4 Biggest Smoothie Mistakes Keeping You From Blended Perfection

There’s no “wrong way” to make a smoothie, right? Well, actually it’s a little more complicated than that. According to registered dietitians, a few common mistakes are keeping your smoothie from reaching its full potential.

Smoothie “mistakes” can make a well-intentioned nutrient-rich breakfast or snack into something that’s about as healthy as ice cream. Want to make your smoothie as full of nutrients as possible while being delicious? Keep reading for advice from the experts.

The most common smoothie mistakes (and how to correct them), according from registered dietitians

The mistake: Too much fruit

“Often, people will make smoothies with a lot of fruit, which can create an imbalance with other nutrients,” says Melissa Rifkin, RD. There’s nothing wrong with fruit, but she says you want to make sure there’s other ingredients in there too, including something with protein and healthy fats. Otherwise, your smoothie isn’t going to be nutrient-dense enough to be truly satiating or nutritious.

The fix: Follow the “smoothie formula” of protein + fat + fruit + greens

To correct this mistake, Gillean Barkyoumb, RDN, recommends following this smoothie formula: protein + healthy fats + fruit + greens. You can experiment with the types of each you want to incorporate into your smoothie, but following this structure will ensure it has a good balance of nutrients.

This smoothie tastes like carrot cake in a glass:

The mistake: Not enough protein or healthy fats

One of the biggest mistakes registered dietitian Amy Schwarz, RD, says she sees people making also has to do with an uneven nutrient imbalance—but it isn’t with fruit. “Many people make their smoothies too carb-heavy and not with enough protein or healthy fats,” she says. Carbs digest more quickly than protein and healthy fats, so if your smoothie doesn’t have these nutrients, you’ll likely be hungry not too long after draining your glass.

The fix: Add ingredients with both protein and healthy fats

This is a smoothie mistake with an easy fix. Schwarz says to incorporate ingredients that are high in both protein and healthy fats so it rounds out your smoothie with just one touch. Greek yogurt or a nut butter (almond or peanut) make for a richer texture.

Peanut butter is a delicious smoothie ingredient:

The mistake: Disregarding portion size

Portion sizes can be tricky enough to think about when something is on a plate; it can be even more difficult when the food is being blended up into a liquid. “Sometimes, people will drink double the portion size without even realizing it,” Rifkin says.

The fix: Think about the portion size of each ingredient

This one just takes being a bit more mindful of how much of each ingredient you’re adding to your blender. With protein, Barkyoumb says to aim for at least 15 to 20 grams in total. When food is blended, it cuts down on its physical size.

This acacia fiber smoothie is fantastic for your gut health:

The mistake: Assuming smoothies can be made with only fresh fruits and veggies

Your crisper contains some of the best ingredients to incorporate into a smoothie, but it’s a big mistake to ignore frozen fruits and vegetables, says Barkyoumb. “My favorites are frozen spinach or frozen riced cauliflower,” she says.

The fix: Keep frozen fruits and vegetables in the front of your freezer so you don’t forget about them

Too often bags of frozen vegetables are completely forgotten about. Keep your frozen fruits and veggies in the front of the freezer so you’ll see them every time you peek inside. That way, you’ll remember to actually use them next time you fire up your blender.

There’s no shortage of smoothies you can make that deliver on nutrition just as much as they deliver on taste. The key, is striking a balance. Even while avoiding these common mistakes, there’s plenty of room to experiment. That’s the fun—and tastiest—part!

Fruits and vegetables are some of the healthiest freezer foods:

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How to keep yourself safe during corona pandemic


How to keep yourself safe during corona pandemic

Coronavirus is the name of the disease that is spreading throughout the world and causing great concern and fear in public. It is a respiratory and vascular disease caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-COV-2). The scientific name of this disease is Covid-19.

It spreads through respiratory droplets, when an infected person sneezes, coughs, or talk.


The first known human infections were in Wuhan, China in Dec 2019. Most cases were linked to the Huanan seafood wholesale market.

Today coronavirus is affecting 218 countries and territories around the world. More than 121,531,956 cases have been confirmed and  2,686,170  people have lost their lives. Right now the USA is the most affected country with coronavirus more than 30,240,799 cases and more than 549,605 deaths are confirmed.

Most countries have imposed a lockdown to stop its spread. Due to this lockdown, nearly half of the global workforce is at risk of losing their livelihoods.


People with corona may have these symptoms:


Emergency symptoms include difficulty in breathing, persistent chest pain or pressure, difficulty in walking, and bluish face and lips.

This disease can lead to complications like pneumonia, acute respiratory distress syndrome

Sepsis, septic shock, and kidney failure. Older adults and people with severe underlying health conditions are at high risk of developing more serious complications.

11 ways to protect your health
  1. Wear mask
  2. Avoid close contacts with others
  3. Avoid people who appear sick
  4. Stay six feet away from others in public
  5. Wash your hands with soap frequently for at least 20 seconds
  6. Use sanitizer if water and soap is not available
  7. Avoid touching your face especially with unwashed hands
  8. Take a healthy diet
  9. Stop smoking
  10. Avoid alcohol
  11. Exercise daily

Scientists from the whole world are racing to produce a corona vaccine. Researchers are testing 54 vaccines in clinical trials on humans and at least 87 vaccines on animals.

Drug companies have discovered the vaccine for corona. United States and United kingdom are using these vaccine for benefits. Many more countries are also trying to develop their own vaccines and in those India and china are in top of the list.