This Is Why You’re Having Trouble Balancing in Yoga Lunge Poses

Yoga really tests your balancing skills. From tree pose to extended side angle and handstands, practically half of a vinyasa flow involves bending your body and (hopefully) holding yourself up at the same time. When it comes to the different lunges in yoga, there’s one common mistake that could be making your balancing challenge even tougher than it needs to be.

Often, it’s easy to simply flow from downward dog straight into a lunge (like high lunge, warrior I, and warrior II) without much thought as to where your feet are placed. This is something that New York City-based yoga pro Lindsay Pirozzi sees all of the time, which can be behind your balancing struggles. “I think it’s unintentional, but more often than not, students are not aware of where to actually step,” she says. “So, stepping forward without thought, the feet typically land closer together.”

When your feet are close together and in line with each other, it becomes exceedingly harder to hold yourself up in a yoga lunge. Pirozzi likens it to standing on a tight rope. “That’s much more challenging than creating a wider base of support, where your feet are hip-width distance apart,” she says. This is especially helpful for beginners, but can also provide a boost to yogis of all levels. “The alignment in yoga postures can and should be modified to bring us more stability, clarity, and ease,” says Chloe Kernaghan, yoga instructor and co-founder of Sky Ting.

With more space between your feet in yoga lunges, you’ll also give more of a break to your hips. “For what we refer to as closed hip poses, like warrior I and high lunge, allowing feet to stay to their own side—usually in line with the hip socket or sitz bone—can help with balance and cause less distress in the hips and sacrum,” says Kernaghan. The key, though, is to not overdo it. Pirozzi warns not going too dramatically wide with your foot placement in yoga lunges. Her tip? Stick with about six inches apart, or hips-width distance.

And, since yoga looks different for everyone, don’t stress too much about whether your foot placement is not the same as your friend’s or your teacher’s. “As with much of the yoga practice, there isn’t one single right way to do a posture, and different lineages teach different practices,” says Kernaghan. “As a student, try out different techniques and see what makes the most sense for your body.”

To put this tip to work, try this 10-minute standing yoga flow that incorporates plenty of lunges:

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3 Ways To Evaluate the *Real* Sustainability of Your Favorite Beauty Brands

From formulation to packaging, beauty products go through more processes than I can count before they land in your bathroom cabinet. And with each and every step, brands make decisions that render the products more or less sustainable.

“We started making choices,” says Bee Shapiro, founder of fragrance brand Ellis Brooklyn. “You create the box and then you’re like, okay, well, do you want this regular stock or do you want this recycled responsibly ground paper stock?”

Shapiro, who is also a New York Times style section columnist, grew up in the Seattle area. After school activities often involved hikes in the nearby woods. “For me, nature was this very healing place,” she says. ” I can make this brand about me, [as a brand founder]. As I made these choices I was like, yes, I’m gonna pick the responsibly sourced forest paper. As we started making these choices along the way, our brand became sustainable.”

To figure out if your favorite brands are sustainable, Shapiro points to a few specific markers to be mindful of.

How to know if a beauty brand is *actually* sustainable

1. Find out how the brand sources its ingredients

For beauty products that use natural ingredients, the way they are grown can have a huge impact on the environment and the communities that farm them.

“Listen to how they describe the product and how their main ingredients are sourced,” says Shapiro. For Ellis Brooklyn, Shapiro pays close attention to how they source vanilla. “Vanilla is such a rare ingredient these days,” she says. “What we don’t want is a situation where we’re getting maybe a wonderful, gorgeous vanilla, but it’s getting sourced in an irresponsible way.”

2. Asses the packaging

“If you’re a conscious beauty brand, I think that once you start looking into the different options for paper stock, for example, you’re going to see that you have different options,” says Shapiro. “If I was a consumer, I would look for a company that actually has certifications of [their packaging materials]. Paper stock certified by the Forest Stewardship Council is a clear example, says Shapiro.

3. Make sure the brand is always working to move the sustainability goalpost

“That sustainable term is a moving goalpost,” says Shapiro. “It’s really tricky to be like, ‘Okay, my brand is 100 percent sustainable’—no! Because there’s always something more you could do. That’s something that’s become very important to us.”

For example, Shapiro aims to offset Ellis Brooklyn-related travel emissions by giving to the Carbon Fund. But, since they’re not traveling nearly as much during the pandemic, they’ve shifted their attention to make the packaging more sustainable.

“Everything changes all the time,” says Shapiro. “There might be a better paper stock tomorrow. There might be a better way of sourcing two weeks down the line. So that’s why I keep saying moving goalpost. This is like a goal that we’ve decided to orient ourselves around, but we’re continually trying to be better.”

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