Since many people are alone when they suffer a heart attack, without help,the person whose heart is beating improperly and who begins to feel faint, has only about 10 seconds left before losing consciousness.
However, these victims can help themselves by coughing repeatedly and very vigorously. A deep breath should be taken before each cough, and the cough must be deep and prolonged, as when producing sputum from deep inside the chest.
A breath and a cough must be repeated about every two seconds without let-up until help arrives, or until the heart is felt to be beating normally again.
Deep breaths get oxygen into the lungs and coughing movements squeeze the heart and keep the blood circulating. The squeezing pressure on the heart also helps it regain normal rhythm. In this way, heart attack victims can get to a hospital. Tell as many other people as possible about this. It could save their lives!!
A cardiologist says If everyone who gets this mail sends it to 10 people, you can bet that we'll save at least one life.
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Neck pain
Neck pain
Neck pain affects approximately 80% of people at some point in their lifetime. It may result from sleeping the wrong way, poor body mechanics (such as poor posture, or holding the telephone between your shoulder and ear), or from an injury. Symptoms of cervical spine include:
Neck pain
Shoulder pain
Arm pain
Tingling in the arms, hands, or fingers
Numbness in the arms, hands, or fingers
Sharp pains in the arms, hands, or fingers
Weakness in arms
Frequently dropping items
Weakness in legs
Tripping or stumbling when walking
Weight loss
The healthy neck is well balanced and allows for movement, stresses, and strains of the head and body. If parts of the neck are injured, start to degenerate, or become unbalanced, it can be a source of neck pain, shoulder stiffness, and arm pain. Many patients report numbness, tingling, or sharp pains in their arms, hands, or fingers.
Some common cervical spine diagnosis are:
Adjacent Segment Degeneration
Ankylosing Spondylitis
Arthritis, Spondylosis, Osteosis
Cervical Deformity
Chiari Malformation
Degenerative Discs
Normal/Abnormal Motion
Failed Fusion
Foramen Stenosis
Herniated Disc
Muscular Pain
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Cervical spondylosis is caused by degenerative changes in the bones and intervertebral disks of the neck. A less technical name for this condition is osteoarthritis of the neck, or degenerative disk disease of the neck.
Cervical spondylosis is primarily due to aging. The condition usually first starts after the age of 40 and continues to progress as you age. Men tend to develop cervical spondylosis at an earlier age than women. The condition often leads to myelopathy. Cervical spondylosis is the most common condition of the neck that can affect the spinal cord.
Symptoms of cervical spondylosis include:
-Arm, hand, or finger weakness
-Neck pain that radiates down the arm..
Treatment options for cervical spondylosis include neck immobilization, pharmacologic treatments, lifestyle modifications, and physical therapy. Commonly utilized pharmagologic management of this disorder includes the use of NSAIDs, tricyclic antidepressants, and steroids. Physical therapy management of cervical spondylosis includes isometric neck strengthening exercises as well as gentle stretching. Modalities such as cervical traction and manual manipulation are also helpful.
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