Showing posts with label HealthTips. Show all posts
Showing posts with label HealthTips. Show all posts

दाद daad


           जिस व्यक्ति के शरीर में दाद निकलता है तो यह सबसे पहले सिर, हाथ-पैर, जांघ, गाल, दाढ़ी, लिंग, पेट या अण्डकोष में होता है।परिचय :

विभिन्न भाषाओं में नाम :








दद्रु, दाद


दाद्रा, दाद  


तादु, दद्दु




नायटा, गजकर्ण






पादई, इचिल थाजान्भ

 लक्षण : 

1. इमली :
2. मूली :
3. लहसुन : अगर दूध पीने वाले बच्चे को दाद हो जाये तो एक लहसुन की कली को जलाकर उसकी राख को शहद में मिलाकर दाद पर लगाने से लाभ होता है। दाद होने पर लहसुन को खाने के साथ दाद पर लगाना भी अच्छा रहता है।
4. गुलकन्द : गुलकन्द को दूध के साथ सेवन करने से दाद कुछ ही दिनों में मिट जाता है।
5. सुहागा :
6. नारंगी : नारंगी की पोटली बनाकर दाद पर बांधने से दाद ठीक हो जाता है।
7. तिल : 2 चम्मच तिल के तेल को गर्म करके उसमें तारमीरा का तेल मिला लें। फिर उसके अन्दर 2 चम्मच पिसी हुई राल और 1 चम्मच पीला मोम मिलाकर इसका लेप बना लें। इस लेप को दाद पर लगाने से दाद ठीक हो जाता है।
8. प्याज :
9. नींबू :
10. बथुआ : बथुए को उबालकर निचोड़कर इसका रस पी लें और इसकी सब्जी खा लें। बथुए के कच्चे पत्तों को पीसकर, निचोड़कर उसका रस निकाल लें। इस 2 कप रस में आधा कप तिल का तेल मिलाकर हल्की-हल्की आग पर पका लें। जब रस जल जाये और बस तेल बाकी रह जाये तो तेल को छानकर शीशी में भर लें। इस तेल को दाद पर लम्बे समय तक लगाते रहने से लाभ होता है।
11. नीम :
12. गाजर :
13. आलू : रोजाना कच्चे आलू का रस पीने से दाद जल्दी ही ठीक हो जाता है।
14. तुलसी :
15. अजवाइन :
16. मजीठ : मजीठ को शहद में घिसकर लगाने से दाद कुछ ही समय में ठीक हो जाता है।
17. मिर्च : 125 ग्राम लालमिर्च को लगभग 175 ग्राम सरसों के तेल में डालकर अच्छी तरह से उबाल लें। इसके उबलने के बाद इसे छान लें। लाल मिर्च का यह तेल लगाने से दाद जल्दी ही ठीक हो जाता है।
18. नमक : नमक को पानी में घोल कर लेप बनाकर हर 1 घंटे के बाद दाद पर लगाने से दाद ठीक हो जाता है।
19. बायविडंग : बायविडंग को पीसकर दाद पर लेप करने से दाद ठीक हो जाता है।
20. बांस : बांस की जड़ को घिसकर दाद पर लगाने से बहुत जल्दी लाभ होता है।
21. कबीला : कबीला (कमीला) को तेल में मिलाकर लगाने से दाद मिट जाता है।
22. हींग : दाद को खुजालकर उस पर हींग का लेप करने से दाद ठीक हो जाता है।
23. आक :
24. चना : 64 दिन तक लगातार बिना नमक के चने के आटे की रोटी खाने से दाद, खुजली और खून की खराबी दूर हो जाती है। इसके साथ घी भी ले सकते है।
25. हल्दी :
26. कासमर्द : कासमर्द के पत्तों का रस दाद पर लगाने से या पत्तों को पीसकर दाद पर बांधने से दाद ठीक हो जाता है।
27. बघण्डी : दाद के ऊपर बघण्डी का दूध लगाने से दाद ठीक हो जाता है।
28. चकबड : चकबड़ के बीजों को मूली के पत्तों के साथ या नींबू के रस के साथ पीसकर दाद पर लगाने से लाभ होता है। जिन रोगों में त्वचा सूज जाती है उनमें ये लेप बहुत ही लाभकारी असर करता है।
29. कनेर :
30. वनतुलसी : वनतुलसी के पत्तों का रस लगाने से दाद ठीक हो जाता है।
31. लिसोड़ा : लिसोड़ा के बीजों की मज्जा को पीसकर दाद पर लगाने से दाद मिट जाता है।
32. करंज : दाद को नाखून से खुजालकर करंज के बीज के तेल में नींबू का रस मिलाकर रोजाना 2 से 3 बार लगाने से दाद ठीक हो जाता है।
33. पारीष पीपल :
34. दही : दही में बेर के पत्तों को पीसकर दाद पर लगाने से दाद ठीक हो जाता है।
35. विसानी : विसानी के पत्तों को बारीक पीसकर दाद पर लगाने से दाद ठीक हो जाता है।
36. चूना : पुराना चूना और तिली के तेल को एकसाथ मिलाकर लगाने से दाद साफ हो जाता है।
38. बेर : बेर की कोंपलों (मुलायम पत्ते) और लहसुन की कली को जलाकर घी में मिलाकर लगाने से दाद मिट जाता है।
39. सोंठ : चंदन, सोंठ, सुहागा को बराबर मात्रा में पीसकर लगाने से दाद जल्दी ठीक हो जाता है।
40. अनार :
41. अंजीर : अंजीर का दूध लगाने से गुठली-दाद जल्दी ही ठीक हो जाता है।
42. गुलबच : गुलबंच की मींगी (बीज) को घिसकर लगाने से गुठली-दाद ठीक हो जाता है।
43. अमलतास :
44. सिंघाड़ा :
45. सेंधानमक : मिट्टी के तेल में सेंधानमक को चंदन की तरह पीसकर दाद पर लगाने से दाद बिल्कुल साफ हो जाता है।
46. कपूर : गंधक, कपूर और मिश्री को बराबर मात्रा में लेकर पानी के साथ पीसकर लगाने से दाद मिट जाता है।
47. गेंदा :
48. नारियल : 100 मिलीलीटर नारियल के तेल में 20 ग्राम कपूर को मिलाकर लगाने से दाद दूर हो जाता है।
49. सरसों :
50. कटहल : कटहल के गर्म पत्तों को पीसकर लगाने से एक्जिमा ठीक हो जाता है।
51. जमीकन्द : जमीकन्द की सब्जी को लगातार काफी समय तक खाने से दाद ठीक हो जाता है।
52. चमेली : पैर के दाद में या किसी भी प्रकार के त्वचा के रोगों में चमेंली के पत्तों को पीसकर लेप करने से लाभ होता है।
53. सतौना : सतौना (सतवन) के दूध को पैर के दाद में लगाने से दाद ठीक हो जाता है।
54. पपीता : पपीते का दूध दाद पर लगाने से दाद कुछ ही दिनों में ठीक हो जाता है।
55. केला : केले के गूदे को नींबू के रस में पीसकर दाद पर लगाने से दाद ठीक हो जाता है। इसको लगाने से पहले तो दाद सूजा हुआ लगेगा, लेकिन डरे नहीं इसे लगाते रहने से दाद जल्दी ही ठीक हो जायेगा।
56. करेला : त्वचा रोग से पीड़ित रोगी के लिए कड़वे करेले की सब्जी खाना बहुत ही लाभकारी है। इसके साथ ही इसके पत्तों को पीसकर जिस स्थान पर दाद हो वहां पर लेप करने से लाभ होता है।
57. गंधक : 1 लीटर मिट्टी के तेल में लगभग 4 ग्राम आंवलासार-गंधक डालकर बोतल को 1 महीने तक धूप में रखे रहने दें। फिर ध्यान रखें की बोतल पर चंद्रमा की रोशनी न पड़े और फिर रूई से यह तेल दाद पर लगाने से दाद बहुत जल्दी ठीक हो जाता है।
58. शहद : शहद के साथ मजीठ को पीसकर लगाने से हर प्रकार के दाद और त्वचा के रोग ठीक हो जाते है।
59. तूम्बी : तूम्बी के कोयले को घी के साथ पीसकर लगाने से गुठली-दाद समाप्त हो जाता है।
60. हरड़ : हरड़ और चकबड़ को कांजी के साथ पीसकर दाद पर लगाने से दाद ठीक हो जाता है।
61. विजयसार : विजयसार के पत्तों को पीसकर लेप करने से पैर का दाद ठीक हो जाता है।
62. कदम : जहां पर दाद हो उस स्थान को दाद से खुजालकर वहां पर कदम के पत्तों को पीसकर बांधने से आराम आ जाता है।
63. अंकोल : लगभग 0.6 ग्राम से 0.12 ग्राम अंकोल (अकोट) की जड़ की छाल को रोजाना 3 बार खाने से या इसके बीज का तेल या जड़ को पीसकर पैर के दाद और हर तरह के त्वचा के रोगों में लगाने से आराम होता है।
64. चालमोंगरा : दाद के ऊपर चालमोंगरा के तेल की मालिश या नीम के तेल की मालिश करने से 1 महीने में दाद ठीक हो जाता है। इसके 10 ग्राम तेल को 50 ग्राम वैसलीन में मिलाकर रख लेते हैं और काफी समय तक इसका प्रयोग करते रहते हैं।
65. ढाक :
66. मालकांगनी : मालकांगनी को कालीमिर्च के बारीक चूर्ण के साथ पीसकर दाद पर मलने से कुछ ही दिनों में दाद ठीक हो जाता हैं।
67. ग्वारपाठा : गाय की छाछ में ग्वारपाठे के बीजों को दाद पर लगाने से लाभ मिलता है।
68. छोंकर : छोंकर के पत्तों को गाय के दही में पीसकर लेप करने से लाभ मिलता है ।
69. दूब हरी : हल्दी के साथ बराबर मात्रा में दूब को पीसकर बने लेप को रोजाना 3 बार लगाने से दाद, खाज-खुजली और फुंसियों में आराम मिलता है।
70. मूंग : मूंग की दाल को छिलके के साथ इतने पानी में डालकर भिगों लें कि दाल उस पानी को सोख लें। 2 घंटे के भीगने के बाद दाल को पीसकर दाद और खाज पर लगाने से आराम आता है।
71. काली राई : काली राई को सिरके के साथ पीसकर लेप करने से दाद मिट जाता है।
72. ग्वारफली : ग्वारफली के पत्तों के रस और लहसुन के रस को साथ मिलाकर दाद (रिंगवर्म) पर लगाने से लाभ होता है।
73. गुलाब :
74. अखरोट : सुबह-सुबह बिना मंजन-कुल्ला किये अखरोट की 5 से 10 ग्राम गिरी को मुंह में चबाकर लेप करने से कुछ ही दिनों में दाद मिट जाता है।
75. निर्मली : निर्मली के बीजों को पानी में घिसकर लगाने से दाद, छाजन, आंख का फूला और दर्द आदि रोग समाप्त हो जाते हैं।
76. पोदीना :
77. शहतूत : शहतूत के पत्तों को पीसकर लेप करने से दाद ठीक हो जाता है।
78. भटकटैया : भटकटैया के 7 से 14 मिलीलीटर पंचांग (जड़, तना, फल, फूल, पत्ती) के रस को शहद के साथ दिन में 2 बार सेवन करने से दाद में लाभ मिलता है अथवा भटकटैया के 1 से 3 ग्राम पंचांग (जड़, तना, फल, फूल, पत्ती) का चूर्ण शहद के साथ दिन में 2 बार सेवन करने से दाद ठीक हो जाता है।
79. पवांड़ (चक्रमर्द) :-
80. बबूल : सांप की केंचुली में बबूल का गोंद मिलाकर दाद के स्थान पर पट्टी बांधने से लाभ होता है।

प्रसव उपरांत हो सकता है खून की कमी (Postpartam animia in hindi)

प्रसव के उपरांत हो सकता है पोस्टपार्टम एनीमिया (Postpartam animia in hindi)

प्रसव उपरांत महिलाओं में कई प्रकार की समस्याएं होती है। ऐसा इस दौरान शरीर में आनेवाले कई परिवर्तन के कारण होता है। ऐसी ही स्थिति में 'पोस्टपार्टम एनिमिया' (Prasav ke uprant khoon ki kami) की शिकायत होती है।  

डिलिवरी के एक से डेढ़ माह के बाद यदि हीमोग्लोबिन (hemoglobin) की मात्रा 12 ग्राम प्रति डीएल से कम रहता है, तो इस अवस्था को पोस्टपार्टम एनिमिया (postpartam animia) कहते हैं। महिलाओं के शरीर से लोहे का कुछ अंश बच्चे में जाता है। समान्यत: यह देखा जाता है कि प्रसव के बाद शरीर में खून (Prasav ke baad khoon ki kami) की मात्रा में बृद्धि होती है। स्तनपान कराने के दौरान पीरियड भी नहीं होता है। इससे शरीर में खून बना रहता हैं। वैसे भी बच्चे के जन्म होने के बाद मां एवं परिवारजनों का ध्यान बच्चे में लग जाता है। एक अध्ययन में पाया गया है कि डिलिवरी के बाद 30% महिलाओं में पोस्टपार्टम एनिमिया होता है।
Postpartam animia in hindi

क्या है प्रमुख लक्षण

आम तौर पर शुरुआत में इसके  लक्षण पता नहीं चलते हैं। इस रोग में कमजोरी होना, सिर में दर्द रहना, चक्कर आना, थोड़ा चलने पर सांस फूलना, धड़कनं बढ़ जाना आदि इसके लक्षण हो सकते हैं। इसके अलावा चिड़चिड़ापन भी महसूस होता हैं। किसी भी काम में मन नहीं लगता है। काम करते समय ध्यान भटकता है। बाल झड़ने लगते हैं। कुछ महिलाओं में दूध न उतरने की भी शिकायत होती है। डिप्रेशन और संक्रमण आदि के लक्षण भी देखने को मिलते हैं।

क्या है इसका उपचार

अधिक-से-अधिक आयरन युक्त फूड लें। इससे प्राकृतिक रूप से आयरन की कमी दूर होती है। इससे साइड इफेक्ट का भी खतरा नहीं होता है। बच्चे को स्तनपान कराएं। आयरन और फोलिक एसिड की गोलियां तीन महीने तक लें। यदि आयरन की गोलीयां लेने में किसी प्रकार की कोई परेशानी हो, या इससे साइड इफेक्ट होने का खतरा हो, तो आयरन का इंजेक्शन भी लिया जा सकता है। इस अवस्था में पेट के कीड़े होने की आशंका भी होती है। यदि इसकी शिकायत हो, तो इसकी दवा अवश्य लेनी चाहिए।

किन्हें हो सकता है 

 गर्भावस्था के बाद एनिमिया होने के कई कारण होते हैं। इनमें कुछ प्रमुख कारण इस प्रकार हैं:-
  • वैसी महिलाएं, जो प्रेग्नेंसी के दौरान आयरन और फोलिक एसिड की गोलियां ठीक से नहीं लेती है।
  • महिला को पहले से एनिमिया हो और प्रसव के बाद अधिक प्लीडिंग हुई हो।
  • बच्चों के बीच अंतर नही रखने पर भी यह समस्या हो सख्ती है।
  • वजन अघिक रहना भी एक कारण है।
  • कम उम्र में मां बनने से।
  • जुड़वा बच्चे होना भी इसका एक कारण है।
यदि आपके साथ ये समस्याएं हो, तो आपको इस प्रकार के एनिमिया का खतरा ज्यादा होता है। इसकी जांच हीमेटोक्रेट के माध्यम से की जाती है। इस समस्या से बचने के लिए डिलिवरी के 6 सप्ताह के भीतर ही हीमोग्लोबिन की जांच (Hemoglobin test) करा लें।

Healthtips on allergy/allergic rhinitis/seasonal allergy symptoms

allergy symptoms, prevention
Allergy rhinitis is an inflammation in the nasal passages with watery nasal discharge and itching in the nose and eyes.  Generally 60 % of all the patients have symptoms of allergic rhinitis even before the age of 30. Many won’t take the symptoms very seriously until the onset. This is common equally in male and female population. The main reason is exposure to dust, seasonal pollens, increased pollution from vehicles, harmful gases from factories, dust from cotton mills and genetic. There are more chances of passing this disorder from parents or grandparents to the children. Generally allergic rhinitis patients will also have cough, sneezing, wheezing, and cold, running nose, head ache and the airways will become narrow causing difficulty in breathing. This generally disturbs the patients in the early morning.

Some other allergy types are sinus allergy, milk allergy , pet allergy, wheat allergy.  Actually i suffered for almost 15 years with sinus. Even surgery gives short term relief.  From my experience, homeopathy gives better relief for allergy.
Avoid foods like

Tomato, vinegar and pickles

Cold aerated drinks, ice creams and anything cold

Mango, watermelon, lemon grapes etc

Oily, starchy foods and chocolates.

Healthy way to beat the cold

Common cold is caused by viruses and we can treat the symptoms. During winter month’s cold is common in every household especially in children. Everyone can take some small preventive measures against the cold virus infections. Quality sleep is good for a better immune system We all know that minimum 8 hours of sleep is important for everyone.

In 2009 a research study gave a conclusion that people who regularly get 8 hours of sleep and a better quality sleep are immune to cold. So there is a direct connection between your sleep and cold .Cold spreads during the winter because people tend to stay indoors. If there is a person who has cold at home there are high chances of contracting the infection.

Prevention is better than cure.

If cold drinks or any food item or ice creams are allergic to you in winter avoid it. Proper hygiene is very important to avoid cold infections.Keep your hands and household sanitized .If you come across door handles or lift in any public places wash your hands with sanitizer. Use disposable towels or tissues to prevent spread of virus If you have already infected with cold drink plenty of hot soups, hot liquids. Avoid fried items , take light food.

Regular exercise will boost the immunity:

Be active to flush out the bacterias from lungs.

Any form of exercise will temporarily increase the body temperature which in turn stops bacteria from growing.

Exercise reduces the release of stress harmones .

Healthy natural and effective methods of digestion

Digestion is very important for a healthy life. The digestive system breaks down the food you eat. It occurs in the gastrointestinal tract-20 to 30-foot long tube extending from the mouth to the anus.
Poor digestion will lead to plenty of issues. Obesity is the main problem . Unhealthy food, stress, junk food, toxins are the few causes for the poor digestion.
Though there are plenty of products in the market, it is essential to pick natural methods to treat digestion issues. Below are definite effective methods that can help you lead a healthier and happier life:
Herbal teas- It is important to make herbal teas such as peppermint and chamomile teas as part of your every day diet. These teas can help your digestive method provide the definite soothing effect by making you feel lighter and energetic.
Avoid foods that are intolerant or allergic to you.

Take plenty of fiber in your diet. It helps in rapid digestion.
Chew food properly- It is necessary to improve your eating habits by chewing your foods slowly and in a proper manner. Eating in a jiffy can lead to various health issues such as constipation and improper bowel movements. So, in order to improve your digestive method, it is important to enjoy your food slowly and steadily by taking all the flavors in.

summer health tips/Daily Health Tips |

Weather is turning hot and sultry, it is good to increase your intake of fluids and take precautions if you are spending long hour’s outdoors. Carry water bottle wherever you go. Instead of taking energy drinks, take nimbu paani, coconut water or fresh juices. That is good for health.Don”t wait till you feel thirsty. Keep sipping water in between. Body gives some signs if it is dehydrated. If your urine is yellow or if you feel very tired or if the heart rate is increasing, immediately stop going out in summer and take rest and take a well balanced diet.

Daily Health Tips 
Avoid extreme hot or cold drinks and avoid red meat.
Wear a light cotton dress. Allow your skin to breathe.
Use a sunscreen lotion when you go out to avoid sunburn.
Ask children to take plenty of water, buttermilk, sherbet, nimbu paani when they are playing out for a long time.
Allow children to go to the swimming classes.
Encourage children to play inside during peak summer.
Eat smart, small, light meals with plenty of water, soups and juices.

Turmeric benefits/curcumin/Haldi

Turmeric comes from the root of the Curcuma longa plant. Turmeric has 4000 years history. It is a strong healer. Researches have proved that turmeric is used in the treatment of many diseases from inflammation, ulcer, infections, and cancer to Alzheimer's disease. Turmeric can be added to our daily food. It’s even accessible in pill form in 250mg and five hundred mg capsule form.

Why should we add turmeric to our daily diet?

Turmeric is  the best natural antiseptic and antibacterial agent.

It is a good decongestant.

Boosts the immune system.

It is a detoxifier.

It fastens the wound healing method.

It is a natural painkiller.

It has shown promising result in weight management and lowers the cholesterol levels.

Chinese are using turmeric drugs to cure depression.
Helps in chemo drug paclitaxel and reduces facet effects.

It helps within the treatment of psoriasis and alternative inflammatory skin conditions.


People with gallstones or bile issues shouldn't use turmeric.

Top 5 weight loss food

Weight loss can be achieved with diet and exercise; there are some foods that will help us in losing weight. Here we are going to see the top 5 effective weight loss foods.
Lean proteins help in building muscle. High-fat proteins are bad for your health, weight, size. It is also widely known that highly processed meats are linked to sure health risks, diseases. Make it a habit of eating wholesome, lean proteins like fish, chicken breast, turkey breast, flank steak or vegetables.
A vegetable
 that is high in fibre is low in calories. They also may contain high amounts of water that can be rich in minerals. The natural fibre can help you feel full, helping you to keep away from over eating. It can also act as a natural cleanser of your digestive tract, clearing waste, debris that can add pounds, make you feel sluggish. Look for vegetables like cabbage, celery, lettuce.

Spices are metabolism boosters, we can use spices in our diet for a healthy weight loss. Try to avoid food from outside. Homemade dishes are healthy, low in calories, high in nutrition. Shallow fried dishes are good for health, simple, delicious when we use plenty of fresh vegetables, lean proteins, spices like ginger, garlic, cayenne pepper. This combination will even help you burn body fat.
 is an important part of your weight loss diet. Water helps to clean your body’s blood, lymph, even liver, kidneys. You can start your day with two glasses of water and make sure you drink 8 glasses of water during the day. Many people don’t drink water while in the office Water fills the stomach and lessons the appetite... Lime juice is natural body cleanser. Try to take lime juice at least once in a day. 

Green tea is a dieter’s choice for those looking to lose stomach fat. Research has consistently shown for years that those who added green tea to their everyday weight loss diet lost more stomach fat than those who didn’t. This may be why green tea is also related to healthy heart, reducing the risk of heart issues. Healthy lifestyle creates a healthy body and healthy mind. The foods you eat can help your body work more effectively so it can drop the pounds.  So select a weight loss plan wisely and don’t forget to see your doctor in case you take medications or if you have any other health issues before starting a weight loss regime.

Nutritional value of banana

Many of us think banana as a non-diet friendly fruit. But bananas are low in the glycaemic index, excellent for digestion, initiate fat burning and have insoluble resistance starch. We can take bananas in our breakfast or as a pre- gym fruit. Bananas are a storehouse of goodness.

One medium banana has 1.29 grams of protein, 3.1 grams of dietary fibre, and 105 calories.Banana also contains
Potassium - 422 mg
Phosphorus - 26 mg
Magnesium - 32 mg
Calcium - 6 mg
Sodium - 1 mg
Iron - 0.31 mg
Selenium 1.2 mcg
Manganese - 0.319 mg
Copper - 0.092 mg
Zinc - 0.18 mg
Also contains small amounts of other minerals.

Bananas are rich in carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals, fibre and are a good source of energy. It has high potassium levels which help to lower blood pressure. Studies have proved that bananas help to reduce depression due to its content Tryptophan. Its fibre content helps to reduce constipation. Iron helps those with anaemia.

Anyone who works out in the gym can take banana before working out because the natural sugar in the banana gives instant energy. For a complete breakfast try taking a banana with cornflakes or oats, almonds, milk and egg. So it is a great way to kick-start your day and keep you going.

Backache - Symptoms, Causes, Treatments

A sedentary lifestyle, bad posture, stress and overdependence on technology could leave you with a constant backache. But experts say sometimes the problem can be easily sorted out with the right diagnosis and a little care.

Experts point out that the problem of lower back pain is fairly common. About 80 per cent experience pain at some point in life.

"The major culprits of back pain, especially in young adults, is stressful and long working hours stretching up to 12 hours and more, lack of properphysical activity, bad habits such as reading while lying down, slouching in front of the TV, etc, coupled with weight issues," B.K. Dhaon, head of the department of orthopaedics at Sharda Hospital, said.

What comes as a surprise is that fitness-conscious youngsters, who are regulars at gyms, also suffer from it. In such cases, bad sitting posture is often to be blamed, says Amit Kumar Mishra, an orthopaedic surgeon.

"Abnormal sitting posture is the main culprit in youngsters who are otherwise fit and fine. These people have everything, including a healthy diet and nutrition, but the back is overstressed due to a non-compliant posture for long durations," he added.

Some example of bad posture are slouching or bending forward while working on the computer or reading in a lying position.

But there are some medical reasons too for constant backaches.

"Acute back strain, sprain due to injury, lifting of heavy weights. In old age, osteoporosis and fracture due to lack of calcium in the body can also lead to backache," said Dhaon.

"Back pain also occurs during and after pregnancy. This is because of two reasons: there is extra weight and hence extra pressure on the lower back and due to the hormonal changes during this time, the ligaments of the lower spine get relaxed and become more prone to pain," he added.

Under normal circumstances, Rajesh Verma, consultant orthopaedic at Artemis Health Institute, says one can keep the problem away by taking care of his or her sitting postures.

"Sit with your back straight and your shoulders back. Your buttocks should touch the back of your chair. Bend your knees at a right angle. Do not sit with your knees crossed. Keep your knees even with or slightly higher than your hips," he said.

"Keep your feet flat on the floor. Try to avoid sitting in the same position for more than 30 minutes. At work, adjust your chair height and work station so you can sit up close to your work. Rest your elbows and arms on your chair or desk, keeping your shoulders relaxed," he added.

A healthy diet and better lifestyle can help as well.

"It is important to get up and become active if one has a sedentary lifestyle. Also, maintaining a healthy weight is required. Paying attention to how much calories you take and burn and making a habit of choosing healthier foods coupled with regular exercise help in maintaining a healthy back," said Dhaon.

Experts also suggest it is important not to ignore back pain and identify the exact reason behind it at the right time.

"Back pain should not be taken lightly when the following red flag signs are present - night pain, radiating pain down to the legs, numbness, sensory deficit or weakness," said Mishra.

"The problem of sciatica which is caused by the irritation of the sciatic nerve is very common and is often misdiagnosed. Hence getting to the root of your backache is a prerequisite for speedy recovery," he added.

Dhaon also suggests if the back pain persists for a week or more, it is time to consult a doctor who can help you in identifying whether your backache is due to an irritated nerve, muscle injury, a slip disc, some other underlying disease or bad posture.

Yoga and meditation on a daily basis also help to relieve the problem. Asanas like shawasana and naukaasana too can help, says Verma.

Reports suggest that psycho-social factors such as stress, anxiety, depression and mental stress also cause back pain.

Omega-3 reduces anxiety in healthy youths

A new study has found that consumption of more omega-3 fatty acids, a main compound present in fish oil, reduces both inflammation and anxiety in healthy young people.

The findings by a team of researchers at Ohio State University suggest that if young participants can get such improvements from specific dietary supplements, then the elderly and people at high risk for certain diseases might benefit even more.

Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, such as eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), have long been considered as positive additives to the diet.

Earlier research suggested that the compounds might play a role in reducing the level of cytokines in the body, compounds that promote inflammation, and perhaps even reduce depression.

Psychological stress has repeatedly been shown to increase cytokine production so the researchers wondered if increasing omega-3 might mitigate that process, reducing inflammation.

To test their theory, they turned to a familiar group of research subjects medical students.

Half the students received omega-3 supplements while the other half was given placebo pills.

We hypothesized that giving some students omega-3 supplements would decrease their production of pro-inflammatory cytokines, compared to other students who only received a placebo, said Janice Kiecolt-Glaser, professor of psychology and psychiatry.

Martha Belury, professor of human nutrition and co-author in the study explained, The supplement was probably about four or five times the amount of fish oil you'd get from a daily serving of salmon, for example.

Psychological test clearly showed an important change in anxiety among the students.

Those receiving the omega-3 showed a 20 per cent reduction in anxiety compared to the placebo group.

We took measurements of the cytokines in the blood serum, as well as measured the productivity of cells that produced two important cytokines, interleukin-6 (IL-6) and tumour necrosis factor alpha(TNFa), stated Ron Glaser, professor of molecular virology, immunology and medical genetics.

We saw a 14 per cent reduction in the amounts of IL-6 among the students receiving the omega-3.

Since the cytokines foster inflammation, anything we can do to reduce cytokines is a big plus in dealing with the overall health of people at risk for many diseases, he concluded.

The study was recently published in the journal Brain, Behavior and Immunity.

Eating cheese daily can give you cancer

New research suggests that a daily helping of cheese could increase the risk of bladder cancer.

Eating more than 53g – roughly the same size as a small chocolate bar – raises the chance of the disease by 50 per cent.

On the other hand, a daily portion of olive oil, can more than halve the risk of getting the disease.


Researchers set out to discover if saturated fats, such as those found in meat and dairy products, made cancer more likely and healthier fats, such as olive oil, offered some protection.

They studied the eating habits of 200 bladder cancer victims and compared them with 386 volunteers who had not developed tumours.

The results showed eating cheese had little effect unless the amount exceeded 53g a day. After that, the risk went up by more than half.

But the Dutch and Belgian researchers stressed the numbers of people in the study may be too small to conclude that cheese is a major health threat and called for further investigations to verify their findings.

Other foods, such as fish, chicken, eggs and margarine, appeared to have little effect.

"We found a potentially protective effect from a high intake of olive oil and a suggestive increased risk from high cheese consumption," the Daily Mail quoted the researchers as saying.

The study was published in the European Journal of Cancer.

A Failure to Plan for weight loss Is a Plan for Failure

A failure to set goals won’t help you lose weight. Goal setting is one tool that will help to turn your weight loss efforts into weight loss success!

Everyone knows that it's nearly impossible to get where you want to be without a map to get there, right? This is what goal setting is about. Setting goals in the form of an ultimate goal, broken down into smaller goals, is the map you'll create to get the body you're dreaming of.

But not everyone knows how to set effective goals that will help him or her reach that ultimate goal. It's not enough just to say, “I'm going to lose 40 pounds and get a six-pack.” You have to create a very specific ultimate goal, and then specific milestones to reach along the way.

So your goals might look something like this:

Ultimate Goal: Lost 40 pounds in 25 weeks; define abs to the point that I am happy to show them off, tone the rest of my body so that everything is much firmer, reduce the look of cellulite on my thighs, and be able to wear skinny jeans without a blob of fat rolling over the top.

That's a tall order, but it's fairly specific. You know what you're shooting for.

But you'll need to add milestones to this goal, so you have smaller goals to shoot for and reach and then feel motivated to shoot for the next milestone.

Depending on your own self-motivation, you might make milestones pretty close together, to keep yourself going, or you might spread them out a bit. They might look like this:

Month One Goal: Lose 6 pounds by reducing your caloric intake by 500 – 750 calories a day. Exercise each day for 30 minutes (combination of cardio and abdominal focused exercise) to further use up another 150 - 250 calories per day. Explore new low-fat and low calorie recipes.

Month Two Goal: Lose another 6 pounds for a total of 12 pound lost. Continue with eating and exercise plan. Work up to more advanced levels of exercise and add interval training, creating a more intense workout and the possibility of burning more calories and fat slightly quicker weight loss. Clothes will be getting loose now!

This is how you set goals.
You might want to make your milestones closer together, like every two weeks. That's fine. Remember that your milestones should challenge you, but be reachable, so that you'll feel encouraged and motivated to keep going. If your milestones are too hard, you could get discouraged and give up!

Also be sure that your ultimate goal is realistic. If you have it in your mind that you're going to look like a movie star when you're done, you might need a reality check! It's not that it's impossible, but remember that they have plastic surgery readily available to do all sorts of nips and tucks.

They have personal trainers who help them work out – sometimes for several hours a day! And they’re used to living in a world where black coffee and a cigarette is considered to be a meal (no, this is not a good way to lose weight!).

It's been said that many of our most loved female entertainers eat no more than about 900 calories a day in order to stay super skinny and to look like we apparently think they should. First of all this is difficult to do, and second, it's not healthy as a long-term way to lose or maintain weight.

Trust me, if you follow the program I'm giving you in this book, you'll look awesome when you get to your ultimate goal, but you still have to be reasonable with yourself. Get a reality check and remember that you want to be healthy and happy, along with trim, and the owner of a great set of abs.

Don't be afraid to set goals and milestones. These act as great motivators and are wonderful for helping you to get to where you want to go. And remember that setting goals is a great way to accomplish anything.

Managing PMS with yoga

While there are medications to help ease PMS, there is a natural way, a discipline that can help you overcome its side effects “Yoga”.
Premenstrual syndrome or basically PMS experienced only by ladies involves finding it hard to sleep and sleep. Ladies with PMS suffer a great degree of irritability, anxiety, depression, mood swings and other psychological interruptions. The idea here is that in case you require to reduce PMS signs and you require help in your PMS then you need to go look beyond what is being offered in your elderly medicine cabinet.
Controlled breathing thru yoga helps you in meditation. There's emotional signs of PMS that can be reduced in case you meditate. You can meditate and assume simple yoga positions at home.

Yoga allows you have more control on your body. It lets you ward off the signs of the dreaded PMS by focusing your energy in to the right channels. Different postures have different effects. If your PMS makes you irritable, anxious or makes you swing moods like crazy, then you can assume the asana that calms your body and mind. Other poses like lotus pose, crocodile, and cobra have specific helpful effects
As one author put it: Yogis view the body as an extension of the mind; therefore mind and body are one and the same. And if Yoga has that power, no wonder it can reduce PMS signs.