Honey is a food which over time has graced the tables of many homes as an additive, sweetener or eaten alone. While it tickles our palate with its sweet and unique taste, it has also replaced sugars in teas and beverages for some people. Health challenges of people who are older than 40years of age necessitates the reduction of man made sugars in our diets and the craving for the one found in nature: Honey. With sugar been indirectly linked with diabetes, it is imperative that sugars are reduced to forestall its occurrence.
Sugars that can't be easily processed and saturated fats work together to bring people to the point of being overweight and sickly. While heredity could also contribute to being overweight, it can be easily managed once there is an understanding of the situation and how best to handle it. This is where Honey comes in. Taking of honey is an excellent home remedy for weight loss. It mobilizes the extra fat deposited in the body and puts it into circulation. The fats become utilized as energy for normal body functions. As processed sugars do not really show its downsides when one is younger but when older (as the body becomes weaker), its good advice to start the reduction in the intake of sugars now so as to forestall unnecessary hassles later in life.
Also read: -
- Fat Burning Foods for Weight Loss
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- Free Fat Burning Foods List
It is preferable in the morning to kick-start the day.
A teaspoonful of fresh lemon juice may also be added. Fasting on honey and lime juice is highly beneficial in the treatment of obesity without the loss of energy and appetite.
In this mode of treatment, one teaspoonful of fresh honey should be mixed with a juice of
half a lime in a glass of lukewarm water. It can be taken several times in a day at regular
Always remember: "live honey, love honey" and most of all, "your health is an asset".