Neuroscientists Unpack How Running (Even a Little) Benefits Your Brain Leaps and Bounds

I recently picked up a 931-page book called Lore of Running for—you know—some light bedtime reading. About halfway through the War and Peace-sized work, author Tim Noakes, MD, dives into the interworkings of a runner’s brain, by exploring not only what we think on the run, but how many elite racers learn to empty their minds entirely as the miles unfold before them. The book opened my eyes to just what people mean when they say “running is 90-percent mental”—and I asked neurologist power couple Ayesha Sherazi, MD and Dean Sherazi, MD, PhD, to unpack the many ways putting one foot in front of the other benefits the human brain.

Before understanding how running affects you, Dr. Dean Sherazi says you have to take a broader look at how the brain adapts and learns based on the stimuli it’s put through. “There’s an entire universe opening up to when it comes to how we can affect our brain: This three-pound organ has 86-billion neurons. The brain is the most vascular organ. And, on top of that, it’s sealed in a blood-brain barrier. It’s just a remarkable system that we’ve ignored for decades, and even millennia, because we didn’t know much about it. Now we know that it has a tremendous ability to not just grow and heal itself [at a young age], but actually even well into your 80s and beyond.”

“There’s an entire universe opening up to when it comes to how we can affect our brain: This three-pound organ has 86-billion neurons.” —Dean Sherazi, MD

Despite the fact that we’re fundamentally learning and studying the brain and how it works, we do know that exercise can be used as a tool to sharpen the mind. “Ironically the activity that taxes the body the most creates the greatest growth for the brain. That’s exercise,” says Dr. Dean Sherazi. “It seems counterintuitive, but it’s because an act like running isn’t just about working your muscles; it’s about getting blood supplies and greater blood flow to the brain.” Neuroscientists now believe that an increase in blood flow accounts for a myriad of advantages in brain function. Below, Dr. Ayesha and Dean Sherazi break down how your miles affect your memory, connectivity, focus, and more.

How the act of running renovates your brain

“Every time we exercise, we exercise both physically and cognitively,” says Dr. Dean Sherazi. Research suggests that exercise increases the growth factors in the brain—making it easier for the organ to grow and form new neuronal connections. “Those connections are why we see this tremendous growth in certain parts of the brain, especially those parts dedicated to memory called the hippocampi,” explains Dr. Dean Sherazi.

In case you’re like, “Hippo-who? I don’t know her,” the hippocampi are two, seahorse-shaped structures on either side of the brain that light up when you’re exercising. These two regions rule over a number of important human skills like memory and learning, and Dr. Dean Sherazi says that spending your life on the run has been shown to combat some of the damage that these two VIP parts of the brain naturally endure with time. “The parts of the brain that actually start decaying earlier than any other parts as we get older are the focus centers,” says Dr. Dean Sherazi.

Without intervention, the prefrontal cortex, cerebellum, cerebral cortex, basal ganglia, and—yes—the hippocampi would naturally shrink with age. Running interrupts this process. Not just in the hippocampi, but in other zones of the brain as well. “Running —and especially elite running—does two things for focus,” explains Dr. Dean Sherazi. “It enlarges those focus centers and affects those directly. But more importantly, it affects these focus centers in a habitual way. We always say 99 percent of your behavior and even your thoughts are habits laid down in your basal ganglia.” The basal ganglia sounds like it should be a scary spider breed with sharp, venomous teeth, but is actually a section of the brain that rules over your motor control, executive behaviors, motor learning, and emotions. It loves to create habits—and running can help you program them more mindfully.

“What happens is when you exercise and you repetitively focus on the breath, repetitively focus on overcoming the pain, repetitively focus on the patterns of discipline, you do not only develop the habit of running and breaking through [pain], but you grow those parts in the brain that are dedicated to focus and habit-building,” says Dr. Dean Sherazi. “So you’re actually expanding the very area that’s affected by aging exponentially.” In other words: Running on the regular doesn’t just mean covering more ground physically; it means expanding the boundaries of the brain itself.

Beyond the runner’s high: How your miles affect your mood

We know all about the runner’s high:  The burst of awe-filled euphoria that comes when you’re miles-deep into a long run and your brain produces endorphins (aka, happiness hormones). Well, Dr. Ayesha Sherazi says that wonderful “brain orgasm” is just one way in which running kicks off a disco in many regions of your mind. “There have been studies that show that when people run, they start releasing the same kind of chemicals that cause a rush of joy or euphoria. You’ve heard of a runner’s high, and that’s when endorphins are secreted but there are so many other chemicals that are almost like drugs,” explains Dr. Ayesha Sherazi. “There are endocannabinoids and they affect the parts of the brain that release dopamine, so you get an immense amount of pleasure during running.”

While researchers don’t yet know why exercise triggers the endocannabinoid system during exercise (the same system that’s triggered when you take CBD and THC), they speculate that the reaction likely developed out of an evolutionary need. “I think it’s a part of the evolutionary system that we developed so that we could run away from a tiger or another predator early on, but now, when we exercise intensely at that level or at the elite athlete level, we start secreting these endocannabinoids that bring joy, that get rid of pain, and that actually opens up our muscles so we don’t have any muscle or skeletal injuries,” says Dr. Ayesha Sherazi.

On top of that, Dr. Ayesha Shirazi adds that running overrides the human need to multitask. Even if you’re listening to music or catching up on your podcast queue to pass the miles, you’re still repeating one order in your brain again and again: Left foot, right foot, left foot, right foot. “Running forces our brains to focus on one activity and get rid of all of the multitasking habits that we have. There is no such thing as multitasking; there is such a thing as doing multiple things badly,” says Dr. Ayesha Shirazi. “When you’re running, you’re forcing yourself to focus on one thing and that is like a bicep curl for the brain. It’s strengthening those focus areas that we spoke about earlier.” When you hear someone exclaim, “I’m in the zone mid-workout, this is exactly what they’re talking about. “They’re getting into that zone where they don’t have pain, where they’re focusing on the action alone, where they’re feeling high and their body is helping them to move forward over and over again. It’s one of the most enjoyable moments ever,” adds Dr. Ayesha Sherazi.

“When you’re running, you’re forcing yourself to focus on one thing and that is like a bicep curl for the brain.” —Dr. Ayesha Shirazi

In Lore of Running, Dr. Noakes links this state of flow to “associative characteristics” via a landmark 1977 study that discerned the difference between how experienced runners and average runners strategized their miles using the mind alone. “[Running with associative characteristics] means that [runners] thoughts were totally absorbed in the race itself,” writes Dr. Noakes. “They concentrated on strategy, on staying loose, and on running as efficiently as possible by closely monitoring subtle psychological cues from their feet, calves, thighs, and respiration.” Dissociative thoughts, on the other hand, led to subjects disconnecting from the activity at hand until the pain of the run can no longer be ignored. Leading Dr. Noakes to conclude that, “[As] athletes mature with years of training and racing experience, they gradually learn how to pace themselves optimally,” he concludes.

Perhaps the most mind-blowing thing of all at the intersection of running and neuroscience is that the relationship between exercise and brain health is still very much a burgeoning field. A 2016 study published in the journal Nature found 97 uncharted parts of the brain and we only understand an estimated 10 percent of how our brains function. We are, quite literally, just at the starting line. There’s a lot more to learn—and many more miles to cover in the meantime.

Make sure you warm up before your run:

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4 Tart Cherry Juice Benefits for Better Sleep, Heart Health, and More

Aside from plain old H2O, there are a few healthy drinks that have competed for preeminence in the wellness world. Lemon water? Been there. Green juice? Done that. But there’s one underrated dark horse beverage that deserves a closer look: Tart cherry juice.

Tart cherry juice is made from tart cherries, also known as Montmorency cherries. These particular cherries are common in Europe, Canada, and the U.S., and like traditional cherries, come with their own substantial health benefits—particularly when juiced.

Here are all the reasons to sip on tart cherry juice—especially after a tough workout or before bedtime. You’ll be mad you hadn’t tried it before.

4 tart cherry juice benefits for your health and well-being

1. Improved heart health

That’s right—tart cherry juice may protect your heart for the long term. The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of tart cherry juice have been associated with improved blood pressure and LDL (bad) cholesterol levels when consumed for 12 weeks. And, “specifically, tart cherries are rich in polyphenol anthocyanins, known for their anti-inflammatory properties and support of antioxidant systems that slow the aging process,” says Kelly Jones, RD.

2. It can help you sleep better

Tart cherry juice intake has also been associated with improved sleep duration and sleep quality in healthy adults. Why? It’s rich in melatonin, Jones says, “and melatonin is critical for healthy sleep-wake cycles.” While many turn to melatonin or magnesium supplements for more ZZZs, tart cherry juice may be a more natural alternative, she explains. (It’s beloved by functional medicine doctors for a reason.)

Looking for other bedtime eats and drinks? Check out these RD-approved picks:

3. It can support workout recovery

Adding tart cherry juice to a post-workout smoothie with some protein powder could be a great way to speed up muscle recovery. “Tart cherry juice may get the most attention with athletes as its antioxidant polyphenols have been associated with reduced pain and improved muscle recovery after both endurance and strength training,” says Jones. “It may benefit athletes most after their heavy training and adaptation period,” she adds.

But it’s not necessarily a one-and-done kind of deal. “From personal experience as a sports dietitian…more consistent intake can be helpful for both direct recovery benefits and enhanced sleep,” Jones says, especially for people who play professional sports who compete consistently for several months out of the year.

4. It might help with osteoarthritis symptoms

While more research is needed, one study indicated that participants drinking tart cherry juice versus taking a placebo reported modest symptom relief from knee pain due to osteoarthritis, though it’s not statistically significant. A more recent, slightly larger study from 2019 found that those drinking tart cherry juice daily reported improvements in mobility, pain, and quality of life, though—so the jury’s not out yet on its potential here.

Are there any downsides to tart cherry juice?

Like any fruit juice, tart cherry juice is high in natural sugars—without any fiber to slow down its absorption. (For example, Cheribundi 100% Tart Cherry Juice, $23 for 12, has 25 grams of sugar per eight-ounce serving.) Since your body treats all sugars the same, regardless of the source, it’s important not to overdo it on this or any juice. “Those concerned with blood sugar management should pair their tart cherry juice with a protein source such as yogurt or hard-boiled eggs to blunt blood sugar spikes, especially if taking before bed for sleep benefits,” Jones explains.

Ironically, despite the sugar content, tart cherry juice doesn’t taste sweet—which might be offputting to some. “Some aren’t pleased with the tart taste, but many brands will sweeten their beverages with apple juice to make it more palatable,” Jones says. If that is appealing to you, just check the labels on what you buy to ensure that the sugar content isn’t too high for your unique health needs.

How to best enjoy tart cherry juice

Given the sugar content, Jones says you can consume between eight to 16 ounces per day—with the higher end being optimal for athletes. Start with the eight ounces and go up from there, if desired.

There are several ways to enjoy tart cherry juice at home besides, you know, just pouring yourself a glass. “Mixing tart cherry juice as your liquid into a smoothie is a great way to balance the sugar with fat, fiber, and protein from other ingredients,” Jones says.

For athletes, it can be a great post-workout mixer for a favorite protein powder, as it provides the necessary carbohydrates and fluid for recovery, along with the potent antioxidants.

“You can also reduce the juice to a syrup to add to pancakes and in dressings,” Jones says, as another way to integrate it into your meals, too. Just heat some on the stovetop until it reaches a boil, then reduce the heat and simmer, stirring occasionally, until the liquid thickens and evaporates.

There are so many healthy drinks to keep track of, from turmeric-spiked apple smoothies to OG lemon waters and green juices. But if you’re looking for a drink with extra heart-health benefits, it can’t hurt to sip on tart cherry juice every now and then.

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