Fish livers 'are good source of beneficial fatty acids'

A team of researchers from the University of Almeria (Spain) has confirmed that fish livers are a good source of polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are beneficial to healthAnchovies are one of the fish whose livers contain the highest levels of these substances.

"The livers of edible fish are a good source of long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LCPUFA), especially those in the omega 3 family, such aseicosapentaenoicacid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)," said Jose Luis Guil-Guerrero, lead author of the study.

These fatty acids are used to prevent and treat various complaints, such as some kinds of cancer, depression, Alzheimer's disease, schizophrenia, behavioural problems and cardiovascular diseases.

The study focused on 12 kinds of fish that are commonly eaten in south eastern Spain, such as hake, shortfin mako and European pilchard. The livers of the great weever (Trachinus draco) and the European anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus) were those that showed up the highest levels of LCPUFA.

In addition, all the species had a combination of omega-3/omega-6 acids that was "beneficial for human consumption", especially in the case of the liver of the blue whiting (Micromesistius poutassou).

"Unfortunately, discarding these livers means that all their nutritional properties are missed", said Guil-Guerrero, "and if they were used this would also reduce the environmental pollution caused by throwing innards into the water, which is an inherent problem in the fish product processing industry in coastal areas".

The study has been published in the Journal of Food Composition and Analysis.--ANI.   

Mechanism that could provide potential cure for diabetes identified

People develop diabetes because they don''t have enough pancreatic beta cells to produce the insulin necessary to regulate their blood sugar levels.. But now, researchers from UCLA''s Larry L. Hillblom Islet Research Center have discovered the underlying mechanism that could convert other cells in the body into the insulin-making cells, which could provide a potential cure for diabetes.

While the current standard of treatment for diabetes — insulintherapy — helps patients maintain sugar levels, it isn''t perfect, and many patients remain at high risk of developing a variety of medical complications.

Replenishing lost beta cells could serve as a more permanent solution, both for those who have lost such cells due to an immune assault (Type diabetes) and those who acquire diabetes later in life due to insulin resistance (Type 2).

"Our work shows that beta cells and related endocrine cells can easily be converted into each other," said study co-author Anil Bhushan, an associate professor of medicine in the endocrinology division at the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA.

The researchers showed that chemical tags called "methyl groups" that bind to DNA — where they act like a volume knob, turning up or down the activity of certain genes — are crucial to understanding how cells can be converted into insulin-secreting beta cells.

They showed that DNA methylation keeps ARX, a gene that triggers the formation of glucagon-secreting alpha cells in the embryonic pancreas, silent in beta cells.

Deletion of Dnmt1, the enzyme responsible for DNA methylation, from insulin-producing beta cells converts them into alpha cells.

The findings suggested that a defect in beta cells'' DNA methylation process interferes with their ability to maintain their "identity." So if this "epigenetic mechanism," as the researchers call it, can produce alpha cells, there may be an analogous mechanism that can produce beta cells that would maintain blood sugar equilibrium.

"We show that the basis for this conversion depends not on genetic sequences but on modifications to the DNA that dictates how the DNA is wrapped within the cell," said Bhushan.

"We think this is crucial to understanding how to convert a variety of cell types, including stem cells, into functional beta cells," he added.

The study was published in the April issue of the journal Developmental Cell.

to produce the insulin necessary to regulate their blood sugar levels.