Home Remedies of Apple Cider Vinegar

Natural healing Apple cider vinegar kills germs and nourishes the body at the same time, so have a look at some of the many different ways people have been benefiting from the external and internal application of this folk medicine.

Note: If you take ACV between meals or before going to bed, always rinse your mouth to avoid any prolonged vinegar contact with the enamel on your teeth.
Any acid food or drink however, such as citrus fruit, soda pop, and apple cider vinegar can erode tooth enamel if it is allowed to stay in contact with the teeth for long periods of time.

Apply a solution of apple cider vinegar and water (three tablespoons to one four ounce glass of water) with a cotton ball several times a day. This will help reduce infection and dry out inflammation.
Another natural healing home cure calls for the every day application of apple cider vinegar which has been infused with horseradish.
Prepare the solution by adding cups of ACV to pound of grated horseradish. Let it sit for weeks, then strain.

Apply every day, to these darkened areas of the skin, a solution containing three teaspoons of apple cider vinegar and one teaspoon of onion juice. According to this home cure, the spots ought to start to fade within three weeks.

Message the sore joints with a embrocation made up of three egg whites, ½ cup (125 ml) apple cider vinegar, and ¼ cup (60 ml) olive oil. Also, basically taking the apple cider vinegar tonic (three or three teaspoons to 8 ounces of water) before each meal has been an effective natural healing home cure for plenty of people.
Some people have found relief from mild asthma by taking the apple cider vinegar tonic along with applying a vinegar-soaked compress to the inside of the wrists.

Soak a cotton ball in pure apple cider vinegar, have the person lay his head back and then place it in the bleeding nostril. This home cure will help cease the bleeding faster.

Athlete's foot is a fungal infection which is difficult to get rid of. of the best home cures involves soaking the feet three times a day in a 50/50 mixture of apple cider vinegar and water. Or, you can apply pure apple cider vinegar to the affected areas several times a day and before bedtime.

Take one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and one tablespoon of honey in a glass of water three times a day to help lower blood pressure. The high potassium values in both natural healing substances helps to balance out sodium levels in the body, which aids in maintaining blood pressure within healthy limits. Apple cider vinegar and honey also contain magnesium, a mineral that works to relax blood vessel walls and thus lower hypertension. To maximize the benefit of this and other home cures, take the holistic approach, and couple this with dietary modifications such as a reduced fat and salt intake, increased fiber intake, moderate coffee and alcohol, no smoking, and every day exercise.

Use apple cider vinegar as a natural body deodorant and eliminate the bacteria causing offensive body odor. For example, check out these related home cures:
Underarms can be kept free of odor causing bacteria by wiping them three times a day with undiluted apple cider vinegar whereas foot odor can be greatly minimized by soaking the feet or times every week in a pan of warm water mixed with 1/3 cup (75 ml) of ACV.

Dissolve one teaspoon of salt in ½ cup (125 ml) of warm apple cider vinegar and apply it to the bruise as a compress.

Due to its mineral content, Apple cider vinegar helps to maintain bone mass and fight against osteoporosis. The important minerals involved include manganese, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, and silicon.
Take the general apple cider vinegar tonic (three or three teaspoons to 8 ounces of water) to boost the body's supply of these minerals. Click here to find more about the mineral content of apple cider vinegar.

Apples and apple cider vinegar contain numerous substances that protect against plenty of types of cancer. They contain beta-carotene, a powerful antioxidant, and phytochemicals such as flavonoids and polyphenols that are also protective against cancer formation.
And they both contain pectin, a soluble fiber , which binds positive cancer causing compounds in the colon and speeds up their elimination from the body.
So eat an apple a day and take the general apple cider vinegar tonic home cure (three or three teaspoons to 8 ounces of water) to maximize these benefits.

Apply pure apple cider vinegar to the burn, whether it is from the sun or a hot surface, to reduce the pain, to disinfect, and to supply nutrient necessary for healing.

It is thought that the water soluble fiber pectin, present in apple cider vinegar, absorbs fats and cholesterol and eliminates them from the body. And simultaneously, the amino acids present in apple cider vinegar neutralize a number of the harmful oxidized LDL cholesterol.

Foods that make you feel full

More than how much you eat, what you eat determines the satisfaction level of a meal. Nutritionist Sneha Jain lists 10 foods that make you feel full, without making you fat. 

Fatty Fish 
Fatty fish such as salmon, tuna, mackerel, herring and sardines contain large amounts of omega-3 fatty acids which, besides lowering cholesterol, also hasten the metabolism rate. Omega-3 fatty acids alter the level of leptin — a hormone that directly influences metabolism and determines whether you burn calories or store them as fat. Fish also provides ample protein and the best way to eat it is grilled, with steamed vegetables on the side.

Citrus Fruits 
Fruits such as grapefruit, lemon, sweet lime, papaya, guava and tomatoes are rich in Vitamin C and fibre. Vitamin C helps the body process fat faster and also stimulates the amino acid known as carnitine — carnitine speeds up the body's fat-burning capacity. Citrus fruits also have high water content and provide around 50 to 75 kcal, leaving us satiated for a longer period of time. 

Green Vegetables 
Spinach, asparagus and broccoli have a high thermic effect on the body and a low calorie density. This means that it's almost impossible for them to be stored as fat because most of their calories are burned off in the digestion process. Apart from that, the fibre in these foods provides roughage and contains antioxidants, vitamins and minerals that help you feel full.

Popcorn is rich in fibre and low on calories. Also, since eating it keeps our mouth busy for a longer time, the satiety levels are high. However stay away from the overly buttered, caramel and cheese cousins.

Oatmeal is a complex carbohydrate which takes longer to digest — hence it releases energy slowly, keeping you feeling full for longer. It also keeps blood sugar and insulin levels stable, which helps prevent fat storage. Oatmeal is the most satisfying breakfast cereal, providing more protein per serving than any other grain. Mix it with yoghurt or skimmed milk and it'll keep you full all morning.

Almond and Walnuts 
Raw, unsalted nuts, especially almonds and walnuts, provide essential roughage, protein, fat, minerals and micronutrients. Munching on handfuls of these nuts keeps you full and energetic for longer without adding to your waistline.

Low-Fat Dairy Products 
Skimmed milk, low fat cheese and yoghurt are a good source of calcium, which helps break down fat cells. Some studies indicate that not getting enough calcium may trigger the release of calcitrol, a hormone that causes fat storage.

Beans are high in fibre and a good source of protein. They also take longer to digest, making you feel full for a longer time. Also, protein has the highest satiety index (which determines how long will you feel full) than any other element.

Whole grains 
Jowar, bajra and ragi contain complex carbohydrates, which release glucose slowly when broken down during digestion. The glucose helps in maintaining your blood sugars levels and combats sugar craving. They are also a rich source of fibre and Vitamin B complex that play an important role in metabolic control.

High water content and ample fibre is the reason why you feel full after eating an apple. An apple's skin contains pectin soluble fibre that is a natural appetite suppressant. Seems like an apple a day keeps the weight away. TNN