Managing PMS with yoga

While there are medications to help ease PMS, there is a natural way, a discipline that can help you overcome its side effects “Yoga”.
Premenstrual syndrome or basically PMS experienced only by ladies involves finding it hard to sleep and sleep. Ladies with PMS suffer a great degree of irritability, anxiety, depression, mood swings and other psychological interruptions. The idea here is that in case you require to reduce PMS signs and you require help in your PMS then you need to go look beyond what is being offered in your elderly medicine cabinet.
Controlled breathing thru yoga helps you in meditation. There's emotional signs of PMS that can be reduced in case you meditate. You can meditate and assume simple yoga positions at home.

Yoga allows you have more control on your body. It lets you ward off the signs of the dreaded PMS by focusing your energy in to the right channels. Different postures have different effects. If your PMS makes you irritable, anxious or makes you swing moods like crazy, then you can assume the asana that calms your body and mind. Other poses like lotus pose, crocodile, and cobra have specific helpful effects
As one author put it: Yogis view the body as an extension of the mind; therefore mind and body are one and the same. And if Yoga has that power, no wonder it can reduce PMS signs.