Common diseases linked to vitamin D deficiency

Sunlight is that the body's main supplier of Vitamin D that is critical for sturdy bones and teeth. Vitamin D is in virtually each tissue, therefore, it's vital for the health of the entire body. However, five hundredths of individuals over fifty have low levels of Vitamin D. Studies have shown that an absence of it will result in polygenic disorder, depression, cardiopathy, hip fractures, cramp, and disseminated multiple sclerosis.

If we do not get enough Vitamin D our cells will multiply too quick and grow to become malignant tumors increasing a risk of breast, colon, prostate, ovary, gullet and humor cancers. Lack of Vitamin D may also interfere with endocrine secretion therefore it might have an effect on polygenic disorder sufferers it absolutely was found in 'Archives of General Psychiatry' that deficiencies result in depression as a result of it affect the small endocrine glands behind the thyroid and that they become hyperactive manufacturing to abundant of an internal secretion that is commonly related to depression.

Other studies  show a link with Parkinson's with patients having very very low levels of vitamin D in their blood. While another study showed that lack of Vitamin D may lead to hip fractures in post-menopausal ladies making it difficult to absorb calcium and maintaining bone density and keeping the muscles sturdy. Studies show the older you get a lot of you need.

It is better to get sunlight at least 15 to 20 minutes twice a week to improve vitamin D level. We can easily check our  Vitamin D level through a blood test like we check our sugar or cholesterol.

Food wise best sources are salmon, mackerel, eggs, cod liver oil, and milk or farm foods, however, avoid farm if you've got sinus or condition to colds and contagious disease. Supplements  accessible to assist you get Vitamin D into the body and are available at the food store, however, this is often not nearly as good as a dose of excellent  sunshine.

Many scientists believe an excessive amount of sun can cause carcinoma . So balance the sun exposure to early morning sun and late noon sun.

Signs of vitamin D deficiency

Muscle and bone weakness
People with low Vitamin D levels are prone to depression
Chronic gum disease
High BP
Tired all the time
Mood swings
Allergy symptoms and overweight

Bloating and gas/How to get rid of stomach gas

Bloating and gas
Bloating and gas
Bloating and Gas

Bloating and gas are the common problems for many adults and some children .When our abdomen is filled with the air we feel bloated.One may feel that the stomach is hard and big. Some find it difficult to breathe also.

Causes of bloating and gas
There are so many causes of constipation,indigestion,food allergies, taking large meals,gulping food or drinking very rapidly , stress and anxiety etc.Common food that causes bloating is potato,cabbage,cauliflower, beans, apple, oats,onions and milk.

Prevention for bloating and gas

Avoid foods that are generally the cause for gas and bloating like sugar, fried food,fatty food.
Take plenty of water.
If you have constipation treat it.
Eat 5 to 6 small meals.
Regular exercise also helps to treat bloating and gas.
Take plenty of fruits and vegetables.

Home remedies for bloating and gas

For many decades ginger, pepper, cinnamon, basil,fennel and garlic are used to treat stomach gas.
Take any one of these and add one glass of water and boil for minutes and drink. You may some relief.Add papaya, pineapple also in the diet. If this problem is there for long, please consult a doctor.

Probiotics for gas and bloating
Probiotics help in treating gas problems. Probiotics are the good bacteria which are good for our digestion. Take yoghurt and buttermilk in your daily diet. 

How To Use Green Tea For Weight Loss

Green Tea For Weight Loss 

There is absolutely no denying the fact that the hype associated with green tea herb weight loss programs has a lot of substance and scientific assistance. Since information flow is so swift and quick nowadays that it becomes almost impossible to identify fact from fiction, research from rumor and real result from an advertising claim.

However, some hints and tips can give you head-start in your pursuit of shedding pounds through green tea weight reduction program.

Green tea herb and it is advantages
First of all, it is necessary to understand that this revolutionary weight reduction product, as termed by many, is actually tea in the purest and most unprocessed form. Camellia Sinensis is a plant or bush that golf course tea is extracted. The full process of making golf course tea involves nothing more than steaming the leaves, which preserves its 75 % natural ingredients.

The whole aim of steaming green tea leaves is the preservation of Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), an antioxidant which is magic ingredient in charge of nearly all the properties associated with green tea. In addition, experts have seen that there are a lot of factors that influence the quality of green tea. It is also a known reality that black tea has been used for many decades in India , China and Japan and the best quality of green tea is still available there.
Benefits of green tea
The benefits of tea can be derived from drinking tea as a beverage or as well as taking tea extract as a supplement.The substance in the green tea helps to break down the fat cells and thus helps in weight loss.Whenever you crave for sweets or any unhealthy food in addition to your meals , take green tea .It helps to reduce your cravings. Its better if you don't add sugar,milk or cream.

Health tips on thyroid/hypothyroid/hyperthyroid

Thyroid symptoms
What is thyroid?

The thyroid is a small butterfly shaped gland just below the bony prominence in front of our neck. This  gland produces thyroid hormones which is the main controller of our body metabolism.

Problems that can occur in thyroid gland:

It is basically of two types.

Over active thyroid (Hyper thyroid)

Under active thyroid (Hypothyroid)

What is hyperthyroidism?

The excess thyroid hormones results in rapid metabolism, this results in excessive energy utilization and this is known as hyper thyroidism.

Symptoms of hyperthyroidism

Anxiety , fast heart rate ,nervousness, increased perspiration, trembling in hands, muscle weakness, weight loss, moist warm skin, hair loss, decreased menstrual flow, increased frequency in bowel movements, goiter, eyes popping out from the sockets.


By testing the levels of thyroid hormones that is T3, T4, and TSH.


Under active thyroid is known as hypothyroidism. Mostly it occurs in adults. But may also occur in newborn and children.

Symptoms of hypothyroidism

Tired ,feeling cold, slow heart rate, poor memory, drowsy during the day even after sleeping all night, poor concentration, weight gain, muscle cramps, husky voice, dry skin, thinning hair, feeling depressed, heavy menstrual flow, infertility, goiter, milky discharge from the breast.


Diagnosis of the hypothyroidism can be done by testing the levels of thyroid hormones in the body  that is T3,T4,TSH.


Treatment of hypothyroidism is  replacing thyroid hormones  .

Hypothyroidism facts

If your thyroid levels are normal and if you are putting on weight, that weight gain is not because of thyroid.

Hypothyroidism  needs a lifelong treatment.

Blood thyroid are not necessarily given in the fasting state.

Thyroid pills should be taken early  morning in empty stomach.

Lifelong thyroid replacement is safe. There are no side effects.

Don’t change the brand of the thyroid medicine without consulting your doctor.

Don’t take calcium or iron or vitamin tablets within 4 hours of your thyroid pills.!!