Health tips | health and fitness tips

Health  and Fitness are now one of the biggest concerns across the globe. This  site offers free Health tips and Natural Home Remedies. Every one of us wants an easy life. In those days, people used to do a lot of physical work as there were no transport, machines 
etc. Now we get everything readymade. All works are simplified; the effect is people are not as healthy as our forefathers.

Even we see obesity in children. Food products are full of chemicals. So how do we ensure a good and healthy living? Here are your health tips to live a healthy life. Here in this blog we update daily health tips ,fitness tips, easy to do Yoga techniques, Health and nutritious food, diet, body and skincare , weightless tips, beauty tips , stress management, Guide to lose body fat, women health, Tips for good health, Cookery Tips ,meditation, pranayama, Surya namaskar,and thyroid.
Physical Activity and Health
 Regular physical exercise is the most important thing in today’s world. Regular exercise supports physical and mental well-being. Everyone should at least walk for 30 minutes. This will help to:
Control your weight
Reduce the risk of diabetes and heart ailments, blood pressure and cholesterol levels.
Healthy and nutritious food
 A nutritious balanced diet is a key to good health. It must contain carbohydrate, protein, fat, vitamins, mineral salts and fiber in correct proportions. Follow  these health tips to become a healthy citizen.

Natural Home Remedies for Wrinkles

As we age most of us experience wrinkles and blemishes on our face. There are some home remedies which you can try sitting at home easily.
Take a few drops of coconut oil and few drops of vitamin E oil, mix it and apply before going to bed.
Pineapple has powerful enzymes that can moisturize the skin and kill dead cells. Take a piece of pineapple and mash it and apply it on your face and wait for 30 minutes and wash it.
Acidic fruit juices help to fade away the wrinkles. Apply lemon juice or tomato juice and wash after 30 minutes.
Beat an egg white and apply under the eyelid wait for 30 minutes and wash.
Pumpkin seeds have vitamin E and help to restore the healthy skin cells. Grind handful of pumpkin seeds and apply it on your face.
Turmeric has great medicinal properties. It has the powerful antioxidants which are also a wrinkle reducer.
Take a spoon of turmeric powder, mix with little curd or honey and apply as a paste on your face. Let it dry, wash and apply moisturizer.
Also, try papaya and avocado with honey. You will see the difference immediately.