this in various ways, but largely by boosting your metabolism. To illustrate, whole grain nutrients allow keep your metabolism high. And what's best is that the metabolism boost persists for hours after eating.

Are They Really Natural?

Genuine fat burning foods make the body work stronger in order to process them. Natural chemicals in apples control fat absorption and help you get rid of superfluous body fat.

Natural weight loss will develop if you start integrating foods that burn fat into your diet. For that matter, they are all-natural, low in calories, and with a high nutrient worth, and that's why they are an wonderful option for fat burning foods.

Just to present you a realistic example, a unique naturally occurring ingredient in whole milk, conjugated linoleic acid, or CLA, is likewise known to minimize abdominal fat.

And more, coffee is a natural diuretic, so beat the bloat.

Do you happen to see more lucidly how the natural ingredients of these foods can be very valuable for you?

Then go for them!


Fat burning foods are rich in fiber and protein and are poor in fat. They are in profusive supply and cheap. When you compile the nutrients present in this article, they already form a stable starting point for a fat burning diet.

In conclusion, since they are not processed, changed, coloured or 're-created' in any manner, they are a natural way to shrink the fat tissue in your body.

Fat Burning Foods for Weight Loss

A size zero figure, a fit transition into your middle ages and a lean mom are the three most coveted spots in a woman's life. More so now, with the advent of numerous lifestyle changes that demand and glorify a certain type of physique. And even if we do leave aside the glamour aspect of a fitter you, we also see and read and know that many major health issues arise from excessive weight and lack of exercise. To combat health problems too, a more regulated diet and exercising becomes imperative!

Every day a new diet plan and a new novel idea for losing weight floods the internet and people start working on it as soon as possible. But more often than not, these diets and food charts bomb. Reason is simple enough- you cannot lose weight by taking away essential nutrients from your body. The positive effects of doing so are largely outnumbered by the negative effects of the same. Therefore fat burning foods are the most plausible and effective way to cut down on your calories.

Burn Fat With Coconut Oil

For those still in oblivion of this incredibly simple way to lose weight, let me give you a simple explanation. Three types of techniques cone under this. One would be where some foods are difficult to digest. In the sense that they require your body to give up more calories to digest them than they themselves provide. Scientifically putting it, I would say that the input is more than the output and so, you end up losing calories than gaining them by eating. Now let us move onto the second technique which is also very simple to comprehend. The metabolic system of your body is the one that bears the hefty task of burning those calories. So if by any means or methods you could speed it up then you would be burning more calories in lesser time.

This is where fat burning foods come in. This category of foods helps speed up the metabolic system and result in weight loss. The third way is quite the opposite of the first. The body requires time to detox and flush out fat excess fat. And because the stomach is always involved in some process of digestion of new intake the detox gets delayed. The simple solution to this problem is eating foods that take very less time to digest and therefore create the necessary time for your body to digest the stored intake.

Free Fat Burning Foods List

Some of the most common fat burning foods are eggs, skim milk, jalapeno, green tea, beans and many more. Eggs have high protein content so it takes your body a lot of effort to digest them. They also provide an impetus to your metabolic system and because they contain B12 they also help burn fat cells. Jalapenos on the other hand can really speed up your metabolism, sometimes even up to 25%. Skimmed milk helps lose excess weight due to its high calcium content. It also keeps the levels of insulin in your body low thereby help to prevent storage of fat in your body.

Be it spinach, raw mangoes or raw bananas, or tuna or salmon- there are many natural foods that provide you with necessary nutrients and at the same time give you a regulated diet by counting down on excesses.

Effective Herbal Cure for Obesity, Weight Loss Natural Remedies

Excess body weight, else known as obesity is a common health disorder found among people of all age groups. Causes contributing for obesity vary from one person to another. Both physical as well as psychological causes play equally important roles in forming over body weight problems. Common causes reported for the formation of obesity include improper diet schedule, high stress, heredity and occurrence of diseases like hyperthyroidism. Nowadays, you can get lots of herbal supplements from market in the form of capsules and extracts. If you are in search of best product, it is advised to choose one made out of herbal ingredients.Following healthy lifestyle is the best recommended remedial measure for curing obesity problems. Avoiding smoking and intake of alcohol helps to a great extend in reducing health disorders. In order to minimize fat depositions, it is advised to limit or avoid the intake of junk and oily foods.

4 Ayurvedic Tips for Weight Loss

Cabbage juice is one among the safe herbal cures for treating obesity problems. Those people suffering from over bodyweight are advised to include a good amount of cabbage in their diet schedule. It improves digestion and acts as perfect cure for solving stomach upsets like ulcers. Apart from controlling obesity, including cabbage juice in diet schedule also helps in curing headache, treating gastritis and preventing bronchitis troubles. Obese people are advised to include about 50 to 100 ml of cabbage juice in their daily diet schedule. This natural cure controls body weight without inducing any adverse action on user. Green tea is another effective herbal cure for obesity problems. Drinking this health supplement improves the overall health and wellbeing of person. It reduces LDL cholesterol level and enhances cardiac function safely. Apart from curing obesity, regular drinking of green tea delays aging impact and minimizes the risk of health disorders.

Ayurvedic Home Remedies For Weight Loss

Aloe vera juice, one among the common ingredients in ayurvedic weight loss remedies, is an excellent herbal cure for treating obesity. As per studies, this herbal cure is found to be as a safe remedy for treating intestinal worms. Anti-inflammatory property enriched in aloe vera juice heals wounds and prevents the risk of intestinal disorders like ulcers. Similar to aloe vera gel, apple cider vinegar is another herbal cure for treating obesity. For attaining satisfactory result, it is advised to drink apple cider vinegar before meals. Regular intake of apple cider vinegar improves metabolism and reduces fat accumulation in body.Apple cider vinegar, enriched with organic acids, nutrients and enzymes acts as a perfect home remedy for over weight problems.

You can easily prepare a healthy weight loss drink by adding apple cider vinegar, chamomile tea, honey and cinnamon powder. It lowers LDL cholesterol level and maintains body weight under control. Including apple cider vinegar in diet also helps in providing other health benefits like curing hemorrhoids, reducing high blood pressure and lowering LDL cholesterol level. Licorice root extract, one among the best used herbal ingredients in ayurvedic medicines is a best recommended herbal cures for obesity. In order to achieve optimum result, those people suffering from obesity are advised to drink licorice tea twice per day. It improves the functioning of adrenal glands and maintains normal blood sugar level naturally. Guggul, triphala and garcinia cambogia are other widely prescribed weight loss natural remedies.

Eating Strawberries will help you Lose Weight

Many people love the taste of strawberries and cream and sometimes feel guilty after eating them but did you know that dieticians now recommend strawberries as part of a diet to lose weight.

This is supported by the well known fact, that strawberries are naturally sweet, low in calories, and an excellent source of vitamin C. Also, strawberries are free of saturated fats, cholesterol, and sodium. Now how good is that! You'll get no arguments from me to go on a diet this good.

Coffee And Apple Diets

It's also easy to see why strawberries are recommended as one of as one of the fruits to eat as part of your daily diet, apart from the fact that strawberries are a great treat, they are also very good for you, because it's a fact that they are high in antioxidants that help the body fight off disease.

So, if you've decided to eat healthy food and lose some weight on the way, choose the easy path and make sure you grow a good crop of strawberries.

It goes without saying that we often eat this delicious fruit in all manner of ways, in salads, desserts, with ice-cream, etc; but to really enjoy the healthy benefits strawberries have to offer, eat them raw within 4 days of harvesting. Seven or eight medium strawberries will add up to about 45 calories, this is offset by the fact that they give you a host of other benefits not mentioned yet, like potassium ,this helps regulate electrolytes in your body, also B2, B5, B6 Magnesium, copper, Oh! Did I mention omega fatty acids? I'm hooked.

Strawberries are already one of the most delicious and popular fruits eaten today and are a very easy fruit to grow, they can often be found growing in the wild. These are usually smaller than the ones cultivated, and the taste is a lot more intense.

Free Fat Burning Foods List

Naturally the best strawberries are the ones you pick yourself from your own backyard and eat while they are fresh. An alternative is to visit a strawberry farm if you live near one. Obviously you will be limited as to what variety they grow, but hey! they all taste good to me, with few exceptions.

Strawberries are one of the most popular fruits and can be found in thousands of backyards throughout the country. You have no garden? Not a problem; strawberries can be successfully grown on a balcony, or find a sunny spot on a patio. They thrive in containers and hanging baskets with a minimum of fuss. With lots of varieties to choose from you will find a flavor size and texture to suit the most demanding of taste buds. April through to July is when they are flourishing with abundant fruit.

They are so good for you that maybe you want to eat them throughout the year? Thanks to the efforts of modern day technology, that is now a reality. Look into hydroponic gardening where great results can be achieved or alternatively a heated greenhouse would supply you all year round with strawberries, along with other out of season treats.

If you have an abundance of fruit you might want to think about freezing them for later use. First you need to select strawberries that have fully ripened; once you have picked them they will not ripen any further. Look through them and discard any that are bruised or damaged and choose only the firm bright red ones with a green cap. Do not wash them but place a layer of fruit on a paper towel for two to three days before placing them on a biscuit tray, one layer at a time. Freeze before moving them into an airtight container, should be good for a couple of months though they will be much softer after thawing. Imports can be seen on the supermarket shelves throughout the year, but strawberries are a poor traveler, so be wary.

So what are you waiting for, this is a super diet, get stuck in.

Easy Diet Plan - Lose 6 Kilos And Drop Physique Fat

Easy Diet Plan - Lose 6 Kilos And Drop Physique Fat

So as to lose pounds and drop physique fat fast, there are or a couple of issues that should be at the high of your checklist of priorities for success. Those things are proper vitamin, boosting your metabolism, and staying 100% consistent. Take just 54 seconds out of your day to find the simplest and easiest food plan plan that is primarily based round those things.

First things first. If you want to get fast weight reduction and fat loss, the most important factor you need to perceive is that you've got to do so naturally. Because of this I'm encouraging you to steer clear of fad weight-reduction plan, low calorie weight-reduction plan, weight loss supplements, and those closely marketed superstar diets.

Usually those diets will cause a destructive response in your physique to store calories as fats and forestall that fats from being burned off! That's the reason with fad diets, you may actually end up with yo-yo weight loss, "skinny fats", loose pores and skin, and a lot more!If you want to lose 6 pounds and drop physique fats with a simple weight-reduction plan plan that's primarily based across the two most essential ideas to shed pounds fast...correct vitamin and boosting your metabolism, then I wish to introduce you to the calorie shifting weight loss program program from Fat Loss 4 Idiots.

3 Day Cardiac Diet Is Fastest Dieting Plan

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The calorie shifting program is incredibly efficient because of the fact that you will firstly eat what your body needs daily...which suggests you do not starve your self with this diet. Additionally, the program will show you a dieting trick called calorie shifting where you'll be alternating the energy from the foods that you eat every day so as to increase your metabolism. When you "shift" energy using the calorie shifting secret, this causes a major spike in your metabolism.

The higher your metabolism...the more faster and more naturally you may drop kilos and burn away fats! What's even higher is the truth that with this dieting system, you will persistently see outcomes with losing weight and burning fats since your metabolic rate will remain excessive just by eating.So, if you are on the lookout for a straightforward eating regimen plan to lose 6 pounds and drop body fats in just one week, then I like to recommend so that you can try out the calorie shifting weight loss program system.

Do You Feel Out Of Breath Walking Up Stairs?

Do You Feel Out Of Breath Walking Up Stairs?

Walking up stairs is a physical activity that you do against gravity. Your body really does some work and you need enough of oxygen to meet the requirements of the cells. Naturally your breathing rates increases. So you breathe rapidly and experience a little out of breath. This is admissible if you really climb up stairs more than 4 or 5 storeys. But what if you feel out of breathe walking up stairs of two or three storey building? There is something you need to pay attention to. So what could be the cause of out of breath walking up stairs?

Suffering from deprivation of breathing while you do small amount of physical work is not a good symptom. You may be internally suffering from some problem which requires immediate attention. Sometimes some internal problems don't show any symptom till it becomes severe. For instance the growth of cholesterol on the inner lining of walls of arteries doesn't show any symptoms till it is in a state to rupture the arteries or blood vessels. But they show some symptoms which we hardly notice like out of breathing on doing little amount of physical work.

The other causes of out of breathing walking up the stairs can be loss of stamina due to smoking, asthma, respiratory ailments, cardiovascular diseases and lung diseases. Besides these your weight can also be a reason of breathing problems.

Watch out if you are overweight? If you are suffering from obesity, your weight could be the cause of out of breath walking up stairs. Too much fat in the body produce cholesterol which blocks the lining or arteries that reduce the oxygenated blood flow to body tissues. As a result the person tries to breathe too heavily to meet the oxygen deficiency. It is very important to keep your weight in control.

If you are overweight you must start a diet plan for weight loss and do regular exercise. Your diet for weight loss should be planned and properly implemented. You must leave high carbohydrate foods, dairy products which include too much of fat, junk foods and taking of cold drinks or beverages responsible for weight gain. Instead of chewing chips or French fries you must chew fruit salads or vegetable salads as snack items. Drink fresh juices and exercise regularly to loss your weight naturally.

Capsaicin Presents Outstandingweight Loss Results Based On Recent Studies

Research now uncovers that chili peppers can be a dieter's completely new buddy in the war in opposition to excess fat. Chili peppers are usually recognized for their poignant, spicy flavoring that adds zest to cuisine. In the past, numerous health experts, dieticians along with losing weight specialists claimed that spicy dishes enable reduce fat.

But now, new research is shown in order to light that will proves they may have been right as a possible active component in chili peppersgenerally known as capsaicin is discovered to aid in weight-loss in terms of curbing appetite, improving metabolic process , as well as boosting fat loss. It's the trifecta of weightloss.

A study held in 2009 mentioned on the journal of Clinical Nutrition says that capsaicin cuts down food cravings, therefore, people ingested less calories and fat loss ensued. In which exact same year, a report published in the European Journal of Nutrition demonstrated that capsaicin decreases a endocrine named ghrelin, which can be identified for promoting food cravings. The research implies that capsaicin may be regarded as a valuable advantage in soothing craving for food and also appetite.

Metabolic process has been long deemed an iconic step to long-term weight loss. In case you have a fast metabolic rate, you're a fortunate member of culture that could try to eat cheeseburgers, and other seductive pleasures and barely acquire fat. A quick metabolism will be the solution at the rear of the skinny figures of the younger years. Although as we age, our metabolism drops, and for a few, considerably.

For you to combat that, capsaicin may play a huge role. That's mainly because various research laboratory and animal scientific studies record capsaicin hasten thermogenesis, the organic process involved in burning up calories.

In the 2010 research noticed in the particular Journal of Proteome Study, capsaicin triggered different necessary protein in which broke down extra fat as well as avoided the production of excess fat. Which proposes capsaicin may bear guarantee to help you flatten your tummy.

However is it harmless? Generally-speaking it truly is. Needless to say, foods with good capsaicin content, just like chili peppers may cause stomach complications, heartburn symptoms and possibly peptic issues for some. Additionally, if you're consuming prescription drugs including blood-thinners and also pain killers, it will be suggested to prevent foods as well as health supplements containing capsaicin. Capsaicin might not be suited to pregnant or perhaps nursing females.

Prior to go out to the grocery store to put on extra chili peppers, it's important to note it will require a considerable everyday dose of capsaicin * 10 grams -- to benefit. The most effective option is to take a capsaicin supplement in pill or capsule form to obtain your daily does easily.

We surveyed quite a few capsaicin dietary supplements on the market. Of these we examined, the most effective we found was a brand known as Capsiplex. This particular brand attained our requirements for the best capsaicin health supplement according to four factors.

The scientific study was executed on Capsiplex, which clearly demonstrates its usefulness. With this analysis, Dr. Karen Viera analyzed Capsiplex and found it made it easier for participants burn up around 278 much more calories previous to, during and also after exercising over a treadmill machine for an hour. The reason why is it boosts sleeping metabolic rate and costs and also burns carbohydrate food and fat. What's more, it confirmed anti-oxidant results, reduced blood vessels cholesterol levels and also reduced fat build-up in the liver. Exercising performance also proved a marked improvement, which results in a lot more intense workout routines, which melts away much more calories.

Another reason precisely why we liked Capsiplex was because it's a exclusive patented matrix of excipients as well as coatings that provides you the positive aspects with out irritability as well as acid reflux. That's because its unique covering was designed to endure the reduced Ph amount of the stomach in order that it keeps undamaged till the capsaicin extract is produced in the higher PH quantity of a intestinal tract; many capsaicin dietary supplements available on the market are not able to handle this problem, hence they produce lackluster outcomes.

Capsiplex has been highlighted positively in several United kingdom media which includes theDaily Mail, the Daily Express, the Daily Star, and in Star Magazine. Stars are purported to be taking advantage of Capsiplex including Britney Spears, Kelly Osborne and J-Lo, as well as model Nicola McLean who been dependent on it in order to lose her excessive post-pregnancy weight. She reported falling 7 pounds in just one week.

Due to impressive media subjection, 50,346 packs of Capsiplex soldout in 3 days. After that, the outcome coming from customers have shown promise too. Amy J. reports being lower two dress sizes in 6 weeks. Frank L., reports losing 8 pounds within 3 weeks. And Wendy B. boasts she's 11 lbs lighter right after just 23 days. The maker states when you have a lot more than 14lbs to shed, you can assume to decrease up to four lbs in your very first 7 days, and after that drop 1 or 2 lbs each week thereafter. That's fairly remarkable in our books. The company dependent their product upon 30 years of investigation and offers 24-hour help using their United kingdom office. They ship to all over the world and give a reasonable value with regard to Capsiplex, considering it makes it possible to get rid of to 278 calories per day.

Chiropractic Care for Weight Loss

Obesity is a rising concern in most parts of the world and has become one of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality. A lot of people are now becoming more concerned in adopting healthy weight loss strategies but almost 60 to 65% encounter difficulties in losing significant amount of weight due to a variety of issues like lack of compliance, failure of practical and functional weight loss strategies, high intake of processed foods, and unhealthy cravings and inability to resist cravings.

 Research suggests that use of complementary medicine is helpful in achieving fruitful results in a short time by maintaining compliance and emotional stability that is helpful in healthy weight loss.

 Weight gain is a problem due to hormonal, immunological, physiological and medical irregularities that affect the quality of life. Because of obesity, people develop changes in the production and serum concentration of different hormones, leading to changes in the reproductive cycle (production of androgens in adipose tissue), changes in the metabolism and serum sugar concentration (due to insulin resistance) and excessive wear and tear changes in the joints and bones due to degenerative changes. Other medical issues like hypertension, stroke, cardiac illness and psychiatric issues are also common in obese population. According to reports of Center for Disease Control, approximately 65% of the entire U.S. population is over-weight or obese.

 Chiropractic therapy may play significant role in stabilizing the joints and bones to promote healthy weight loss. Exercise and physical activity is one of the most important pillars of a weight loss strategy, however, the nature and intensity of physical activity is different for weight loss, weight maintenance and fitness. Chiropractic practitioners educate individuals regarding optimal posture and exercises that stabilize emotional clarity and reduce pain, swelling, inflammation and stress.  Some practical and helpful chiropractic therapies that may help in healthy weight loss are spinal manipulation, acupuncture, and massage.

 A study conducted by PM Barnes suggests that chiropractic medicine and alternative therapies are more useful in achieving healthy weight loss goals. The lack of compliance is mainly due to an inability to resist cravings. Research indicates that depression, psychiatric illness, improper neuronal connectivity and blockage of impulse conduction are the leading causes of emotional instability that may result in weight gain. Spinal manipulation helps in restoration of normal impulse conduction by the realignment of spinal vertebrae. Gary Elkins suggests that complementary and alternative medicine can manage health problems ranging from depression to weight loss (in independent cases as well as cases in which the two factors hold cause-effect relationship).
 Gut motility disorders constitute another important element of obesity due to intake of improper diet, gut inflammation, release of stress hormones and impaired metabolism. The intake of a poor quality processed diet further aggravates the inflammation and gut motility. A research report published in the scientific journal The American Journal of Gastroenterology indicates that over 40% of Americans utilize complementary medicine to manage motility disorders that help in managing the symptoms of irritable gut or hyper/ hypo mobile gut. With a healthy gut, the digestion, assimilation and metabolism improves significantly that may aid in weight loss.

 Mehmet Tuǧrul Cabıoǧlu conducted a study on an obese population of 55 females and observed that acupuncture therapy significantly helps in weight loss more than dietary restriction or nutritional modification. The study group underwent acupuncture therapy on the ear, spinal vertebral regions  and dermatomes (LI 4, LI 11, St 25, St 36, St 44) and the stomach for 30 minute sessions each day for a period of 20 days. After the completion of the test period, researchers reported improvements in total body cholesterol, lipid concentration and overall body weight.
 In another study published in International Journal of Neuroscience, the author suggests that acupuncture therapy helps in suppressing appetite, increasing gastrointestinal motility, enhancing basal metabolic rate and improvement in the emotional stability that helps in achieving weight loss.

 Massage therapy act as an adjuvant to the physical exercises and maneuvers that helps in soothing the aching tissues and muscles. In addition massage therapy helps in the elimination of toxins and chemicals that are produced as a result of fat mobilization (since adipose tissue stores the drug metabolites, chemicals and toxins that are produced or ingested by the human body).

 It is extremely important to seek assistance from a registered chiropractic practitioner in order to minimize the risk of complications and in order to achieve early results.

 Other helpful strategies advised by chiropractic practitioners to optimize weight loss strategies include Graston Therapies, ultrasound mediated stimulation of metabolism, electrical stimulation, kinesiotaping, Active Release Techniques, physiotherapy exercises, yoga, meditation, hypnosis, and biofeedback.