Why Trainers Believe That Barbell Hip Thrusts Are Key for Your Glutes Workouts

The most popular exercise to do if you’re looking to light up your all-important glutes and hamstrings is the glute bridge and its many variations. If you’re looking to up the ante in your lower body workouts, though, try including some barbell hip thrusts into your workout routine.

Fitness trainers turn to the move for a number of reasons, mainly because it’s a go-to weight training move that strengthens your posterior chain. Keep scrolling for everything you need to know about the exercise.

What is a barbell hip thrust

In a barbell hip thrust, you use a barbell to create resistance on your hip area as you recruit certain muscles to push it forward. “A barbell hip thrust is when you place a barbell on your lower abdomen above your quads and below your abs, then lie down with your shoulders on a bench,” says Quan Bailey, certified personal trainer and Isopure athlete. “You then thrust your hips from the ground. The lift mainly focuses on your glutes, lower back, and hamstrings.” To do it correctly, follow these instructions:

1. Begin seated with your back against a bench. Place a barbell on your hips.

2. Place your shoulders and upper back on the bench.

3. Lift your hips up from the ground until they’re aligned with your shoulders. Or, if you’re doing the thrust from the floor without a bench, your hips will end up in an upright position as the highest point of the lift.

For a modification, you can place a pad or mat underneath the barbell if your lower abdomen is sensitive. You can also perform the barbell hip thrust with one or two dumbbells in the same position, or use your body weight to get your body used to the movement.

Whenever you’re doing the exercise, be sure to avoid one of the most common mistakes in form, which involves the placement of your gaze.  “I often see people tilting the head up with their gaze towards the ceiling,” says Megan Davies, Beachbody Super Trainer. “This forces the rib cage to flare up and the back to arch, and though it feels like the barbell is getting higher, you’ll be taking the focus off of the glutes.” Instead, keep your gaze forward with your chin down and a rigid torso. “This ensures that the action comes from the hips only, maximizing your glute engagement,” she says.

Benefits of doing barbell hip thrusts

Working through barbell hip thrusts means that you’re strengthening crucial muscles within your body. “The exercise works the posterior chain, including your glutes and your hamstrings,” says Luke Milton, celebrity trainer and founder of Training Mate. “It also targets the muscles of the hip. These are the prime movers of the lower body.”

Since the exercise gives your glutes a major burn, it gives you a heads up in other workouts. “Glute stability is huge for athletic performance,” says Bailey. Your glutes are made up of so many different muscles, all of which allow you to move efficiently through any lower body-focused workout. Davies says that strong glutes are essential to lifting, strength, and longevity, and even says that the barbell hip thrust “gives you the most activation through the glute max of any other exercise.”

Incorporating the exercise move into your workout routine also benefits your lower back. “Having a strong posterior chain and strong hip flexors goes a long way in the prevention of lower back pain,” says Milton. “The hip thrust also builds strength and stabilization through the lower back, which results in a healthier, more functional, and pain-free body.” And who doesn’t need that?

Alternative exercises to try

To round out your exercise routine, incorporate these moves that target the same muscles but get your body working in different ways.

1. Wide stance squats

Bailey is a fan of this squat variation if you’re looking to continue burning your glutes. “This is my favorite alternative because it gives you the same glute engagement but offers more core and quad recruitment,” he says. His tip? Hold a glute squeeze for two to three seconds at the bottom for extra oomph.

Stand with your feet wider than hip-width apart (about twice as wide as your hip width) with your feet turned slightly outwards. Squat down as if you’re sitting in a chair, keeping your torso tall. Turn your knees out as you squat and lower until your thighs are parallel to the ground. Press from the bottom of your heels to push back up. You can do this with or without weights.

2. Barbell deadlift

The barbell deadlift, which Milton recommends, hits your glutes and hamstrings but also works on core stability and your balancing skills.

From standing, place your hands on a barbell with your feet hip-width apart and a slight bend in your knees. Engage your core as you lift the bar, keeping your arms straight as you engage your hamstrings and glutes. Keep your back flat as you engage your glutes and hamstrings. Then return to the starting position.

3. Lumbar hyperextension

Another exercise Milton likes to add in with barbell hip thrusts is the lumbar hyperextension, which involves using a weights machine.

Place your hips on a hyperextension machine, then fold from your hips and lift your body using your glutes, hamstrings, and erector spinae (muscles along the spine).

4. Glute bridge

The classic glute bridge is a tried-and-true move for hitting your glutes and hamstrings, and also for strengthening your hip flexors. Davies says that this exercise is almost identical to the muscle recruitments done in a barbell hip thrust. Her tip? “I even like reversing the position as you progress and put your heels on a bench or stability ball with your back on the floor and performing the glute bridge that way,” she says.

Lie on the ground with your knees bent, feet hip-width distance apart. Your fingertips should be able to reach your heels. Engage your glutes and hamstrings to raise your hips high, keeping your upper back on the mat. Release back down.

5. Kettlebell swing

If you’ve got a kettlebell or a heavy dumbbell to work with, the kettlebell swing is great for strengthening your lower body muscles and your core.

From standing, place your feet a little wider than hip-width apart. Bend down into a deadlift position with your weight between your feet on the floor. Grab the weight and squeeze your arms together as you lift it off of the ground. Start with some momentum to swing it from your hips in a thrusting movement. Push your hips back and then forward as you use your glutes and hamstrings, and keep your core tight and your back straight.

6. Single-leg deadlift

With this deadlift variation, you’re not only hitting your glutes and hamstrings but also improving your overall balance.

Stand tall with your weight in the opposite hand of the planted leg. With a slight bend in your standing knee, press your tailbone back as you raise your other leg and lower the weight towards the ground. Square your hips to the mat and keep your back flat when you’re lowered. Make sure the floating leg has a flexed foot.

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Grip Strength Is the Little-Known Secret to Better Overall Fitness—Here’s Why

When you think about your body’s overall strength, it’s easy to overlook certain skills that come into play just as much as your major muscles do. Those include things like joint flexibility, agility, endurance, and—maybe the least discussed fitness skill—grip strength.

If you are assuming that grip strength is literally how hard you can hold onto something, you’re correct. It sounds simple, but having that capability comes into play in almost every workout and in every day movements. According to André Crews, Ladder teams coach, your hands and forearms are “the gatekeepers to functional fitness,” and these are the parts of your body that are in charge of how well you grip. Keep scrolling for everything you need to know about the fitness skill, including how to improve it.

What is grip strength

Technically, grip strength goes beyond being able to just hold something in your hands. “It’s the physical ability to hold onto and maintain control of an external object in your hands for an extended period of time,” says Crews. Being able to do this uses both hand and forearm strength. “Grip strength is a measure of muscular strength or the maximum force generated by one’s forearm muscles,” says Nicholas Poulin, trainer and founder of Poulin Health and Wellness, who adds that it’s often a measurement of upper body strength.

Even if you’re able to squat with super-heavy weights or do pull-ups until you’re red in the face, your training capacity will be limited if you don’t have good grip strength, says Crews. “If you cannot physically hold onto a dumbbell, kettlebell, or barbell, your physiological results [of your workouts] will be limited,” he says.

Grip strength entails a number of different grips, so it’s not just wrapping your fingers around a pole or a weight. Poulin points to the following varieties of grips that you can use in your workouts: supinated (palms facing up); pronated (palms facing down); neutral (palms facing toward one another); and hybrid (variations between two).

Your grip can vary depending on what you’re holding, too. Besides holding onto an external object (like weights), Crews says that a barbell hook grip places the index and middle finger over the thumb to create a structural grip on heavy loads. “Then there’s holding up your own bodyweight, like on a pull-up bar or TRX traps,” he says. “And a gymnastics hook grip places the thumb over the index and middle finger to activate an extra muscle in the forearm.”

Why grip strength is so important

Without proper grip strength, a slew of muscle imbalances and injuries could happen as a result. “If your grip and forearm muscles are not conditioned with mobility, strength, and endurance, then the result winds up being the frustrating chronic repetitive motion injuries that plague both office workers and athletes alike,” says Poulin. Think conditions like tennis elbow (lateral epicondylitis) and medial epicondylitis (pains anywhere on the inside of the elbow and forearm). “People who work on a computer often get one or both of these same issues,” he says.

Because your wrist plays a big role in your grip strength, not having good mobility in that joint means that your grip will be weak, which can then lead to certain kinds of injuries. “Your wrist is one of the most complex joints in the body, and it has a high involvement in nearly every activity we do,” says Kimberly O’Laughlin, certified trainer and SportsArt regional sales manager. “Limited mobility of the wrist leads to limited movement, less blood flow, and often pain. If the wrist is stiff and weak, your grip will be directly affected, and other parts of your body will begin to compensate.”

Benefits of having good grip strength

When you have solid grip strength, everyday tasks become much easier. “With proper grip strength, everything from carrying your purse or briefcase or luggage to carrying groceries, using a screwdriver, painting, maintaining better control of your dogs on a leash, and picking up or playing with your children all becomes easier,” says Crews. Hence why trainers say that the skill is a staple element of functional fitness.

Also, grip strength allows you to do more in your workouts. “You can increase your intensity and drive faster neuromuscular adaptation with good grip strength,” says Crews. He brings up an example of one person who’s able to hold onto dumbbells for 20 deadlifts without stopping, while another person can only hold onto dumbbells for 12 reps. The first person has better grip strength, so they are able to build more muscle in a shorter period of time.

What to watch out for before working on your grip strength

Though everyone can benefit from improving their grip strength, some people can be more susceptible to injuries. Poulin’s number one tip in working on the fitness skill? Start out light. “Begin by modifying some of your regular lifting so that it’s more grip-intense, and from there, add more work,” he says. For example, he recommends using a towel as your handle when doing rows for a while to get your hands working more.

Be sure to move slowly when you’re just beginning to work on your grip. “I like to suggest one or two grip-intensive lifts per week for two weeks,” says Poulin. “After two weeks, move up to two workouts. Then, after a month, shoot for workouts where you can train the grip with serious intention up to three times a week.”

When you’re focusing on this, watch the volume that you’re working with. “When performing grip lifts, think of training volume as the number of sets and reps in a workout,” says Poulin, who recommends staying in the three to five sets of three to five reps zone as a beginner before progressing.

Another key factor in increasing your grip is working on your wrist mobility—not just grip-focused exercises. “If your forearms are tight—which happens if you type or text all day—you will be limited in your ability to grip properly,” says Crews. Stretch your wrists regularly, and incorporate myofascial release (aka massage) with something like a lacrosse ball on a daily basis to improve your mobility.

You could also work through these wrist-strengthening exercises and stretches for improved mobility:

8 exercises that’ll improve your grip strength

1. Dead hang

O’Laughlin recommends the basic dead hang. Grab a pull-up bar and hang for a specified length of time—aim for 15 seconds and add on from there—while maintaining a prone or supinated grip.

2. Farmer’s hold

Before trying a farmer’s walk, Crews suggests beginning with a hold. Grab something moderately heavy (like two gallons of water, one in each hand), stand tall with your shoulders down and back, and hold for 30 seconds. When you’re ready for a farmer’s walk, do the same thing, but slowly walk forward and backward as you keep a good posture and a strong grip on the weights.

3. Deadlift

Begin with your chest up, shoulders back, and your weight in your heels while standing. Grab dumbbells or a kettlebell from the floor and stand to full extension. Hinge at the hip and bend your knees as you keep your chest up until the weight touches the ground. Do 10 to 15 reps and four sets.

4. Kettlebell swing

Standing with your chest up and shoulders back, weight in your heels, hold one kettlebell between your legs. Stand and squeeze your glutes as you send the kettlebell into the air up to chest height. Maintain a strong grip and an upright chest as it swings back between your legs. Do 10 to 15 reps and four sets.

5. Barbell shrug

Poulin recommends incorporating the barbell shrug into your strength routine for a better grip. You can do this with a barbell, a trap bar, dumbbells, or a machine. Hold a barbell using a pronated (overhand) grip at shoulder-width in front of your hips with your arms straight. Stand holding the barbell with your shoulders back and head facing forward. Keeping your arms straight, raise your shoulders and traps towards the ceiling, pause for three seconds, then return to the starting position.

6. Reverse barbell wrist curl

“This exercise is solely to increase muscular endurance to the forearms, which transfers into the ability to have a stronger grip,” says Poulin. Hold a barbell (you can do this with a dumbbell too) with an overhand grip behind you, two to three inches from your lower back. With an upright posture, let the barbell roll onto your fingertips while keeping your arms straight. Then, make a fist and contract your forearms to grip the bar with a closed grip. That’s one rep. Be sure to do this slowly and avoid using momentum to move the barbell.

7. Resisted hand opening

Touch all of your fingertips together so your thumb is touching the tip of your other four fingers. Place a rubber band around the bendy part of your finger closest to your fingernail, and push your fingers against the band until your hand is open, as if you were giving someone a high-five. Bring your fingers back together. That’s one rep.

8. Pinch grip plate hold

Poulin likes this exercise since it trains your ability to hold onto something for an extended period of time. Place a 10-pound plate (or heavier) flat on the ground. Keep a bench or box nearby. If it can stand up on its own, have it stand up. Grab the plate with your right hand using just your fingers, keeping your thumb on one side of the plate. Stand straight up with the plate so that it’s at your side. Pause, then place it back on the bench or box. Repeat for five to 10 reps.

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