Discover The 3 Foot Types to Pick the Perfect Fitting Zumba Shoes Possible

Discover The 3 Foot Types to Pick the Perfect Fitting Zumba Shoes Possible

Since the popularity of zumba, most people just don't want to look good but would prefer to prevent injuries too. Although zumba is a fun way to burn belly fat, keep tone and drop a few extra pounds or more, you don't want to run a risk by wearing the wrong kind of shoe.

However, since zumba is a high-stepping, high intensity cardio workout with sleek multi-directional moves, a newly designed type of sneaker was desperately needed. Zumba shoes or dance-fitness sneakers as others may call them is the new sheriff in town. These shoes were designed to give you the comfort and support that's needed to thoroughly enjoy your zumba class.

I would dare to say that the most vital part of your Zumba outfit is your shoes. If you've ever taken a Zumba class then you know that it requires an intensive leg-workout, so your shoe option is critical. The last thing you want are arching feet, while you're trying to salsa. This is the one place that you don't want to focus on hurting feet but instead on chiseling your body back to the way it used to be... whether it's to lose 5, 55 or 105 pounds.

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 Now before we go any further and give you an incomplete impression about zumba; let's go over some important factors.There are a few serious issues that need to be discussed so that your zumba experience will be a long-lasting positive one.
For the moment, we will put aside the fun and games of zumba and talk specifically about your feet to help you better understand your foot type to know which sneaker is best for your foot type.

 Listed below are 3 foot types and your foot type should fit in one of the three categories:

(1) Pronators, you've probably never heard the term but if you have pronators, 'You'll know it'. Pronators are those that have flat feet. This usually means that you have a hard time finding comfortable shoes that fit your feet well. If you have flat feet you should look for a sneaker that has a reinforced heel, lots of control and sturdy straps to prevent your feet from inward rolling.

(2) Supinators, this is the foot type that is opposite from the pronators. These people also know that they have special needs feet. Supinators are those with a higher arch then what we consider normal. People that fit into this category should look for athletic shoes that offer extra cushion under the ball of the feet and added ankle and heel support.

(3) Lastly, are those with normal feet. Some of you may have a few bunions or corns, but you don't have the added issues that are associated with flat feet or high arches. Those with neutral feet can wear any style of shoe that's comfortable to their feet; however, it's still a good idea to have some degree of arch or curve in your shoes.

Now since we've explored the different kind of foot types and gave a little advice on what type of shoes would be the best fit for your feet, you can rest assure that choosing the best shoes for zumba will be a little easier.

Women Over 40: How Much Workout Leads to Weight Loss?

Women Over 40: How Much Workout Leads to Weight Loss?
After menopause losing weight is becoming harder and harder. Especially if a sedentary life style contributes to a lack of exercise and physical activity.

Regular exercise is an crucial element to lose weight permanently- however, do you know how much exercise is actually essential to lose weight?
You might say, the more the better,€ and you are right- theoretically.

After all, the common thinking is: The more calories you burn, the more weight you lose.
But in reality things tend to work out otherwise. And this is because of the compensation mechanism. The meaning of the term "compensation" is: If you predict the weight lost according to the calories burned, and measure the actual weight loss accomplished, you'll often find a gap. It's easy to understand what causes the compensation effect: People start to eat more when they go on an exercise plan. It'€™s often justified by thinking, €œAs long as I am burning off the extra calories, I can allow myself to consume more

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But, most dieters assess the amount of calories burnt during exercising and the amount of calories consumed inaccurately: Calories burnt are overrated and calories eaten underrated. So the attitude of “when I am exercising I can eat more” lresults not in permanent weight loss.
In scientific research, the amount of exercise was measured and related to the compensation mechanism. The results are very fascinating. Postmenopausal, overweight or obese  women went to 3 different exercise programs, consisting of 72, 136 or 194 minutes of exercise weekly. All women had a inactive lifestyle before.

The first two groups (exercising 1 hour and 2 hours per week) did not compensate. They lost as much weight as expected. They did not eat more after starting the exercise program.
However, the women on the intensive exercise program (more than 3 hours weekly) lost only half of the expected weight. It could be the case that they were thinking "I am allowed to eat more, because I work so hard on this program".

What do we learn from this?

It naturally doesn't mean that a light intensity program is best. It means if you are exercising hard, there are chances you might feel compelled to compensate and start eating more. So: If you are doing an physical exercise program, control your food intake as well- or you might not be capable to lose weight permanently after 40.

By the way: All exercise groups had a fundamental reduction in waistline circumference indicating healthy weight loss. Losing belly fat lowers the risk of diabetes and cardiovascular problems.
Everybody is different- and you will need an exercise plan taking your specific situation into account. A good weight loss program should be adjusted to your particular situation.