Drinking tea can cut ovarian cancer risk

Ovarian cancer affects many women all over the world. A two year research was conducted by the health officers with around 1000 women with an average age of 60 years,

50% of the 1000 women were diagnosed with ovarian cancer while the other 50% were free of the disease.

The researchers found that those who were free of cancer were more likely to be tea drinkers from a very early age than those diagnosed with cancer, The Daily Express reported.

There is a powerful compound called, "FLAVONOIDS” which is a strong disease fighting property is present in the black tea.  This is proved in by a study at the School of Public health, Curtin University in Perth, Australia. So tea consumption should be encouraged.

Benefits of exercise for pregnant women with high BP

Research says regular exercise throughout pregnancy may have useful effects for girls who have high BP during gestation - contrary to previous analysis that steered otherwise.
Starting the exercise well before pregnancy and maintained through most of the pregnancy is very important for girls to mitigate the danger of pre-eclampsia.

The research  team evoked cardiovascular disease in pregnant rats by limiting blood flow to the rat placentas and monitored gestation when six weeks of exercise on activity wheels. Animals in test ran around thirty kilometres per week before maternity and around four to five kilometres per week throughout maternity.
It was discovered that placental ischemia-induced cardiovascular disease in rats was mitigated by exercise and was amid a restoration of many current factors that have recently been shown to be necessary in inflicting the high pressure level related to pre-eclampsia.

Exercise conjointly improved epithelium cell operate and reduced aerophilic stress within the hypertensive rat. Foetal weight wasn't compromised by exercise and there have been no obvious signs of foetal stress in rats with cardiovascular disease that exercised, Gilbert aforesaid.