Honey as a Weight Loss agent

Honey as a Weight Loss agent

Honey is a food which over time has graced the tables of many homes as an additive, sweetener or eaten alone. While it tickles our palate with its sweet and unique taste, it has also replaced sugars in teas and beverages for some people. Health challenges of people who are older than 40years of age necessitates the reduction of man made sugars in our diets and the craving for the one found in nature: Honey. With sugar been indirectly linked with diabetes, it is imperative that sugars are reduced to forestall its occurrence.

Sugars that can't be easily processed and saturated fats work together to bring people to the point of being overweight and sickly. While heredity could also contribute to being overweight, it can be easily managed once there is an understanding of the situation and how best to handle it. This is where Honey comes in. Taking of honey is an excellent home remedy for weight loss. It mobilizes the extra fat deposited in the body and puts it into circulation. The fats become utilized as energy for normal body functions. As processed sugars do not really show its downsides when one is younger but when older (as the body becomes weaker), its good advice to start the reduction in the intake of sugars now so as to forestall unnecessary hassles later in life.

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Even for as many as are overweight and want to shed weight but find it difficult, all hope is not lost yet. You have to: Believe in yourself enough to believe you can shed the excess weight then celebrate every kilogram of weight lost by buying yourself a present or treating yourself to a massage (there are possibilities here), be creative with presents for yourself. For weight loss, one should start with a small quantity of honey: about 10grams or a tablespoonful to be taken with hot water.
It is preferable in the morning to kick-start the day.

A teaspoonful of fresh lemon juice may also be added. Fasting on honey and lime juice is highly beneficial in the treatment of obesity without the loss of energy and appetite.

In this mode of treatment, one teaspoonful of fresh honey should be mixed with a juice of
half a lime in a glass of lukewarm water. It can be taken several times in a day at regular

Always remember: "live honey, love honey" and most of all, "your health is an asset".

Get A Bikini Body - Your Weight Is Not Important

When you are trying to get a bikini body you may not know that your total weight is not important. Your body fat percentage is.

What is body fat percentage?

Your body is composed of lean body mass and fat mass. The percentage of your total body weight which is fat is called your body fat percentage. When you look at bikini models you will see that they are very toned and fit. That is because their body fat percentage is low. They do not concentrate on their total weight, because when toning your muscles you will increase your lean body mass and so your total weight will increase due to the fact that lean body mass weighs more than fat. Even though they are skinnier and more toned, they weigh more than before!

Most of folks when they start a weight reduction regime tend to concentrate on a goal weight. They focus on getting to this weight and don't realise that body composition is considerably much more important.

Your body fat percentage is a much much better indicator of your wellbeing. There are different suggestions for body fat percentage levels, but the following come from the American Council on Exercise.

Females: Essential Fat 10-12%, Athletes 14 - 20%, Fitness 21 - 24%, Acceptable 25 - 31%, At Risk > 31%

Also read :-

Men: Essential Fat 2 - 4%, Athletes 6 - 13%, Fitness 14 - 17%, Acceptable 18 - 25%, At Risk > 25%

An illustration of how body fat percentage is a significantly better indicator of health instead of something like BMI would be "fat skinny" people.

Say I am a woman who weighs 154lbs and I am 5'6" upright. My BMI of 24.4 tells me that I am in a normal weight range. I after that go and determine my body fat percentage and the proportion of my body that is pure fat is 33%. This indicates I am actually at risk. I possess too much fat in contrast with lean body mass on my body and so I am in fact at risk even though my BMI tells me I am in the normal weight range.

The same can go the other way. Say I am a man body builder who is 6'4" tall and weighs 253lbs. Naturally this excess weight is muscle mass! My BMI would tell me that I am overweight and yet once I do my body fat percentage screening I possess a percentage of 8%. This actually indicates I am in the athlete class and not at all obese.

When you want to get a bikini body, Focusing on body fat percentage rather than total mass is one of the fat burning secrets not many folks know regarding implementing goals. It is a considerably far better indication on where you are health wise.

The other explanation is that muscle mass weighs far more than fat and so at times when you build much more lean mass you will see a gain on the scales which is truly excellent, because it signifies your body fat percentage has dropped and you are more healthy and leaner. Your muscle tissues simply weigh far more!