Can A Weight Lifter Burn Muscle Mass With Aerobics?

Can A Weight Lifter Burn Muscle Mass With Aerobics?

Many bodybuilders are confused regarding aerobic exercise, with some feeling that such effort is necessary to control body fat, while others preferring the concept that cardiovascular exercise will either burn away muscle mass, or prevent future muscle building. The latter group's concern has forced many bodybuilders to abandon aerobic activity during muscle building periods, and even prohibit cardiovascular exercise when fat loss is the main goal, but for many, the question remains as to whether the aerobic activity hysteria is well founded, or if this idea is instead a part of weight lifting mythology.

Most bodybuilders do realize the positive impact of aerobic activity in fat loss, but the worry mounts when contemplating the effect on muscle mass, and this idea has forced certain bodybuilders to replace their moderately intense aerobic routines with power walking, feeling that this behavior is properly intense for fat burn, but below the threshold for muscle loss. I sometimes try to determine precisely where these notions originate, and a group may have possibly felt so motivated by the concept of putting forth less effort (which is the case when comparing power walking to jogging), that they began promoting this rather foolish proposition, or, alternatively, a group of advertisers may have decided to design a physical fitness program filled with attractive information, namely an easy to follow routine that will encourage readers to sign up due to the magnificent effortless promises. Of course, such ideas have repeatedly proven themselves to be abysmal failures, offering terrible results. Yet, what weight lifter does not relish in the thought of suppressing effort and achieving improved progress? Taking this idea further, do you know of any bodybuilder who would reject an excuse to eliminate aerobic exercise completely if he or she were convinced that doing so was helpful to muscle gains?

Yes, evil aerobics sounds like a very attractive proposition to a weight lifter who is seeking less effort, and marketing is an industry where the senses are attacked to the point of emotional investment, but the wisdom taught decades ago are never replaced by modern marketing slogans, despite the attempt of many exercise entrepreneurs to do so. Making aerobics seem harmful is an excellent method at encouraging a weight lifter to invest financially in a specific muscle building and fat loss program, because each one of us feels a sense of curiosity towards the idea of more down time producing enhanced progress, but this particular gimmick does not translate into results. Wherever the concept surfaced, advertisers have used the "aerobics burns muscle mass" idea to promote their own products, despite the fact that aerobic activity is not only effective in eliminating body fat when performed consistently and correctly, but is not a hindrance to muscle gain.

All bodybuilders realize that a physique will deteriorate in overall impressiveness as body fat percentage begins to climb, and conversely, will improve extraordinarily as body fat declines. Therefore, prudence suggests that any body fat control technique should be employed consistently in order for the most dramatic weight lifting results, and if aerobic activity is in fact an effective fat control method, then it behooves all who wish to pursue the best possible bodybuilding results to implement aerobic activity into their daily workout plan.

The only exception to this rule is if a bodybuilder is primarily seeking muscle gain, and due to a hectic schedule or an emotional inability to accept sufficient workout time, he or she feels simply incapable of maintaining maximum intensity during weight lifting workouts when aerobic activity is an additional burden; in such a situation, aerobic activity can be reserved for fat loss phases only, when weight lifting workout volume declines. But for those who have the time and wherewithal to perform regular aerobic activity, implementing aerobics several days per week is prudent, even during muscle building phases, as the less fat that is produced during muscle gain, the more focus can be maintained on achieving new muscle growth, and the more definition a bodybuilder will display throughout the year.

Therefore, despite the skeptics and marketing mavins who claim otherwise, aerobic activity is helpful in burning fat, will not harm muscle mass when following an effective diet plan and weight training workout system, and will improve metabolic rate so that body fat percentage can remain acceptable at all times. If you are pursuing maximum bodybuilding progress, then consider cardiovascular exercise to be your trusted fat reducing companion.

Weight Loss And Fitness With Cardio Exercise Equipment

Weight Loss And Fitness With Cardio Exercise Equipment

There seems to be no end to the variety of diets and supplements aimed at helping you to lose body fat and excess weight. They all suffer from one underlying problem, as soon as you stop using them the pounds you lost pile back on, and you often end up with more body fat than you started with. One of the best, if not the best way to lose those extra pounds and keep them off, is with some kind of regular exercise. Most experts recommend some sort of cardiovascular exercise. And a good place to start is with some cardio exercise equipment. Especially if you are pretty overweight, because the last thing you want to do is pound your joints and risk injuring yourself by jogging round the block.

If you injure yourself while exercising, it can put you off exercise altogether and keep you from actually starting a daily exercise routine. So investing in a cardio exercise machine could really help you to lose weight and get fit enough and strong enough to go for that jog around the block. When you're fit enough to go out jogging or running you can still make use of your cardio exercise machine. You can use it for days when you're short of time or the weather puts you off from going outside to perform your workout. You can buy cardio exercise machines that fold away and can be stored under your bed or in a cupboard, for when you're not using them.

You may find that you stick with using your cardio exercise machine for your fitness workouts, because you can do it in the comfort of your own home and at a time that suits you. You can listen to your favourite music, watch your favourite TV programme or even read a book. All of these things can help alleviate the inevitable boredom that can come from doing the same activity for 20 - 30 minutes non-stop. One of the main reasons for people not staying with a regular exercise routine is boredom. Espcially in the early stages when you're still waiting to lose those pounds or feel the long term benefits of regular exercise.

One of the more long term benefits that come with regular use of your cardio exercise equipment is that In the process, more oxygen is used up by your muscles during your workout. Your heart will be asked to pump more blood around your body. Your heart rate will get faster and your metabolism will speed up and more of your stored bodyfat will be burned up. You will also continue to burn calories after you've finished your workout. This could mean that instead of having to go on a strict calorie controlled diet, you can eat more normally and still shed those extra pounds.

So as you have read that are a lot of benefits to having a cardio exercise machine. You can perform your exercise routine in the comfort of your own home. You can workout at a time that suits you. You don't have to get dressed up to go out in all weathers to keep up with your exercise routine.